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Everything posted by daz28

  1. Sorry guys: The operational level of war is the level of command situated between the tactical and the strategic, between the company or battalion commander in the field and the president in the White House. It is in the exercise of operational art that today’s senior generals, like McChrystal, hope to reach the acme of their professional careers. Those 2,500 troops weren't to be there for that. They were to be there to prevent the Taliban from taking over Afghani government, not to protect Bagram AB. That was inevitable. The general said those troops would have been at significant risk of harm. I'm glad they didn't remain.
  2. One general took responsibility, the other did not. At the strategic level, we got out of Afghanistan. On the operational level, they failed, but Milley is misusing words, and pointing fingers at the state department. He literally said the 2.500 troops would have only stopped the "swift" takeover. The inevitable takeover happened swiftly, because their president cut and ran. He said those 2,500 troops would have been at "significant risk" of harm. I'd rather not risk those 2,500 troops lives to merely prevent an inevitable takeover. The disaster was Abbey Gate, and the general took FULL responsibility. The SGT had a chance to take a shot, but his OPERATIONAL commander bungled it.
  3. They don't even read half the stuff they post. Ironically, I do and catch it every time. Comically, the preponderance of evidence part is in the red circle.
  4. Then why did they create a law to jail them? Political stunt maybe? Doc, you normally don't lose this badly, but you're having a bad day. Do you think any of them might return? What would be stopping them?
  5. You think the president has operational control over the troops?? LOL Try again.
  6. LOL, in your opinion, does Texas currently have the resources and funds to follow this law right now and long-term? No, well then they'll be do EXACTLY what Biden is doing that you hate so much. They'll end up not enforcing the laws, and claiming they don't have the resources to do it. I know you hate Joke, but that's no reason to call what is almost certainly a fact my opinion. Texas' budget is available online, so if you want to show me how much they have allocated for this, I'd like to see it. They spend $22,000/year per inmate. Let's say they jail 1 million immigrants. That's $22 billion. Charge em with a felony when they return, and how long before you have 10 million immigrants in jail? Their annual budget is $165 billion. Not a political stunt though. LOLZ If Trump wins he will deport them. At least in Texas they will have $22,00 worth of care in jail that they wouldn't have in Mexico. As usual a poorly thought-out plan by republicans.
  7. Sounds more like a GQP hearing blows up in their face once again: "I was the overall commander and I and I alone bear full military responsibility for what happened at Abbey Gate," said former Retired Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr., who served as commander of U.S. Central Command from 2019 to 2022, during a congressional hearing. For those who watch Fox, and love to misinterpret everything, that means it was an OPERATIONAL failure. The generals were all over the place, saying it was too slow and too late, but also saying that we should have kept 2,500 troops there, while also admitting that would have been a, "significant risk on U.S. forces. But is worth that risk." Also saying that the takeover by the Taliban wouldn't have been "as swift" if we would have kept those 2,500 troops there under "moderate to significant risk'. So iow, keep some forces there, in imminent danger, because it would have taken longer for the Taliban to take over. Brilliant general, brilliant.
  8. I just pointed out the problems with that, so I'm guessing your reply wasn't regarding any of those issues, and was just tossing out random, irrelevant info?
  9. In this country, we use a jury to look at the evidence, and come to judgment. That's the proof we use, not the public's examination of the limited facts, that the media provided them, and then take a poll. You may not think there's proof, but the jury did. Ken Starr was an actual witch hunt. Borderline blackmail. Either you admit to your wife and America you had an affair, or lie and accept perjury. Surely a guy that stands up for justice and what's right, like yourself, can admit that. Free Slick!
  10. Not sure what you're trying to say here. This ruling allows them to follow their new law, which allows them to jail or deport. if the plan is to just continue to ship them out, and not even use the new law, then it would in fact confirm that it certainly was just a political stunt.
  11. As usual, NC was kind enough to bumble his way into providing the proof of the thing he was claiming actually didn't happen. If you go back one page, and look at, ironically, his Election Wizard tweet look right below the part that is circled in red, and it clearly states with an X in the box, "Mr. Trump sexually abused Ms. Carroll". That was decided by "a preponderance of evidence". I'd like to take a second to thank the unwitting again for saving me from having to take the time to do my own research.
