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Everything posted by Prospector

  1. Yikes, I was just gonna use the “haha, I was right” for my win. I tell ya what, if you win, drink an extra Lager for me.
  2. It should have been Yannick with a Microphone rapping
  3. He is a beast, but a NT a best in my opinion. I watched him in person against T A&M... He really wasn't a huge factor like I was expecting to see. Good, Very good, but not OMG good.
  4. I will bet you more offense by at least 4 in the first round
  5. and field goals should be worth 2 points 1-29 yds, 3 points 30-59 yds, and 5 points for 60+
  6. This should be handled like a kidnapping scenario. Take a picture of yourself with today's newspaper standing next to your big board, and then timestamp it.
  7. I was just going to post that I think I be in the minority thinking that DPJ can be fantastic
  8. He needs a couple other opinions to make his own
  9. I was on the opposite side. I knew deep down that Rosen was fools gold, and that Allen was going to be amazing. I had Allen/Darnold/Mayfield all as my 1abc
  10. Don’t worry boo, if they go RB in round 2 or 3 it will be for a Fantastic Prospect! I absolutely love this RB class... with how strong our roster is, this is one of the few spots where a newbie can make an impact
  11. Again, I really want to know, if I can legally say that I’m a woman even though I was born with a dingus, can I legally say(and partake in all government benefits) that I am black or Native American because that’s my identity, even though I was born from very white Norwegians? Is this when someone who doesn’t have an actual reply posts a non-witty cartoon of trump and racists?
  12. What about the power lifter who obliterated the lifting records for women... but she was more a man... what a courageous woman!
  13. Good job... you must be in favor of communist China burning down their hospitals with covid patients inside. that's the only logical conclusion that can be made from your logical conclusion from my post.
  14. Hey all, I am moving a discussion from the Stadium wall over here because I don't wanna get banned. Here's the summary: If gender("Different than sex") is an identity, can the same be true for race, weight, height, income status, etc... If I can declare that I am a woman(even though I was born with a tally wacker) and enjoy all the amenities our country has to offer that females receive, including bathrooms, changing rooms, locker rooms, sports eligibility, and sex identification on my ID, can I do the same with the other identities? Can I apply for minority scholarships? AARP(I may identify as a very old person). What if I identify as a person with a disability? Should I be able to get Government assistance just because my truth says I am, even though science says I am not? What about income level, height, weight, species ? Why is gender different than all of these? We all know Elizabeth Warren identifies as Native American... but we all agree she is not. but if she identified as a man, a lot of you would say she can. WHY?!
  15. But, I can tell that you know a LOT! I can say I am a girl even though I was born male(but a cultural professor would say I was born female from the start, even though I was born with a tally wacker)... but can I say I am black even though I was born Caucasian? Why, or why not? I tell you what, I will start a thread for you and me in the political forum so we don't get into trouble here. Hey Mods, please delete all my comments from this forum... I didn't mean to derail the topic. Thank you... I started a thread in the political section.
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