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Everything posted by daz28

  1. LOL, you must not know what conjecture is. The GQP has been lobbing that at him incessantly. If anyone supports the rhetoric from the Islamic terrorists, to harm our president, then they too are terrorists. The attack is currently live. Looks like some missiles being intercepted.
  2. If they can show where the specific policy failures were, then no nausea. If it's as simple as saying they didn't do it when trump was president, like is already happening here, then nausea for sure.
  3. The Iranian response is wholly excessive. The US is already taking some drones down. In a way, Iran finally sticking their necks out may be a good thing.
  4. Not really the time for conjecture. This is a result of a very long series of failed policies. Make no mistake, Iran funded the terrorism that started this current flare up. They're a clear enemy, and we have to unite against them. I will be nauseous if the GQP supports Iran and blames Biden.
  5. I'm forced to agree with you here. If infection control protocols aren't followed properly, then it can do more damage than good. I do not recall much training or insistence from the government on this.
  6. Yeah who would have thought that the supposed most honest, trustworthy justices in the land would lie during their interview for the job. I'm sure trump is really regretting his selections.
  7. Trans people can commit the same crimes that thousands of other people are also doing every single day, and you COULD ignore it, but you choose to cherry pick every single one you spot, and post it here. It's hate spreading, and you know it, but luckily, the First Amendment gives you that right.
  8. GQP: Step 1: Do something stupid and unpopular. Step 2: Wait to see how the people who aren't stupid, and can think beyond step 1, react to it.
  9. Stiff penalties for those carrying stolen guns, and those who are careless with securing their weapons. The only problem with this is that we incarcerate tons of people already, and I'm not sure it's making a difference. Some kind of culture change may be necessary. How to accomplish that is anyone's guess.
  10. Who will be replaced by a stooge with the same marching orders. Welcome to the new Congress, where it's show trials, and no bi-partisan legislation. If they were a corporation, they'd be terminated.
  11. The 1% is for ALL abortion at week 21 and past, so using the data, you'd assume as you get to 22, 23 and so on, there's likely a significant dip. I have no idea where that transition point is. I think abortion is not a good thing, but I also don't believe the state should be meddling into bodily autonomy very much if at all. I think the last time this was a big issue was assisted suicide, and I think they came up with reasonable regulations to allow people to pass on peacefully and with dignity. Of course the amount of nutters was lower then.
  12. "Mr. Mayorkis is going to need some time to prepare for this trial, your honor. We think November 6th should give our client just about the right amount of time to prepare".
  13. The viability number should be carefully and very deeply researched from a large swath of doctors. The non-secular GQP nutjobs shouldn't be involved, whether they are lurking behind the door or not. This is only a discussion about viability, and if you have, what you believe to be a better determinative factor, I'm all ears, even if it's nebulous. I have no fear of messengers, just the people that are enveloped in a cult mentality, that only believe their messengers, despite the facts/truth before them.
  14. It seems your definition might be after the first time the fertilized egg divides. If you're walking down the bike path, and see some tiny unidentifiable biological material on the ground, and I told you it was a human embryo, would you call it human life? This whole issue is made stupid by the religious right. Most normal, sane people would be just fine with just agreeing on a cut-off time, defined by doctors.
  15. No, I said viability was the term that legal minds were using to discuss at what point abortions should be allowed to be performed. Before viability is when the fetus is still considered to be a part of the woman's body, and protected by her right to bodily autonomy. There's 2 different term uses for viability in pregnancies. Lehnerd skynerds link discusses them both.
  16. I've answered your question numerous times. If you're trying to get me to waffle it's not working. WHEN YOU'RE BORN. The debate was that most people are likely against late-term abortions. The fact that only 1% are performed at over 21 weeks strongly supports that.
  17. When you're born is when the government begins considering you a person. That's when your "life" begins. Before that, you are a fetus, albeit a human one. You don't have to answer any questions you're afraid to answer, and you're not controlling the discussion.
  18. That link doesn't say anything about late term abortions. The trump nonsense about abortions "after birth" is the classic fear mongering. About 93% of reported abortions in 2019 were performed at or before 13 weeks of pregnancy, 6% were conducted between 14 and 20 weeks and 1% were performed at or after 21 weeks, according to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  19. I'm not claiming to be qualified to determine viability. I've already said that's a term that needs to be decided by doctors, and not non-secular GQP nutjob politicians.
  20. I'm fine with that term, as long as medical professionals are. No one should have to move from a state, because it's denying freedoms. You're basically calling for non-secular segregation like moving is no big deal. No idea how you missed this post: How is a baby not viable after birth?????? Viable doesn't mean it can care for itself, but rather can sustain itself without further immediate medical care. When does life begin? I'd bet you a gazillion dollars that the government would say when you were born. There's a time on your birth certificate. You then start celebrating birthdays accordingly. How many fetuses did you claim on your taxes as dependents. How many were counted on the census? Stop trying to roll it back with the same silly arguments.
  21. There aren't many people(if any) that support late-term abortions, but the GQP lie machine has the already nutty people thinking they're ripping out screaming babies and putting them on the guillotine. That law, like so many others, probably needs to be better worded.
  22. "Forced down their throats" is a favorite term they like to use. They consider any discussions against their religion to be an absolute affront to their existence. When it comes time to sound off on a hockey player using rainbow tape, that's their right to "free speech"(ie bigotry). Again, their hypocrisy is more proof that they can't think beyond step 1, and it's why trying to have a rational conversation with irrational people is impossible.
  23. ...and them legislating what matters to them, when it has no effect on them, is an affront to freedom.
  24. Did the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand have an effect on anyone? It was just Serbia, right? That had more effect on the potential for who could be born than all abortions ever all put together. SOOOOO much this, but they claim it's the other side who only thinks with their feelings. LOL Like if there were a biological difference between conservatives and others, it would be the ability to think beyond step 1.
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