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Everything posted by TheCockSportif

  1. Their mistake was not picking up a hard count specialist, and considering that EJ Manuel is available ("retired" but what does that mean?), it's a travesty that they didn't pick him up. </sarcasm>
  2. Rex Ryan was like having norovirus where you purge your guts out, and it sucks, but in the end you're glad that it's finally gone. Getting that gross analogy out of the way, I admit that I was relieved for a change, but basically indifferent as to the hire itself (Bills have had a lot of terrible coaches over the years plus Whaley and Brandon were still in the building at the time). I'm glad that the team started cutting dead weight early, and it was apparent from early on that the guy could coach. I didn't know he'd be this good, but not knowing this (and having the team be in a great position now) are good problems to have.
  3. Tua doesn't seem like "arm talent" to me, which usually turns out to be a problem in the long run. But hey, have been through this many times in the division before, and frankly the only team who could maybe rebuild in the short term and be a threat is... NE. It pains me to say that.
  4. The Bills don't have to knee jerk to bring back old personnel (coaches, players, etc) anymore. Should there be a change at OC, they will have their pick of the litter of candidates. I could not be less worried, and this isn't to say that they shouldn't interview Lynn -- but it's just that they don't have to, and will almost certainly end up in great shape.
  5. Really?! This seems like clanking the gear shifter into reverse.
  6. I agree with the premise of the OP, but really, it's everything. You see depth on display. You see coaching adjustments. You see players get their heads on straight. This season has most definitely exceeded my expectations thus far.
  7. Interviewing for the Jets' HC job seems like diving into an empty swimming pool.
  8. Well, promote from within, or have your pick of OC candidates, because one would think that any prospective OC would be giddy about coaching this squad.
  9. Before the season started I was hoping for 10-6 or 11-5 and a playoff win. Given the roll this team has been on over the previous weeks, I'd be really disappointed if they aren't making noise in the AFC-CG.
  10. woof. I remember when the Bills would be like this week after week. I'm really glad that Alex Smith is back on the field after all that he went through, but my GOD how I loathe Dan Snyder.
  11. So what the Jets are saying is that sarcasm during pressers who a coach who wins 2-3 games per season doesn't fly? Good to know. Don't let Gase in on this. *snicker*
  12. Depth only, but he needs coverage from more capable first stringers for this to work at all.
  13. Sure, why not? If players can play... The Bills, for the first time in forever, have some tough choices to make in terms of roster.
  14. Too early to go there, OP. Allen is mad good tho. For sure.
  15. While I own the fact that I really didn't want the starters in that long for the final game of the season, THIS game is why this team is a contender.
  16. This team has been really good all year, but dang... this is other worldly.
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