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Everything posted by Simon

  1. For the last half hour my wife has kept yelling into the other room "What do you keep laughing at?" I was hoping for an eventual Pitt/Wash series because they hate each other so much but that was absolutely fantastic. I'll even give it a tremendously tremendous.
  2. I don't think it's a co-incidence that about a week before the draft Doug Whaley was down in Atlanta scouting out Demaryius Thomas' workout.
  3. This is going to be a young locker room for some time. Do you really want your QB, who is the leader by default, to be a guy who is the last one to arrive and the first one to leave? I don't and am glad the Bills don't either.
  4. This is exactly the reason that the Bills chose not to pursue negotiations with the Stillers for a Roethlisberger trade. It had nothing to do with the incident in Georgia, it was about his complete lack of leadership and commitment. That was not the guy who they wanted to bring into their locker room.
  5. He looks like a HOF'er next to Pominville. I'd make him buy his own ticket home.
  6. I saw a clip of a Spiller kick return where Ford absolutely blows by him to get in front to make the final block. That kid is obscenely fast.
  7. Hopefully he'll spend his entire rookie season running around in the open field with inspiring music in the background. You want to see a real play and not just some silly edited highlight video that makes him look great with no tacklers anywhere near him? Check out this play on 3rd/18 with 5:00 left in a game Clemson trails by 3. Brains and balls Watch his portly coach running down the sidelines during the play and then jacking him up when Spiller converts the 3rd down.
  8. Cal was the only team that seemed to consistently give USC trouble in the PAC10. Lynch looked very, very good in Jeff Tedford's offense so it's no surprise that Carroll has a high opinion of him.
  9. He's probably more dialed in than I am on a regular basis. And I've said as much as I'm comfortable saying as I don't want to betray any trusts or do anything that would bother somebody I respect, not only for doing nice things for me in the past, but also for just being a genuinely decent guy.
  10. This is by no means set in stone but of all the many scenarios on the Bills completed draft board, this is the one most likely to occur: 1) Bills open the draft taking a Tackle. It will be an Offensive Tackle as they don't seem to like Dan Williams quite as much as some other people do. Not saying he's definitely out, but he is probably a real longshot. 2) Bills then may well trade back up into the first round for another Offensive player they like. There's a distinct possibility that it will be Demaryius Thomas. 3) Marshawn will not likely be moved tonight, unless they stumble across in insane sucker. But make no mistake, he's hanging by a thread in Buffalo and may very well be on another roster before the weekend is out. They are not locked into a particular strategy and are leaving lots of room for maneuvering depending on how the draft progresses.
  11. The reason the Bills decided not to pursue trade talks with the Stillers had nothing to do with off-field allegations and everything to do with FOOTBALL.
  12. FWIW, the teams did talk, regardless of what Nix is feeding to the press. But somebody chose not to advance the talks further; not because of the off-field issues, but because of serious questions about Ben's commitment to his team.
  13. I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering what on Earth you're doing with a mouthful of water at your bar;-)
  14. Nobody is Hasek or Roy except Hasek or Roy. Saying Miller is a problem because he doesn't meet that standard is ridiculous. Without Miller, that pack of scrubs finishes behind Toronto and out of the playoffs altogether. Exactly how many phenomenal saves did you want him to make in the last 30:00 while Lydman, Tallinder, Pominville and Myers are repeatedly handing the puck over in their own end? The guy is a great tender but you'll never admit it because you staked your position out years ago and can't admit you were wrong. But at this point I hope you get your wish and the Sabres trade him for a slew of picks because it's just going to be Hasek all over again. Arguably the best goalie on the planet and a golden opportunity to make multiple playoff runs, but the front office isn't going to put anything worth two nickels out in front of him. Hitting on a bunch of cheap blue chip picks is the only way this team is going to be competitive.
  15. Yeah, goaltending is the big problem on this team.
  16. You just want to protect the pharmaceutical company profits by denying folks access to a wonder drug like marihuana! More like prolost. Besides, he's kinda old. I don't want to break him.
  17. I don't recall giving you permission to utilize my picture in your avatar........
  18. This debate isn't about research and reality. It's about preconceived notions and cultural biases. Some folks love control more than they love personal freedoms.
  19. Agreed it's moot but it's a fun hypothetical. I think you'd need more entrenched leadership than one guy, with some of it being on the offensive side of the ball, as well as within the coaching staff. Like Pittsburgh.
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