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Everything posted by daz28

  1. If this was the barriers set up outside the Capital on Jan 6th, here's how we'd be handling the situation: At a weekend rally in Ohio, his first as the presumed Republican Party presidential nominee, Trump stood onstage, his hand raised in salute to the brim of his red MAGA hat, as a recorded chorus of prisoners in jail for their roles in the Jan. 6 attack sang the national anthem. An announcer asked the crowd to please rise “for the horribly and unfairly treated January 6th hostages.” And people did, and sang along. “They were unbelievable patriots,” Trump said as the recording ended. Having previously vowed to pardon the rioters, he promised to help them “the first day we get into office.” Initially relegated to a fringe theory on the edges of the Republican Party, the revisionist history of Jan. 6, which Trump amplified during the early days of the GOP primary campaign to rouse his most devoted voters, remains a rally centerpiece even as he must appeal more broadly to a general election audience. In heaping praise on the rioters, Trump is shifting blame for his own role in the run-up to the bloody mob siege and asking voters to absolve hundreds of them — and himself — over the deadliest attack on a seat of American power in 200 years.
  2. Is this a prelude to building Hitl...I mean trump's 'Pacific Wall'? Is Rommel available?
  3. Wrong: The term’s appearance in Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution—the Compact Clause—derives from the Articles of Confederation, which provided as follows: No state shall engage in any war without the consent of the united states in congress assembled, unless such state be actually invaded by enemies, or shall have received certain advice of a resolution being formed by some nation of Indians to invade such state, and the danger is so imminent as not to admit of a delay till the united states in congress assembled can be consulted. A provision substantively identical to this text (except for the omission of the reference to Indians) was added to the draft of the Constitution. That draft provision demanded that no state shall, without [the] Consent [of Congress] engage in any War, unless it shall be actually invaded by Enemies, or the Danger of Invasion be so imminent as not to admit of a Delay, until the Legislature of the United States can be consulted I GUARANTEE you this is a loser in court.
  4. They must have been allowed in, because they just let them walk right in. Sound like a familiar stupid argument that you like to use? I'm having trouble differentiating between your ever-changing definitions of mostly peaceful protest and invasion.
  5. Pence kept LOTS of detailed notes, because he wasn't a dummy like the guys sending texts and emails. Can't wait to see them.
  6. Have you ever heard of statute of limitations? New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed legislation Wednesday that extends the statute of limitations for certain cases of rape and other sex crimes. He was joined at the signing by actresses who have been active in the Time’s Up movement, which aims to combat sexual harassment. They included Julianne Moore, Mira Sorvino, Amber Tamblyn and Michelle Hurd. Under the new law, the statute of limitations for reporting second-degree rape increases to 20 years and third-degree rape increases to 10 years. Previously, both were five years. -This was in 2019 Are you still sure about this, "The reason why this wasn't a criminal case is because it would have failed"? Your last silly argument, "The reason why this wasn't a criminal case is because it would have failed", will not even be addressed beyond this, because it'a maybe the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Lastly, let's put this whole thing to bed. Thanks to you having me do a little more research: Under New York Penal Law article 130, rape is defined as a non:consensual sexual intercourse with another person. Non:consensual sexual intercourse requires penetration of the victim’s anus, *****, or mouth by a penis, or any foreign object, without consent. So if he had of used his sharpie instead of his finger, it would have been rape, but ok I'll let you guys split that hair.
  7. This isn't about what I "believe', but about the legal terminology. There's lots of discussion recently, but let's go back to the 18 century, and examine. Slaves were 100% NOT citizens, yet they were counted as 3/5 "people" and counted in the census towards representation. This dispels the notion that non-citizens are not "members of the political community" argument, which is probably the leading argument that immigrants aren't "people". If you think this argument is so easy a 5th grader, who can read, can know it, then you haven't done any research on the subject whatsoever.
  8. I guess this means what ya'll call illegals can be militia too then, right? Can't have it both ways. Unless you're ultra magga, and the logic gets warped to suit.
  9. So much WINNIN..... oh wait.... A federal appeals court on Tuesday night ordered that a contentious new Texas immigration law be paused just hours after the Supreme Court said it could go into effect. A three-judge panel of the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals split 2-1 in saying in a brief order that the measure, known as SB4, should be blocked. The same court is hearing arguments Wednesday morning on the issue. Doing Texas a solid, and they don't even know it.
