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Everything posted by Generic_Bills_Fan

  1. I don’t think this even applied…if that fumble grazed muths helmet(I’m not sure it did) there’s a very good chance he hadn’t contacted oob yet anyway
  2. Sounds like they’re all day to day on defense(even Bernard) according to McDermott and given we won’t feel as comfy as we did pre Steelers game I’d suspect a lot of them play I don’t think attempting the fg there was a ‘blunder’ in the way 13 seconds was lol for me the most important coaching matchup in this one is Brady vs spagnuolo. That chiefs offense is not the explosive group its been in the past but they can absolutely hold a team under 17 points
  3. Lines up to 3.5 so two filthybeast predictions are lookin very wrong out of the 2 we can decide on so far 😂 word must’ve got out he picked the bills to lose and everyone is smartly betting the opposite lol
  4. Didn’t need it the last couple times we beat them 😂. Man kc losin this one is a bit of a narrative changer as far as the head to head goes at least. We’d be 4-1 against them in the last 5 with that 13 seconds loss as the only loss with 4 of those being at arrowhead
  5. I’m poking around lookin just to see how off that 75% was and I’ve found 2 chiefs picks out of about 10 analysts
  6. The theory from Steelers fans is it grazed off muths facemask while he was out of bounds but I think it’s completely inconclusive. If that was ruled a fumble on the field as it should’ve been it stands 100%
  7. I think it’ll be pretty close to 50/50 in pundit picks. There used to be a cool free site that compiles them all but it now charges you of course I don’t think it’s someone picking the chiefs that people are reacting to here it’s mostly someone that only has negative things to say trying to pass their pick off as objective 😂. Like if an admitted dolphins or jets fan picked the chiefs it’s totally cool but the ‘I’m a bills fan and even I think the bills will lose because I’m a totally objective and great picker of games’ act is a bit over the top haha first three places I checked all picked the bills fwiw I feel like undersold the bills at 50/50 lol
  8. I remember bengals fans worrying about the referee assignment before absolutely demolishing us lol so you never know
  9. His whole screaming at chiefs fans in the tunnel thing was outrageous so happy they imploded after that
  10. Cowboys, dolphins, and eagles are all taking long looks at their coaches and/or qbs after insanely hot starts which is pretty crazy.
  11. One interesting point is that the browns defense is right up there with the ravens and the Texans absolutely lit them up
  12. I’d agree with the overall point but that was a pretty clear slide that the Steelers committed on late so idk if that play was the best example. If the defender recognizes the slide and tries to pull up a little bit but still hits the guy im all for not calling it. The big problem is if you end up hitting a sliding qb you’re usually drilling him in the head
  13. Yea it depends on the severity…we’ve seen guys react like their ankle needs to be amputated then it turns out to be pretty mild lol. Ankles are so strange
  14. Jags game-bengals game we were dead last in defensive dvoa. Cut out that stretch and our defense was fantastic this year the two outright worst offenses in the league by far marched up and down the field against us and we were fortunate the giants didn’t come away with more points…I think that’s why that stat gets hidden a bit because on paper we only gave up 9 to the giants but it should’ve been 20+ to jags,giants,pats, bengals going 0 for 4 on late game stops to give us a shot to win
  15. It is weird that certain young dbs are just allowed to operate without the rules applying lol
  16. Haha it’s weird if it’s rigged for Josh that we got screwed late with no calls numerous times this year. People only talk about the no call that won us the giants game but we got hosed on that jets punt return, hosed on that pats ineligible man downfield flag pickup, hosed against the eagles the entire game, and probably a few others I don’t remember
  17. Yea which I also find kind of strange…Josh was pretty good in 2 of those 3 losses. I think it’s the turnover narrative working against him more than anything
  18. Losin their oc/dc from last year seemed to really bite them in the a**. Felt like they got figured out late in the season and just couldn’t adjust
  19. Which part? Lol I’d agree mvp voting doesn’t work that way those are just general comments. It probably should but it never will. Feels like it’s part popularity contest and part comparing stat sheets
  20. No defenders quit on the play…people are really more mad at the Steelers defense than Josh and I guess don’t realize it. Like how do you get frozen by that juke lol it’s kind of embarrassing. None of them gave up but a couple froze for a split second to adjust their angles
  21. Because the 10,000th best qb of all time Chase Daniel tweeted it was a fake slide or something lol
  22. I really think he’s rewriting the analytics of football. He’s so good at picking spots to take shots where even an INT doesn’t hurt terribly this season that it kind of makes me chuckle when people just talk about his total INT number. Not all ints are created equal hes giving his guys shots to make plays for pretty low risk on the majority of his ints it feels like Bills had the worst defense in the league for that stretch you mentioned…that jags game decimated the team until Douglas got acclimated and righted the ship a little bit send Lamar’s number 1 ranked defense on a 1 month vacation and he’d have less wins too
  23. Douglas has said he could’ve played twice and this really has a good chance of being the last game of the season if he doesn’t play so I’d be shocked if he wasn’t out there. Dodson I have no idea though
  24. People are thinkin Bernard is just an ankle sprain so you never know…could be a Lawrence situation where it looked season ending then he’s ready to go in a week or two
  25. I’ll genuinely never understand how people will talk our opponents up all week then we win and they’re like ‘well our opponent was bad’ 😂. Mason Rudolph was on a heater which prompted the benching of Pickett who was ready for the Vikings game but we beat a third string qb apparently and bad defense lol
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