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Everything posted by Gambit

  1. So, the Bills should lose because some fans are overly excited about the team? If you truly aren't a troll then I honestly am in complete shock at that thought process. Should they be miserable like some of the other fans are?
  2. As long as Buffalo handles their business, we want the Pats to win since they wouldn't be able to catch us.
  3. Singletary was the other one who fumbled
  4. Really sucks for him and forces OBJ to have to actually be helpful now.
  5. Behind this line? That RB would've been just as useless.
  6. And we lost to the Jags of all teams. I honestly wouldn't be surprised at this point because who in the Hell thought we'd lose to the Jags!??
  7. Hopefully he's alright but that's twice now he should've got a pick. Sighs
  8. SMH I blame McD for this game. We look lost in every aspect of this game. Only reason Jags have only 9 points is because they are dreadful.
  9. A "mistake" that ended someone's life. He should rot in jail for life seeing as that person doesn't get to live theirs anymore.
  10. I wonder how long before Judge gets fired. Such a terrible coach.
  11. While I agree with you there but damn, wasn't Moorman fun to watch? Such a talented athlete.
  12. Yeah, we definitely need a new Punter already. Bojo couldn't hold the damn ball correctly on FGs and this dude can't punt to save his damn life.
  13. Josh Allen clearly for the offense. White could be said for the defense but I honestly was very impressed with Ed Oliver. I felt like he kept pushing through the middle all day.
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