  10. When Alina is eventually fired or arrested(like every single lawyer for him EVER), you can take up the case, and tell the courtroom that you don't see any smoking fingers, so the jury should be executed and trump TODULLY IGZONHERATED!!!! Every single other allegation ever made about "Joke" Biden,on the other hand, HE DID IT. CM'ON MAN. Not enough evidence to bring a case, from a right wing special prosecutor, but i guess that's different. 2 tiered lawfare communist blah blah. I wonder if you guys even understand how sick people get of conspiracy after conspiracy, court case after court case that gets slapped down, but you just don't stop. Ya'll are persistent. I give you that much. Your boy had his day in court, and he lost. Look in the mirror tomorrow morning, and try to say, "he lost", because eventually you're going to have to accept the truth.
  11. To me this seems to point to the notion that the militia and right to bear arms ARE separate ideas, and that should be a semicolon not a comma. Clerical error. I don't expect the SCOTUS will notice that, though. Dumbest group I've ever seen.
  12. Tell me you're kidding. Your argument is that I have to provide you personally with evidence that you deem acceptable? That's not how the law, juries, or in fact anything else on this planet works. After a jury finds you guilty, you're guilty. It no longer becomes slander. I had no clue there was a Doc must concur clause in the judicial system. You and Sherpa don't even know what operational is, but you know who is responsible for the bungle. OK
  13. I mean you and me might think that, but legal documents have legal definitions. "The people" is EXACTLY the language used in the 2nd Amendment, no matter how bad you wished it said citizens. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
  14. Penalties for those who illegally re-enter Texas after having been deported could go up to 20 years in prison, depending on a person's immigration and criminal history. Top Mexico diplomat Roberto Velasco Álvarez posted on X that Mexico will not accept migrants being sent back across the border by the state of Texas. "The dialogue on immigration matters will continue between the federal governments" of Mexico and the US, he wrote in Spanish. sow chaos and confusion at our southern border," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement. "The court gives a green-light that will upend the longstanding federal-state balance of power and sow chaos," Justice Sotomayor wrote in the dissenting opinion. Oh look, what happened? It sowed chaos. Looks like they won't be sending them back "pronto". Better start building those prisons we were talking about, because 20 years is a long time to be housing someone. The cost for each one jailed? $500,000. Doc your whole day has been a loss. You could call it an average trump day. meanwhile I'll be dying over the irony that Texas won't have the money, resources, and infrastructure to enforce their laws. Sounds PAINFULLY familiar. Too bad we didn't have a bill presented that only had 2 other super simple aid issues attached to it ready to be sent to the president.
  15. Hope Texas has a strong national guard. After all the SCOTUS just said Texas can do Texas when dealing with immigration. Alamo part 2. I guess the SCOTUS doesn't realize this is an international issue as well. That's ok, I wouldn't have expected them to.
  16. For a deal that they were not upholding one single part of the entire time it was negotiated, and before even one single prisoner was released. The Afghan president was coming out and saying that the terms trump were offering were lies. Then after the prisoners were released, they continued to not honor any of the deal, which made the May 1st "deal" one that couldn't be believed to be honored. Anyone can google the withdrawal timeline unless they don't want to spoil their inaccurate narratives. The art of the deal.
  17. He's a walking run on sentence. He'll be great at being the guy at the corner bar who shows up at noon and doesn't stop talking until 6:30 when he leaves.
  18. I'll choose #2. Forgot all about that. Does seem like he may have left money on the table somewhere else.
  19. We're paying him the same amount as Miami is to play this year. They must not have even discussed a contract with him. Like why didn't he just play here for the $2M were going to have to pay him. I don't get it.
  20. They said that they had already been allowed to fire shots recently, so the bungle of the SGT not taking the shot was his commander not knowing what the current orders were. He literally said, "I don't know", but I guess that was Biden not being a good operational commander's fault, right? Heck, why not put Biden right behind a few sandbags at Bagram, so he can give the fire order directly to the sniper when he spots a random suicide bomber? If the sniper's commander hadn't bungled that request to fire, there isn't even an issue. Well, Fox would have found a way to make it look bad, but.... I don' think you're understanding the 2,500 troops thing. They were to remain behind in a deteriorating situation. Milley said the main problem was our allied Afghani troops were poorly trained, and "melted away". They were meant to stay and protect the government. trump reduced troops levels to 2,500 in January, so it's basically saying NO troops would be leaving. I hope you're not trying to say we evacuated all the troops and then civilians after with no protection?
  21. I'd pay good money to get my hands on some wine coolers. Compared to seltzer those things were fire.
  22. You mean Mike Pence allowed him to lose an election.
  23. By their logic, no one in history has ever gotten a fair jury trial, because people have an innate prejudice against criminals. For the trial to be legit, it should be by a jury of peers made up of only fellow criminals to avoid a bias. The solution? Trump can only be tried fairly if the AG, judge and jury are all ultra MAGA, and the trial is held in a rural area in a deep red state. Everyone else is a crooked democrat deep stater. This of course doesn't apply to the SCOTUS, especially if they find him immune to all crimes. Oy vey!
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