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Everything posted by HomeTeam

  1. Josh Allen is life. Josh Allen is love 😍 Look how happy he is for his teammates. No wonder they love playing with and for him.
  2. Superbowl bound ! Allen for MVP!! Everybody gets A! 😎
  3. Could the 49ers be intentional pulling the plug on the season in coup for a higher draft pick? I believe they want to move on from garoppolo while their window is open. My tin foil hat is tingling.
  4. Is anyone else tired of the NFC East primetime matchups?
  5. I don't think Miami is realistically looking at this year as a year they compete for the division realistically. I think they are just looking to compete and gain some experience. Next year though, with added experience and another boatload of draft picks, watch out.
  6. I'm not quite that down on the Bills as you are. I think if the Bills offense is in high gear, they can beat anyone. The key word here is if. I'm just going to enjoy the season for what it is. As of this moment, the Bills are a good football team. Unfortunately, they are not a great/ellite team. Hopefully they can find themselves as the season evolves.
  7. That's an interesting take and not the first time I've heard that around here. You might be right but I'd imagine you would want a combination of Morse and Mongo in the starting lineup.
  8. Yea, my heart says the same thing. Watching teams like the Steelers, Chiefs, Ravens, Titans, they just seem like a tier above us. It sucks but I don't think our defensive front seven is stout enough. Who knows, maybe the team will sort it out as the season unfolds. That's the best I have.
  9. That Mitch Morse concussion is a major concern. I wish him a speedy recovery, I know he has a history with that : S
  10. Happy to win but we have to be honest with ourselves here, this team has a bunch of flaws. Unfortunately, I don't believe we can compete with the premier teams in the AFC.
  11. really happy with the way we have run the ball today. Not sure why we have not used that to run some more play action?
  12. Hopefully they can protect the football and stop the run. That's the only way I see us losing. Enjoy the game everybody. Happy football Sunday!
  13. I know you're not happy with our tight ends and rightfully so, but I was happy with Kroft yesterday. I though he had a good game, except the one play where he lost his balance. I'm not sure how good his blocking is, I have not focused on him enough, maybe someone else can comment, but he's got good hands. He's a natural catcher of the ball. I know that's not saying much, but at least he can catch the daam ball. Maybe we can activate Sweeney, I was high in him the few times he was active last year. Definitely need more out of the tight end and RB positions.
  14. I don't mind this commentary crew, they are actually enjoyable to listen to. Much better than the other crews we usually get. I liked what I saw from Allen that last drive, he was able to read and get the ball out quick. Running the ball also helped versus the zone.
  15. This. We need to win the line of scrimmage battle. Our lines get pushed back way too often. You can't win playoff games without being able to run the ball, set the edge, and rush the passer.
  16. This game has ruined my night and possibly my entire week. ; )
  17. Love the metal resilience of that drive. So much adversity, so many long 3rd down conversions. You love to see it.
  18. Danielle Hunter is a stud. Unfortunately, he's injured right now and I also don't think he's tradable.
  19. You're post sparked an idea. Maybe the reason the Bills and other defenses around the NFL are playing poor is due to a lack of fans. Usually it's the fans that provide a spark for defenses. Overall, I think this coaching staff will make the needed adjustments to right the ship on that side of the ball. We've seen this in the past and they always find an answer.
  20. Norman and Diggs bring some attitude to this team. We need more dawgs on the defense though. Got to figure out that side of the ball.
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