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Everything posted by daz28

  1. He's saying whatever he thinks gets him the most votes. Ultimately, he's already had the effect they were looking for by court stacking. You don't believe you have a right to privacy? Should your medical records be the ward of the state? By that definition, they also control your treatment.
  2. Bodily autonomy is privacy. 14th Amendment. Privacy is the KEY to freedom. It means that what I do, if it has no bearing on you, is none of your business. The courts had already figured out that what I said was the common sense answer, with respect to viability, is the best solution. This whole issue is just Christo-fascists trying to have their way. Totally agree that we need new amendments for a changing world, but the slippery slope people pretend that an ever-changing SCOTUS is better than having well-defined articles. Like trusting former lawyers, who's job it is to twist laws, to give impartial interpretations is a great idea. If they were to put bodily autonomy on the docket for an Amendment, would you be for or against it?
  3. Sorry, but this isn't a correlation/causation argument. The pro-life movement is a religiously driven movement, make no mistake. The more Christian you are, the more pro-life you are, and while nearly nothing is 100%, this is very close to it. My base point is that you're not free if the state, and I said 'state' before for a reason, is taking away any freedoms, which are fortunately defended by my country, even though they are basic indelible HUMAN rights. If I sound like a founding father, that's good, because I'm trying to. If you'll note, I already pointed out that abortion doesn't impress anything upon anyone else. That's the issue. The only thing being impressed is someone else's religion. I think these dummies forgot that Alabama DID do just that. The only thing that stopped them is the fear of losing votes. They basically tried to see if they could get away with it. It's the trump/GQP way. HMMM. Short memories.
  4. The 10th Amendment doesn't mean states have a right to remove freedoms. It's actually intended to have quite the opposite meaning.
  5. To me there is a real simple common sense solution to this, and that's to come up with a definition of viability of the fetus/baby in the uterus. You should be able to abort up until it would be able to survive outside the mother on it's own. The viability should be determined by medical professionals, NOT Christo-fascists GQP politicians. Of course, the GQP politicians would accuse the medical professionals of being all lying LIBRUHLS! Absolutely NO ONE should be forcing religion on other member of their community/state. That's NOT freedom, and it's not even debatable.
  6. Look at my edited 2nd post. I honestly don't care if you respond to my points, but I do take exception to you making things conditional on your terms only.
  7. That's EXTERMELY twisted. A state and country is nothing more than groups of people into communities with drawn up make believe lines. If you're TRULY free, then no one in that state/community is deciding ANYTHING you are allowed to do if it has no bearing on them/their lives whatsoever. ESPECIALLY bodily autonomy. I already edited last post to answer your question. Can you tell me where they are currently aborting babies after birth, besides in cases where it's medically necessary to stop suffering?
  8. The only way you have a choice in a state, whether you want to be technical about the terminology or not, is to leave the choice up to the citizen, if it has no bearing at all on other members of the community. Don't get freedom twisted. If you kill a baby after it's born, then that's murder. The term abortion, would seem to indicate that the BIRTH was aborted.
  9. Ok, so his official "position" is that the 'state' should decide what a woman can do with her body. Are there other things the 'state', or rather in this case the Christo-fascist GQP, thinks we should be able to do with our autonomy? Maybe they should force THEIR religion on school kids, too? So much for the hypocritical 'slippery slope' people. Pro-choice=freedom.
  10. Well, there goes his claim that he can declassify documents just by thinking about it. Does the right even have any feet left after shooting them off time after time after time? MEMORANDUM FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL THE DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE THE DIRECTOR OF THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SUBJECT: Declassification of Certain Materials Related to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby direct the following:
  11. Well, you're having fun with blaming Biden for the $6 trillion trump giveaway.
  12. Thank you. When you're triggered, that means the reality, that I've been making you face, is getting too tough for you. Anyone else you'd like censored for no legitimate reason, other than that you disagree with their facts? May as well make this a full on PANIC!
  13. The only way to get rid of your "uniparty" is to support people with morals and ethics, and refuse to vote for anyone who doesn't have them. The GQP has neither, so they aren't the answer.
  14. You IMMEDIATELY pivoted to DEI, because either you know there's gouging, or you just want to ignore the facts. I didn't forget Tyson. Illegals actually make your goods cheaper, where American workers, who wouldn't do the work anyways, would make it more expensive. Thye can't find enough workers. I never claimed the Democrats were smart, but have you ever heard of windfall tax? Let them laugh that one off.
