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Everything posted by DCofNC

  1. Anybody know a grocery store to buy crow meat? I need to start cooking up my meal. He’s been very good and I was very wrong.
  2. No, it’s to make it a risk for them to kick it. They miss w 16 seconds on the clock, Bills get it there w 2 time outs. If it’s just running down, snap it at 3 seconds, no risk if they miss, so essentially you give them a free opportunity to take points with no risk.
  3. It forced them to NOT try the FG. If the clock is running to zero they can kick, if they try it and miss w time on the clock they give the Bills a good chance to score before the half.
  4. I agree 90% of the way. Knox is a starter for a lot of teams, TE is almost as void of talent as QB around the league. His numbers are basically smack dab average and he’s an exceptional athlete. He would start on a good number of teams. Now that contract? My Gawd.
  5. Agreed.. then you are either hyped for Sunday or in the pits because there is no hope. Unfortunately for me, my season is pretty much like the Bills, riding on Allen to score 28 a game.
  6. Pretty exited for this game, about half my fantasy roster is going, going to be a big scoring week, I have Evans and White, who should both have career days and Allen, Kincaid and Davis, all who will score a lot trying to keep ahead of Baker.
  7. I mean.. ok, but if you are going for that, talk to the Giants about renting Saquon for the year.
  8. I don’t know what the deal is, or what’s happening behind closed doors. What I know is he looks like crap for basically every game outside of Miami this year. I know Diggs came into camp HOT over something going on w Josh and the Coaches. Regardless of what they spin it to be, I think evidence points to Diggs feeling JA isn’t playing to his ability and the coaches are holding him accountable.
  9. No argument here and it cost them the Jets game. On the last pick when he had 25 yards of open field and no reason not to take the easy first down, he heaved it to double coverage and killed them. I don’t know wtf is going on with all of that, but he’s playing like a shell of the player we know he can be. Is it the coaching? I’m sure it is, but they said the same thing last year and he still took off and won games for us. This year it’s obviously different, so what clicked in his head? Whatever it is, it’s not for the better.
  10. Question to that, how do we accelerate those guarantees to this year AND add another salary?
  11. Absolutely. The need for a real 1 or at least someone who can play the role properly is so blatantly needed, it’s painful at this point.
  12. I do think something is off with JA. I don’t know if it’s his attempt to play “boring football” and he feels like he can’t do that without remaining calm all the time or what. He has flashes of what we used to see with fire in his eyes and looking like he’s having fun playing the game out there. Aside from the Miami game, he doesn’t look the same. Maybe the weight of having to carry the team is getting to him. If he’s not perfect, the offense sputters, even if he does what he’s supposed to do, the defense has already let him down a couple times this year. Also, when you lose Tre, Milano, Jones etc all in one game, everyone knew the pressure was going to shift back to him even more, again. On one of the post game shows yesterday they were talking about it, Josh had responsibly for over 75% of the offense.. he can’t do it all. I don’t know if that’s the game plan or if Dorsey is trying to roll with what the game is giving him, but it’s still enormously reliant on JA being perfect. When he misses he’s persecuted, but he had what we are feeling wasn’t a good game and still had 66% completion percentage, even with 41% of his snaps being under pressure, that’s really good. We are asking for absolute perfection…. To beat a 1-5 team. Obviously, everyone is speculating, but JA is under more, not less pressure to carry this team, after an entire offseason of saying they had to take some of that away. I’d be pretty dejected too.
  13. Yep, was discussing this before the game.. I could easily see them missing the playoffs.
  14. I am worried about this one, I could easily see the Pats catching some lucky bounces and the Bills O sputtering enough to get beaten. I sure hope I’m wrong, I’m rolling JA out as my fantasy QB this week (and every week), along w Davis so I’m hoping something works out.
  15. I’m gonna go ahead and say no. For that math to check out, you would have to say Bernard is incrementally better than Edmunds, more so than Milano is better than Williams. Milano is an All-Pro, Williams is not close. As cool as it would be if he can make it to be a pro-bowler, there’s just no chance of closing that gap to Milano by the much in this season.
  16. Doubt we’ll see him, but good for him, much nicer paycheck this week.
  17. Ever heard of LIV Golf? Never count the Saudis out from trying to do something crazy and throw HUGE money at it. They could go after a guy like Williams and whoever might be coming up as FA for the year and flip stuff on its head real quick. Take away the young stars by offering more money than the NFL will.. get weird quick.
  18. I agree, I think Hyde and Poyer are gone after this year, wouldn’t mind Hyde coming back on a reasonable deal like Poyer did, but Po looks cooked. AJE is going to get paid, make no mistake. Pass rushers get paid, he’s on pace for at least double digit sacks, he’s been batting down balls, causing havoc. While it’s great, the better he plays the remainder of the year, the less likely the Bills can pay him. Unless you consider 15+ a year “reasonable” he’s a goner. The Titans are in a tough spot. Supposedly, D-Hop wants to win, and they clearly aren’t going to, but they also need to know what they have at QB and that’s a lot harder to figure out with no targets to throw to. I’d venture to guess, they won’t trade him, he’s cheap and pretty valuable to them. Adams is just too much to make happen.
  19. I don’t see that as an unfair argument, he has not hit on WRs in general. Diggs was a proven player, though he has blossomed more here, so I’ll give credit there. Draft wise, he hasn’t done anything. Davis is a nice player for a 4th round pick, but he’s shown exactly why he was a lower pick, he’s still inconsistent. The rest are fringe players at best. I have not gone digging to see who might be available, but if there was a chance to enter a WR into the mix, I’d love to. Unless Kincaid burst on to the scene (which is impossible with his usage early on), this team is Diggs or nothing.
  20. While that may be true, that says nothing of the value of the players out. Example, which hurt more, Damar Hamlin being out for the year or Micha Hyde being out? WHO misses the game is so much more important than just missed games. If Diggs is out, whole game plan changes. Hardy can’t play.. who? Etc. not having Tre, Jones, Milano, Oliver etc available is far more concerning that Settle missing games last year.
  21. If you can get Mooney for a 5th it’s a NO BRAINER. He could rework his deal if he really wanted to be here. Also, Barkley may be traded, regardless of his wishes, get him for 8 games at just over 4M.. that works..
  22. Sucks, the kid looked way more ready than I thought he was. If he can stay healthy, I think he will be one of, if not the best QB of this draft.
  23. The word “unhinged” has your picture next to it in the dictionary. Allen is the best player on the team, but his wild inconsistency is the reason for the Bills NOT appearing in the SB.
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