  12. Seems like a good thing on the surface, but... Do you remember Cheech N Chong, when they wanted to go back home and visit, they'd set up a raid on themselves to get a free ride back home w/a sandwich, and then just come right back in? Now there is a provision to jail them for 6 months, and a felony if recaptured. Again, sounds great, right. Well, if the conditions you're fleeing are worse than detention, then 3 hots and a cot, while not as good as freedom in the states, is still better than what they had. Third, Texas is going to find out REAL fast, that they don't have the facilities and manpower to keep up. It's going to cost a TON, and take time to get the infrastructure ready. Texas has a surplus, but it will go fast. Now suppose Biden goes full Trump, and starts denying Texas federal funds, because he wants to be a sore loser. This is hardly a long-term solution, and in fact makes it a perpetual problem. Texans will grow tired of endlessly spending their taxes to detain immigrants. Lastly, this throws yet another wrench into the already complex immigration problem, and infighting just adds another problem to the long list. The REAL solution is comprehensive immigration reform in Congress. Congressional Democrats may even look at this as, "why should we spend money, when we can just let Texas foot the bill". I know a lot of you are conditioned to hate the last bi-partisan proposal, but any new bill is going to have to have self-triggering measures, so the Biden situation can't happen again with enforcement. Right now Trump wanting to play the hero for politics, and Biden being a dummy, along with republicans playing fake lawfare trying to get votes, instead of doing their job are the biggest hurdles. Call your reps and tell them you want immigration reform, NOW!
  13. The graph literally is comparing one stock to another, and claiming it's an indicator of doom. Then at the end it says, "The top 10% of stocks in the US now reflect ~75% of the entire market.", which would mean that there's actually very little speculation happening. Seems contradictory to me, and definitely not the same thing as the dot-com bubble.
  14. So let me get this straight. The argument is that we don't support a rapist, we support a sexual assaulter?
  15. It's just a legal term, AGAIN don't blame me for it. I believe 30 days is fairly standard. Yes, he's a jerk. Again, poor people often have to come up with money they don't have. He supposedly has $5B. If he can't get a bond, that tells you they either feel he's not trustworthy or he doesn't really have the assets, which would be rich seeing that's why he's here in the first place. BT showed you how the number maybe isn't actually that far-fetched, harmed party or not. if he gained an unfair advantage, he should pay for it.
  16. The only problem is if they continue to give ridiculous salaries to top management and huge dividends to shareholders, the simps will claim it was the workers earning a living wage that crippled the company.
  17. Wait, I had no idea NC allowed you to post in BT created threads. TREASONOUS!
  18. Then why are red states shipping immigrants to blue states depriving them of that advantage, Elon? Uh durrrr
  19. I would assume that because a rich person pays the same parking ticket fine that a poor person pays would mean the appeals court will find it wildly excessive. My personal opinion is that the damages should be punitive in relation to the individual instead. Either way if he's as rich as he says he is it won't hurt him that much. If I went from having $5B to $4.5B I wouldn't be missing meals and having to fly coach.
  20. I don't know if a union has or can try to control that. I did a quick google, and this is what I found: We find evidence that labor unions affect chief executive officer (CEO) compensation. First, we find that firms with strong unions pay their CEOs less. The negative effect is robust to various tests for endogeneity, including cross-sectional variations and a regression discontinuity design. Second, we find that CEO compensation is curbed before union contract negotiations, especially when the compensation is discretionary and the unions have a strong bargaining position. Third, we report that curbing CEO compensation mitigates the chance of a labor strike, thus providing a rationale for firms to pay CEOs less when facing strong unions.
  21. I don't have any idea what to go by. That was up to a judge, and will be up to an appeals judge now. My comments are basically that if a punishment isn't enough, then the wealthy are basically above the law. I already said that what excessive means is the question. I certainly don't have the answer.
  22. There is absolutely no 'winning' in any of that. What trump was asking for was ridiculous. The right wing MSM is going to be all over this as left-wing democrat socialist commie judge.
  23. Huh? If you don't know how unions work, you can google it. The only real problem with it is that they will exploit workers elsewhere in the world. Like I said before, when international workers begin to unite, the elite start a war. If you're interested, Jean Jaurès is really good research. Don't let the socialism word scare you.
  24. There is a misconception that the U.S. Constitution applies only to U.S. citizens. Some passages and phrases in our laws explicitly state only “citizens” are afforded certain rights, such as the right to vote. When the terms “resident” or “person” is used instead of citizen, the rights and privileges afforded are extended to protect citizens and non-citizens alike. Moreover, protections under the 14th Amendment ensure that no particular group is discriminated against unlawfully. Do I like it? No, but either you follow the Constitution on everything or nothing.
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