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Everything posted by Assquatch

  1. Mike Schopp uses the Ridlehuber handle on this very board.
  2. Running the ball out was the right decision. Fighting for extra yards wasn't.
  3. Lack of hindsight does not excuse his lack of foresight.
  4. McBlockhead obviously thought it was worth it to fight for two extra yards. The risk of a fumble greatly outweighed the potential reward of a couple meaningless yards. Not only should he have gone down, his postgame explanation of his decision (and indication that he would do it again given the chance) shows he doesn't understand that he made the wrong call.
  5. I see your caption and raise you this one: http://bugi.oulu.fi/~heikkiv/chan/wtf.jpg
  6. He just said on channel 7 that he would do the same thing next time (fight for the extra yards). "You never know -- next time I might break two." Hey Leodis -- we didn't need you to break anything but the 2:00 warning.
  7. Global warming has gotten worse since Lee has been a Bill.
  8. "He can leave the facility as soon as he comes up with the clams."
  9. OMG I love her. "I would drag my ass through broken glass to suck the d!@# that !@#$ed her last" You are a hair and face guy but you posted pictures of a leg, funbags and.. Well, just plain yum on the third one. (Not a complaint just an observation!)
  10. Just keeping up: 1 - You complained about someone's punctuation in a single post. 2 - That person pointed out poor punctuation in your signature that appears in every one of your posts. 3 - You said he had sand in his vagina. Got it.
  11. And this too: http://christophermattix.files.wordpress.c...w=300&h=199
  12. shiv the mofette If you get hired you can take a dump in her desk drawer next time she is "stuck in a meeting".
  13. Why not? Surely you understand that a percentage is relative to something. Obviously to say that person X gives 110% of what is possible is incorrect, but I think you know that the speaker is trying to say that this guy gives more than the average guy.
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