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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Not until the end of the season at the earliest, if they have any sense, and I am a JA fan, franchise status is not solidified in two very good outings. Now wait a little while and I’ll be proved wrong... Go Bills!!!
  2. So they admit that they make stats up on events that didn’t happen, and then assign importants to those things that didn’t happen when rating players/teams, and then pretended that it’s hard to understand... what a bunch of azs hats... I guess if you tell yourself this stuff frequently enough you start believing it’s true...
  3. I may be wrong but it appears to be more of a popularity contest than value driven award, or is it just me being me?
  4. They may be more cautious, this also shows the importance of training camp and the preseason scrimmage games, it helps the injury rates to bring the guys up to speed in a more controlled process. Go Bills!!!
  5. Per SM both are practicing today, 9/23/20 A good sign for the up coming game against the sheep 🐑 Go Bills!!! I guess I was late with the news 😁
  6. PFF is the patriots of sports reporting. They are both untrustworthy and dishonorable. Go Bills!!!
  7. Yup, that whole organization from Kraft on down are a bunch of cheating pieces of dung, if you cheat at you life’s work you are a dishonorable untrustworthy person, it is good that Manning brings it up, and people are uncomfortable hearing it spoken out loud.
  8. They count the TDs he scored, how is that a problem or a negative attribute? Are you now Charles “that guy” Romes? Go Bills!!!
  9. I have not clicked on their site in years they imo offer nothing that a multitude of of venues already make available. I just try to get folk to realize they are being had, here on this site, but people are gluttons for psychological punishment... I guess that’s why we have been fans of this team for so long... Go Bills!!!
  10. There is nothing PFF offers that cannot be had elsewhere, why do you fellas take the “click” bait? Just stop going on their site, they are a half arsed outfit on their best day, Go Bills!!!
  11. I hear ya, but all those seasons ticket holders went in knowing that was the case, so I can’t say that I have much pity for them, cost of doing business as it were. They can always decline to purchase the following season. Go Bills!!!
  12. Yup, until we beat them the rode to the AFCE title goes through Foxboro, and it pains me to say it. Go Bills!!!
  13. Training camp and preseason are far more important than what a noisy minority of the fan base thinks, it is utterly stupid to not have a full preseason training regime, to include those four games/scrimmages, the large numbers of injuries are a testament to why those who hot take this issue are just so obviously wrong. Go Bills!!!
  14. his salary, his salary, what ever shall we do..., luckily those that make the decisions stated it is a fan/ media issue and not an issue for the teams decision makers. Give the salary red herring a rest already.
  15. Oh I forgot that Daboll is the DC and had two starting LBs out... Mahomes had some struggles, I guess Andy Reid needs to go as well Fitz beat Belichicks vaunted Defense last season, so bye to Bill as well, right? We handily won the game, shut yer gob you git... Go Bills!!!
  16. A new saying, “ he got Van Noyed” Go Bills!!!
  17. Last season Fitz made Belichicks vaunted defense suffer a loss in a must win game, it’s Fitz, it happens...we won the game, moving on.. Go Bills!!!
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