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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. Wow I have never heard if this place. Where is it? I cant wait to check it out. Portland has a place called Voodoo Doughnuts. They make some crazy stuff. Not really to my taste but super popular. There is also a chain called Blue Star doughnuts. Much more traditional and very very good.
  2. This is my upset game of the year. Bills will beat GB and Rodgers the week before. Then have a mental lapse on the road. Almost nobody picked a loss to the Jags and most did not expect a loss to Pittsburgh last year.
  3. I could live with 1 preseason game but they played none in 2020 and the competition and quality of play was fine
  4. The gap between Jerry Rice and every other WR in the history of the NFL is greater than every other position. Yes I do think Brady is best QB of all time but he doesn't even have all the all-time records. You can make legit arguments for Marino, Elway, Rodgers, Brees, and Manning in the best QB category. Lastly Brady is not in my top 2 NFL players of all time - that would be Rice and LT. I think the gap between Lawrence Taylor and all other linebackers is the second widest margin. Jim Brown is probably even a better argument than Brady. Though his records have been surpassed he was more physically dominant than any RB in NFL history. As for overall athlete, it is Gretzky and there is no further discussion. Male or female there is no other athlete that was more superior in their respective sport across all eras.
  5. I agree. They open up a roster spot by getting rid of Gilliam. With Howard and Knox you then get rid of Sweeney. Then the decision is how many and which RBs do you keep?
  6. Why wouldn't Quessenbury be first to back up IOL? I thought he could back up at all 5 spots and compete to start at RT.
  7. Honestly if he hadn't gotten hurt he probably would have been cut by now. I guess the only spot he is really competing for would be Kumerow's. And I say that because those are two guys with size. Both are listed at 6'4" though many sites also say he is 6'3". Davis is 6'2. I just can't see him making the roster for the rare red-zone opportunity. His only shot would be if Kumerow got hurt and even then I'm not sure he would make the roster.
  8. Knox is top 10 talent but just doesn't have the numbers. Maybe this year with a new OC. Dawkins was playing at a top 5 level late last season. He struggled early. Morse is just outside top 10. Oliver I can see anywhere from 7 to 15, and getting better every year. Didn’t like the pick but he is a solid starter. And of course PFF sees the same thing we do in Edmunds. He is nowhere near a top 10 LB. Hope he plays like one this year.
  9. Agree. I didn't like but was ok with the Rex hire. I thought he would keep Schwartz and just add some of his blitz concepts. People forget he took a bad Jets team to back to back AFC Conference championship games with Sanchez. If he had just left the defense to Schwartz and had the same results on offense Bills would have been a contender just like the Ravens are year after year. Rex in game decisions were ok I thought too. But he got silly and stupid with his devotion to his outdated defense, his brother, and stuff like choosing captains for the week based on antagonizing the opponents.
  10. All good points. It does however make Beane's argument that he had to clean up the cap situation when he got here a bit nonsensical.
  11. This is such a funny thread. The same group of people that are complaining someone called the Bills irrelevant are the same ones that complained the Bills did not get any love or attention from the media. Not making the playoffs for 17 years while starting QBs like EJ, Trent, Orton, and Peterman pretty much is the definition of irrelevant. Having the best QB in the league makes you a SB favorite and media darling.
  12. There is very good human performance data that working more than 50 hours a week significantly negatively impacts performance. That he spends that amount of time in the office is not going to improve performance. As others have said, all that time in the office did not prevent a miscommunication with the kickoff in KC. It did not help him decide to defend against a FG instead of a TD. His challenge rate is poor though better last year. Two point conversion offense and defense has been very poor during McD tenure.
  13. To be fair McD's defense got destroyed against New Orleans giving up over 200 yards rushing that was a precursor to other flops by the defense. It was McD that chose to start Peterman on the road against the Chargers. It was McD that hired and fired his OC after one year. One might argue Bills made the playoffs despite McD's decisions. And lastly the tank job was McD's second season when they fielded a non-competitive team by Beane's own admission.
  14. I'd watch college football and do woodworking on Sundays. If not for the Bills I'm not sure I would follow NFL anymore. That's more of an answer if the Bills left Buffalo. If they signed Watson or any other player ith these accusations knowingly I would probably pause on following them. I like others tend to think Beane and McD wouldn't sign this type of player. But those that say Beane has a moral compass or something like that don't really know. He tried to sign Antonio Brown when it was known he had issues in Pittsburgh. Both McD and Beane kept Incognito on the team and playing after he started drinking again. Knowing he was drinking again Beane still offered Incognito a contract albeit as a salary cut. Beane and McD stood by Dodson after being suspended for domestic abuse. They signed Trent Murphy a known PED cheat. Again while I believe there are lines such as acquiring a guy like Watson that Beane and McDermott would not cross, neither of those guys are altruistic saints.
  15. He has eight SB rings. You really think he is not a top tier coach any more? What McD accomplished with TT and that bunch of WR's is very impressive. So is Belichick getting to the playoffs with a rookie QB. The two don't need to be mutually exclusive. As for the playoff game, I was there and there was simply no stopping Allen that day. Everything worked including the throw away TD to Knox. No team was beating the Bills at home in that setting on that day. He has eight SB rings. You really think he is not a top tier coach any more? What McD accomplished with TT and that bunch of WR's is very impressive. So is Belichick getting to the playoffs with a rookie QB. The two don't need to be mutually exclusive. As for the playoff game, I was there and there was simply no stopping Allen that day. Everything worked including the throw away TD to Knox. No team was beating the Bills at home in that setting on that day.
  16. How do you figure that? He took a team with a rookie QB to the playoffs and beat the Bills at home throwing the ball three times. Seems he is still at the top of his game. I agree he is a terrible GM but would you want any other coach to game plan to win one game other than Belichick?
  17. OMG this has to be a joke! I have not shied away from criticizing McDermott but there is no way in hell he is 18th in the league. He is not without his faults, but he is easily a top 10 coach and leagues ahead of some of these clowns like McCarthy and Kingsbury ranked ahead of him. McDermott sticks true to his roots as a former defensive coordinator, helming strong units on that side of the ball while not always getting expected results out of his offenses based on talent level. And this description is 180 degree false. It's the defense that has let us down time and again while the offense has been great. Anyone that even casually followed the Bills would know the QBs they faced last year were garbage and the defense cost us the SB.
  18. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/34047704/after-nearly-40-seasons-coaching-nfl-romeo-crennel-73-announces-retirement He had little success as a HC but spent most of his time in Cleveland. Who has had success there? Given his longevity at the DC position and multiple stops outside of New England, I wonder what people think of him as a coach? He would have one of the better track records after leaving New England. Also I read this on wikipedia. I was not aware he witnessed the death himself. That must have been horrific. On December 1, 2012, Crennel attempted to prevent the suicide of player Jovan Belcher by talking to him and witnessed his death by a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
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