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Bill Lewes

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Everything posted by Bill Lewes

  1. public schools, police departments, fire departments, roads, national military, public water, your tax dollars helping folks seven states away, network TV, public utilities, snow removal, post office, street/traffic lights, AM/FM radio, . . .
  2. I have. You'll have to show me where you found that gem. Read it as it's intended. Don't put words in their mouths
  3. I'm saddened by your story - and grateful for cops, firefighters and others, who everyday in their normal lives risk for the rest of us. But, to be clear, most of the moments of this past year that have reignited all this frustration and anger don't really seem to fit into that split-second choice kind of moment - and that's really why folks notice and judge it to be wrong.
  4. The conversation isn't about individual cops, it's about the structures that we've used for 400 years to separate people into "valuable" and "not really". It's about red-lining, and then how cops are trained and missioned to "protect and serve" those neighborhoods. It's about poverty and disenfranchisement. ... Of course not all cops are bad -- almost all of them are good -- but they system isn't.
  5. or we could look at what happened 19 years ago, and ask why many Americans don't think those cops would run into a burning building for them . . .
  6. makes sense - but against the jets, maybe we're better off "passing to set up the run game" - why butt heads with them at their strongest (only strong) point?
  7. maybe today -- it would also be interesting to ask this question in a month or so . . .
  8. They would have preferred that - not up to them, I guess. States making that call.
  9. Your free speech comes with everyone else's. He just told you to turn off your keyboard. He didn't make you do it. That's how free speech works. You say your piece, other people say theirs. No blood, no foul.
  10. I have high hopes (and expectations!) for Josh and the offense, but to stress over our top ranked defense seems like wasting time ... Glad the actual game are starting!
  11. I've been to both places and Bethany Beach is definitely nicer!
  12. Let me know if you get a good answer, I'll meet ya there!
  13. Even if there's no room at the moment, seems like due diligence for this year to have a handle on the viability of LOTS of extra "almost" guys who will be needed to fill in when the inevitable happens.
  14. That isn't really the complete problem or answer, though. Schools aren't just kids. In every community in this country, you're talking dozens if not hundreds of adults - and their entire social circles - at risk unless you create a safe environment to reopen.
  15. From the Boston Globe opinion piece (to be fair these authors are professors at the Harvard school of public health and, though obvious credible, view the issue though a particular lens): "We are not advocating a return to schools as usual. Schools must aggressively implement proven risk reduction strategies. A layered approach should include rapid testing and contact tracing, physical distancing when possible, mask-wearing with breaks built into the day, frequent hand hygiene, and well-ventilated spaces. Districts should consider adding tents and trailers and converting gyms, cafeteria, and libraries to expand learning spaces. Staggering arrival and dismissal times and prohibiting parents from entering schools will limit one of the highest risks — having large numbers of adults in indoor spaces." Additionally, if you link to the risk reduction strategies you will see a document suggesting exactly what I've been talking about - multiple ideas that are cost or structurally prohibitive that won't receive the necessary funding, community support or professional/political leadership required to implement successfully (please check pg 31 for an example).
  16. The CDC and multiple professionals on TV. Here's a link from the CDC that suggests what might help schools meet the safety needs of bringing the process back to pre-COVID norms: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/reopening-schools-faqs.html It's important to note that the CDC docs that suggest school is safe for kids, discuss that in a vacuum (and as compared to the old normal) and carefully weed out mentions of all the adults involved in the process. Additionally, their safety recommendations listed in the linked doc are also vacuous (pun intended!). There're are recommendations for how drivers can create social distancing on the school bus. Without paying for and creating a multitude of additional buses for every school district in the country, this by itself is absurd. In my kids school district, the CDC's own numbers suggest a dozen kids would die. Of course that's not counting the dozens impacted in lesser ways or the viral impact on the community.
  17. The professionals I've seen all seem to be saying, "Face to face school is better than for kids and the economy than at home/online school --- Now here are a list of ten things you need to do to make that a safe, practical possibility ... and, btw, no school is ready to do these 10 things ... or can afford it ... or is getting the proper financial, political or professional support ..."
  18. interesting take -- I interpret science professionals saying something different than this ...
  19. I don't think it'll be trouble -- but it will have a LOT of zeroes involved! This front office knows what they're ***** and what Tre is worth to this team.
  20. That's certainly believable, but it's shocking that Seattle sees that much value in Adams
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