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Beck Water

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  1. Call the repairman! Posted because You Are Enough(tm) and I care!
  2. WTF? Let's be clear here. There is no "we". You're a Chiefs fan visiting here. No, we did not at all see Shakir's ceiling in 2023. We saw him being used in a somewhat different way in the first part of 2023 which changed after Brady took over. In 2024 he had more 1D, more TD, and more Y/G (while having less Y/R because of the Bills offensive changes under Brady). Shakir adapted to the changes and got 72% of his yards after catch in 2024.
  3. It's a guess, but let's just say there might be a reason why Richie Incognito wanted a funeral home to cut off his deceased father's head in 2018? Who knows, but a lot of bullies learn to bully at home....they get verbally and sometimes physically abused by parents in the guise of "tough love" and "toughening them up", and they take those behavior patterns with them to school and to sports and activities. And sure, drug use (including steroids) and mental problems played their role. As far as good on the field, actually.... Incognito was a mixed bag. Yes, he could be physical and dominating and athletic, all you want in an OL. But he had a reputation for stupid penalties...I think his final year in St Louis he had 3 personal foul or UR penalties....IN ONE GAME! leading to the head coach screaming on the sideline "WHAT THE ***** IS WRONG WITH THAT *****?"
  4. Reid has 5 kids (4 living). His 2 middle kids, daughters Crosby and Drew, seem to live out of the limelight. How do you know they are train wrecks? His youngest, son Spencer, is now a S&C coach for the Chiefs but he seems a bit legit having worked for 4 college programs before being hired. Do you know any evil of him? Garrett was a train wreck and Britt may still be a train wreck unless permanently damaging a young girl changed him
  5. I had the same question. @Buffalo716 any tea?
  6. I understand your point that players take time to adjust to the NFL and to develop, and that fans get impatient with the need for development. But it seems to me there's a valid counter-point that other teams get immediate strong contributions, especially from their 1st round and Day 2 picks - and that one difference between the Championship teams and the Bills, may be the lack of such immediate contributions.
  7. I don't care if it's limited to Richie Incognito. If it happens, it's wrong. "Whataboutism" is no defense. (And by the way, "testimony" is a specific word with connotations of a formal, even a sworn, statement - which appearing on Sal's podcast is not) Does it really need to be said? If Bills DB coach John Butler was "literally destroying" his assistant, not with criticism of his OJP or banter but with racial or sexual slurs, then John Butler is a jerk and maybe there's a reason he and the Bills "mutually decided to part ways" and why he was out of the NFL last year.
  8. And that you have Gold Plated medical insurance
  9. OK, so we agree Cook is not, in fact, the best weapon on offense. He's an excellent weapon, and we agree that I want Buffalo to keep all its offensive weapons, and keep them happy if we can. That definitely means negotiating with Cook and trying to get him an extension while he's still under contract. It doesn't mean pay him $15M The Bills tried to buy a Superbowl when they signed Von Miller. We know how that story ended - not well for the Bills.
  10. Don't forget the stuff about "running train" on Martin's sister.
  11. Actually, Martin got the investigation started by leaving the team. Martin sat down at the OL table for lunch, and the entire OL got up and left the table, leaving him alone. Martin responded by throwing down his tray and leaving the building and staying away. Since Martin was a high 2nd round pick of whom much was expected, that, not unnaturally, had Dolphins brass, Martin's large and successful family, and everyone else wondering "just what's up with that?" And we were off.
  12. Ever hear the phrase "Go along to Get Along"? There's a hierarchy in every workplace. There's also a workplace culture. Take a culture where toxic, verbally and sometimes physically abusive behavior is openly tolerated or even encouraged by management (which, the Wells report concluded, was the case with the Dolphins). Now take someone like an assistant trainer who is near the bottom of the hierarchy, trying to make a living and easily replaced. Of course they're going to either stone-face or laugh off treatment by the Big Shots, the star players. Doesn't mean they don't experience it as humiliating and inappropriate Does mean that if they "read the room" and see management as condoning or even encouraging that kind of behavior, they're not gonna bother reporting it.
  13. One little caveat: I don't agree that being dangerous, per se, means you can not be good. But that really depends upon one's definition of dangerous. I think you are using "dangerous" as a synonym for "violent and unpredictable", and I would agree that "violent and unpredictable" is implausible to coexist with Good. The thing is, the Wells report made clear that this kind of language (and perhaps intimidating physical behavior) was proven to be used against a lowly and physically smaller and weaker assistant trainer (who was working for peanuts relative to the players) and against an unnamed, but possibly way lower on the totem pole offensive lineman (possibly a practice squad guy) who may have an opinion on that. That's CLEARLY bullying behavior. And that's just the behavior the Wells report was able to document. And it wasn't new. Incognito had a history of this kind of stuff stretching back into college at least: Again, Wood can stick up for his poor, wronged "brother" with his "ruined" reputation if he wants to, but the fact is that Incognito had a pattern of bullying behavior and out-of-control behavior that stretched way back prior to the Dolphins, and that was protected by the "culture (that) you don't run and cry to the coaches". Mango is 100% spot on that Incognito ruined Incognito's reputation, and that he stinks as a human being. It's a fact that Incognito had career earnings of $15M prior to being suspended by the Dolphins.  He finished his career with $32M of career earnings - so he MORE THAN DOUBLED his career earnings after having his "reputation ruined". Boo Hoo. Some ruin.
  14. Yes. IMHO, the most damning stuff in the Wells report didn't have to do with how Incognito interacted with Martin or other players. It had to do with how Incognito and his teammates, huge powerful athletes, treated the working guys in the building. From a summary: "We find that the Assistant Trainer repeatedly was targeted with racial slurs and other racially derogatory language." Here you have supposedly grown-ass men, bullying an assistant trainer who is paid peanuts compared to them and is physically smaller and weaker. Martin and his mental problems aside, Incognito was scum. See above. The Incognito that Wood knew had his fangs pulled. He wasn't given a leadership role and allowed to treat people like that in Buffalo. But Wood also pretty strongly implied that the reason Incognito was asked to take a paycut (that touched off his whole bizarroworld downhill slide) was that he wasn't playing up to standard his last year in Buffalo. I believe Incognito even later admitted that he was back to substance abuse and showing up at work drunk/high (Edit: I mean his last year with the Bills) Wood can excuse that out of "brotherly love" if he wants. It's not "good person" behavior to me.
  15. I dunno what part the agent plays in this. I think it's pretty clear players do things all the time without their agents' direction, and sometimes that their agents do damage control for. I wasn't paying attention during Dalvin Cook's contract negotiations 'cuz, not my guy, not my team, but both Cooks do have the same agency. At the time Cook said about the toe injury, "It's getting better. Just improving every day," Cook said after Saturday's practice. "Trying to get it back stronger, and go out there and help the team, like I said, I'm just taking it day by day, treatment, see what, how I feel on Monday." That sounds entirely like a guy who plans to play but knows he might not be able to. He and his agent both know it's a national game, all players like to excel on a national stage. Puffing that into "I could tell what he was all about" as a player or as a negotiator seems like a stretch. The bottom line is, the Bills don't have to negotiate with Cook at all. He's under contract to them for another year. He plays for us or for no one. Um, no. No, he's not the best weapon on offense. That was, is, and remains, Allen. Who by the way, is grossly under-paid by today's market. I want to see Allen keep his playmakers and add to them, sure. But I want to see a better defense on the opposite side of the field, as well. It's not about "protecting billionaires money", it's about a finite salary cap, and about how once you pay one guy substantially over market value, the rest of the team watches and says "where's mine?"
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