  15. You passed ECO101 congrats, but now it's time to live in the REAL world, where 'perfect competition' doesn't actually exist. The economics that are actually in practice are oligopoly(simple to research). You've shown zero examples of why his claim that price gouging isn't happening. Here's a few that show it IS happening: Cargill has had a hand in sourcing or processing, whether it’s wheat, soy, cocoa, feed for livestock, or the meat that ends up in grocery stores and restaurants. In fiscal year 2022, its revenue reached a record $165 billion. A record $6.68 billion of that was profit, double what its profits were in 2020. Its shareholders received $1.21 billion of those profits in dividends — yet another record. Tyson Foods, the largest meat company in the US, also more than doubled its profits between the first quarter of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022. General Mills, which owns a variety of cereal brands as well as food brands like Annie’s, Betty Crocker, Chex, and Bisquick, has raised prices five times since 2021 and indicated another price hike could be coming soon. At the end of last year, its profits were up 97 percent compared to the previous quarter, and up 16 percent annually. Conagra, which owns packaged food brands like Healthy Choice, Duncan Hines, and Reddi-wip, noted a 22 percent profit increase in its last quarterly earnings report. Kraft-Heinz, the multinational food company that makes Oscar Mayer, Jell-O, and Kool Aid, profits for the quarter ending at the end of 2022 were up nearly 450%, compared to the prior year, at $887 million. Cal-Maine Foods, the largest egg producer in the U.S., reported that its revenue doubled and profit surged 718% last quarter because of higher egg prices. The Mars family, whose company makes candy (3 Musketeers, Skittles, M&M’s, Snickers), packaged food (Ben’s Original, Tasty Bite, MasterFoods), pet food, and more, boast six billionaire members who are together worth about $115 billion. Between 2020 and 2021, they added $21 billion to their fortunes. Nestle gross profit margin increased by 70 basis points to 45.9%. Pricing, cost efficiencies and portfolio optimization more than offset significant cost inflation. JBS Adjusted pre-tax earnings reached a new record of R$45.7 billion (US$8.5 billion) – up 54pc – while net income for the year ended 31 December was R$20.5 billion – up 345pc, year-on-year.
  16. Possibly. Looks like the after-hours was buying.
  17. DWAC dropped 14% Friday. I'm sure the investors will be thrilled that the stock will be his slush fund.
  18. True, but it was a simple question she couldn't answer 'no' to.
  19. It was when somebody needed a favor. Who knew they were that close to war with Russia when he made the ask? I dunno, maybe the president who likes picture briefings?
  20. So exactly what rights are these "people", of "the political community" entitled to? Most of the same ones that citizens have? Who decides which rights? It isn't anywhere near as simple as you thought it was.
  21. What was the something, and why would it have been worth Joe's time for $40k? Hold on guys, they're werking on that. Must be the CIA and IRS and DOJ. LOL. Are you starting to understand why this is political theater, and the House is running a political campaign instead of doing their job yet? You pay them to legislate, and they're running "election interference'. I don't like the smell of this either, but there's no there there. Stop harassing the family until you have some proof. LAWFARE
  22. In order for RICO to apply, someone does have to have committed a crime. That's what she was asking. Who did what crime? You do realize Bobulinski is the Michael Cohen of this investigation, right? At least we know why Cohen is all of a sudden 'the good guy'. What's Bobs angle?
  23. Yeah, it's making me start stuttering again. Did NC tell you about his American liberal heroes, who started and got the anti-communist party act passed in the Senate 85-0? Funny how he calls liberals commies now.
  24. So The Chinese Communist Party was doling out the big bucks to Joe Biden(40k), with the idea that in 5 or 6 years, IF he wins the election, that he will do something favorably for China? Is that really plausible? Only $40k to a guy who has millions, and had to know it had risk?? China not knowing if his old ass would even be alive, no less WIN the election. It's not plausible AT ALL. Seems like a few of you fell for the political theater though. Can anyone think of anything Joe has done to help China? Wouldn't he have reversed the tariffs? This is why the sane people here keep asking, "what crime?", while the rest are sitting there pointing at what they think is a fire.
  25. If you cast a net 1000 times and get nothing, why not throw it again. This is an illegal lawfare fishing expedition against a US citizen. If this was Jared, you'd all be losing your minds. The top Republicans on the House Judiciary and Oversight and Accountability committees, Jim Jordan of Ohio and James Comer of Kentucky, respectively, said they do not know why the CIA intervened but said it aligns with other Biden administration efforts to thwart the probe of the president’s son that were exposed by two IRS whistleblowers.
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