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Everything posted by daz28

  1. It's even a bit strange that Fox doesn't have their families plastered all over the screen every night. I totally agree though, Middle East peace isn't happening anytime soon, no matter how many weapons we send over there. The real shame is that any deal negotiated will be looked at as weakness by Biden, and that likely plays a big part.
  2. That's basically the only defense they have, and it will fall apart. As usual his lawyers are awful. At least he's not paying for this awful defense. That cost falls on the gullible uneducated base.
  3. Nutbars tend to mix their delusions with sarcasm/satire. A natural masking mechanism.
  4. That's debatable, but I think she's likely clever like trump when it comes to manipulating the uneducated. The nutbars have already turned this lie into, 'It's planted evidence to frame trump'. LOLOL
  5. Unfortunately, they are. This is the new trickle-down scam. Corporations hold jobs hostage, unless they get substantial tax breaks. Then the ponzi logic says those jobs will create a tax base. The workers ends up footing the whole tax bill, or rather in most cases, the debt from the deficit it created.
  6. Apples and oranges. Try again: Since 1963, the first year for which the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has data on housing prices, the Consumer Price Index has risen from 30.44 to 303.294, an increase of 896%.3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. "Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items in U.S. City Average." During that same time, the median sales price of a home rose from $17,800 to $436,800, an increase of 2,353.93%.
  7. NC Karen created a thread with a fix for this. He updates it with silly memes just in case anyone forgets.
  8. His name is in your name, in most of your posts, but because you love licking up the coup-laid, it's all good, right? I'm not a statistics major, nor do I have the time to do the stats, but it seems the name Biden comes up a lot too. BDS maybe?
  9. So is Al Bundy. I'm sorry if my dislike of trump is disquieting to you. If it makes you happier, I'm not a Biden fan either.
  10. The current score is investigations: 5273; Actual results from investigations: 0. 99 out of 100 investigations these days are political theater. Here's the relevant information from the article that actually matters: Ultimately, however, Engoron’s ruling went in a direction that Bailey did not advise Important information that you didn't get by just reading and spreading a partisan hack's tweets.
  11. That's also a factor, but ALL the fiscal hawks are dead. Name the last president that didn't throw money around? Also, Congress sets and pays the budget, not the executive. I'm far from triggered. A google search will give you a plethora of sources on the impact the Keystone Pipeline cancelling had/would have had on global energy costs. That nonsense died with the last political cycle.
  12. The president doesn't have much if any control over oil prices. In a different post today, you'll see that I showed how Bush, Obama, trump, and Biden all played along with big oil. It's just surprising that trump was so brazen about his $1 billion bribe. Usually, they try to keep it on the dl. You LITERALLY have TDS in your name, so I'll take that with a grain of salt.
  13. Ever heard of OPEC? Do you even have a basic understanding of how oil is traded? I seriously hope you don't think that they have the drills and refineries going full blast all the time, attempting to keep prices low for us? Guess how your goods are transported? Fuel maybe?? You keep believing that the government is holding them back from supplying you with cheap gas, because that's EXACTLY what they want you to think. I'm not here to make the uneducated the educated, but I will put someone on the right trail. Besides, trump likes you uneducated.
  14. Notably, I capitalized all the things that keep the writer from being sued, but that the nutbars gloss right over. Imagine that claiming that someone allegedly received unsolicited advice is a story. LOL Judge: Hey Bill, how the weather today. Response: Lock him up! Nutbars: Collusion, TOTAL EXHONERATION!
  15. So this was all bs contrived by a tweet intended to get the nutbars going. Not surprised, but it doesn't matter. The damage is done, and the nutbars will still believe her.
  16. Corporate greed is not a lie. Neither is the fact that artificially high fuel prices are causing inflation. I know it's easy to just blame Biden, but you'd be better served to look at the real culprits
  17. The oil companies get the whole kit and caboodle, because our government is CORRUPT; not to mention high fuel prices overwhelmingly drive inflation. They get artificially orchestrated high prices, which keep profits high, AND massive tax breaks. All for pumping more CO2 into the atmosphere, while they convince the uneducated they're doing no damage at all.
  18. Oh, now it's not only cover sheets, but the classified documents were planted to frame him. That escalated quickly. LOLOL
  19. Every appeal makes that claim. Here's what he said, "Am I wrong in thinking that they would not take the appeal unless it was to reverse McAfee and disqualify? Why else take the case and delay the prosecution if only to affirm?". Yes it is wrong to think that they would take a case, even when they have no reason to reverse, because reversal only happens 10% of the time.
  20. AGAIN, moron tweets stuff to get the nutbars going, even though it's based in either a complete lack of knowledge or straight out lies: One of the most striking features of appellate courts in the United States is also one of the least understood: Appellate courts rarely reverse lower court decisions. The data reviewed in this Article indicate that roughly 90% of appellate court decisions affirm lower court rulings
  21. This is exactly what I was talking about when I said the nutbars hang on every tweet that is purely created to make them think something is something that it is not. The "gotcha" that couldn't be further from an actual gotcha: New York's judicial oversight body has initiated an investigation into CLAIMS that Judge Arthur Engoron met with a high-profile attorney, Adam Leitman Bailey, who ALLEGEDLY offered UNSOLICITED advice on the Trump case prior to a major ruling.
  22. No Ted, what is not news is that trump has been an adulterer his whole life.
  23. The Trump bribe to oil companies today has led me to do some research, because when they get tax breaks, it will eventually come out of ALL of our pockets, and into theirs. Also to note, they are paying our government to keep prices high, which also comes out of our pockets. During Bush, Exxon made $234 billion. During Obama they made $225 billion. Under Biden in 3 years they made $115 billion. Under trump they made only $32.5 billion(on top of $25b in tax cuts), so maybe that's why trump told them that the $1 billion he wants from them for re-election is "a deal". I'm sure Covid skewed their numbers a lot under trump, but basically they are extorting the people, through our government, for trillions of dollars. Go ahead and vote red or blue, because it won't matter. Gas prices are going to remain high, because that's where they want them to be, and blame it all on drilling rights, which is complete and utter BS. They have TONS of open permits already.
  24. Ok, so Donald Trump told the oil execs at Maralgo that if they give him $1 billion, he will remove tons of regulations. These same execs complained they've already given Biden $400 million. I don't care what side of the global warming issue you're on, this CAN'T be good. Policy should be dictated by what is right for the people, not how much money they bribe them with. Thanks Citizens United for selling our country and future to the highest bidder.
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