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Everything posted by HomeTeam

  1. Say what you want, but nothing the patriots did impressed me tonight. Such a winnable game. My only hope is that we can make the playoffs and go on a run. The AFC is wide open this year. This team does have some issues in the interior lines. Hopefully those can get addressed in the off season. One thing that I seek solace in is that we have Josh Allen.
  2. Allen is playing his heart out. I wish his supporting cast would help him out.
  3. 15 yard punt. Haha You have to admit these inclement weather games do add some variety for football viewers.
  4. Agreed, after watching the raiders vs. cowboys game, that has become apparent.
  5. Man the cowboys have done a great job drafting over the years. They have some very talented young players.
  6. About time we get a component announcing crew. It's refreshing.
  7. Take care of yourselves guys. I'm going to go ahead and enjoy what is left of my Sunday.
  8. the refs suck, the announcing crew sucks, the bills suck. everything sucks xD
  9. Without having any context to the situation, for some reason I'm saddened by this news. I liked Gruden in football.
  10. Yea, I am also not happy with the way the fans have turned on Beasely. He spilled his guts out last postseason playing hurt. I think he deserves more support.
  11. I hope whatever is going on, they can reconcile. This team has a great opportunity here, and Beasely is an important piece to the puzzle.
  12. One key difference between this game and the AFC Championship game is how awesome our DL and OL have played. Much beefier and able to get pressure on the opposing QB's. Definitely need that to go deep in the playoffs. Really excited with this team. I hope they continue to grow and stay healthy for the season. Awesome game (minus the referees), enjoy the win everyone.
  13. I don't even care if we win this game, its officiating like this and a slew of other things that make me watch less and less football every year. Shameful.
  14. I dreamt of a couple years ago. It is done. All we have to do is wait.
  15. I remember he looked great during his limited snaps as a rookie. Very likable guy too. I'm hoping we can get more production out of the TE position this year.
  16. Agreed. Awesome video but way too short. I love our leadership team.
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