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Everything posted by RobbRiddicksTDLeap

  1. Cole Beasley. I’m telling you man, he’s trouble. He’s not the guy that is going make Allen better. Im joking by the way
  2. People here. People on WGR. Talking heads on all the sports networks and twitter, talked about his impact on Allen “in the short game” and how he “represented that Edelman like” player for Allen. It’s been said here, and in multiple outlets. You put it in simplest terms; he’s a possession slot receiver. In my opinion, he’s not very good at that. He’s better than the other options on the roster, so he plays. And as his history proves, when he’s wide open, he can make some nice plays. But ask him to fight for it, or to make a clutch play, he’s not reliable. Was he the main culprit last night? No, but he’s not the guy you want in the spot where your QB needs someone to make a play too.
  3. Cool Butthead. I made a mistake. Beasley had a solid year by statistical standards, but his hands in key situations, were suspect. Drops on critical 3rd downs in the Baltimore and both New England games. He had the same issues in Dallas and they phased him out of the offense. Oh, and the QB there did just fine without him. He’s a decent player who is not at all what some fans wanted him to be.
  4. Yes, and he almost had it too. The kid was trying to make a play. At least he held onto the ball. That’s promising. He has a lot of flaws, but he’s got guts. You mix that with experience and the physical tools, and gee whiz we are in for a treat. There is not a person among us, who in their most panicked professional moment, not made a mistake that will haunt us forever. Most of us get second chances and get to learn from them. Josh Allen has given zero reason to believe he is not capable of the same.
  5. Clearly? His knee was down and was touched before he got past the line. He got the benefit of the doubt, just like Hopkins did later in the game.
  6. You can take this comment one step further and suppose that a referee decision on intent, can and does impact the outcome and betting.
  7. I’m not a bookie, but it seems like anyone who put money on Buffalo winning, lost. Thats more money for the bookies? It seems like it’s easier to get a ref to make a game changing call at any point in the game to keep it close, than it would be create a league wide conspiracy to keep certain teams down. Give the Texans an advantage, and if they run with it, someone makes a lot of money.
  8. Beasley is unreliable. He has suspect hands, and his knee down before the marker on 3rd and long is a perfect example of his limitations in big spots. It’s the reason he was phased out of the offense in Dallas. He is not now, nor has he ever been, a reliable “Edelman-like” player.
  9. According to the rules, the only way to give yourself up is to let ball hit the ground, down yourself by taking a knee, or refusing to get up from the ground with possession of the ball. Those are the rules. Signaling to your teammates does not constitute giving yourself up. That’s why the referee let the play go. Because he was following the rules. In a playoff game, you have to play mistake free. Mental errors cost teams games, unless the NFL doesn’t want to deal with bonehead plays bringing bad press.
  10. This is a bigger deal than i think people are realizing. It wasn’t a line judge, or the back judge, it was the game referee who was overruled on the field. I think any objective fan, would say that the play was not over, and that the returners intent is irrelevant. He made a mistake and when the outcome didn’t go the way the officials “felt” it should, they changed the rules on the field. Because of the poor play in the second half by the offense and defense, this will get overlooked and brushed under the rug because “cry baby fans blame the refs” is the narrative always. The truth is, when money is on the line, no one cares about “respecting the shield”.
  11. Spain, Lawson, Wallace, Phillips. I’m not sure what that costs, but it should be under $40 million for all 4. That should leave enough for the future and for one big ticket skill player.
  12. It’s like in Casino when they break down the “eye in the sky”. And just like in the count room, everyone turns a blind eye to the skim. The money line was 2.5, Texans won and covered the spread. How many millions were won? Point manipulation is a lot easier than people think in close games. I am not ashamed to say that I firmly believe that the NFL willfully takes part in its games being tampered with for betting purposes. It’s fine if you don’t, but I do.
  13. Come on! No one in the Cleveland FO cares about strategy or game planning. They’re more inclined to ask about Belichick and Saban.
  14. Maybe by some fans, but for the most part, if they win the game no one would be complaining. If they win the game, that goofy lateral is “dont ever do that again” kind of a moment. If they win the game, that horrid 4th and 27 is a moment when we all willfully forget how we got there as fan base and a team. There’s no greater cause of amnesia in sports, than success.
  15. I loved this part too. He’s an exciting player, and unfortunately, he’s not always put in the best positions to succeed. Better play calling on both sides of the ball and we are talking about the game next week, and all of Josh’s sins, would be forgotten.
  16. Oh boy. You should read it. It’s actually pretty funny, and if you can’t laugh at how goofy some of his plays from this game were, then you might be taking “the game” a little bit too serious. The article is a light hearted look at the doltish things our QB does.
  17. This pretty much sums it up I think. I love the kid. My hope is that someone in the next few months before the 2020 season, sits down with him and shows him a mashup of all his bad plays and all his good plays. Maybe this will help him understand what it means to be an NFL QB, not a drunken lunatic playing Madden. https://apple.news/AsmRQ3tnPROioVhjBARzA8Q
  18. Didn’t you see him make that diving knee drop on 3rd and long? So reliable...
  19. He gets the yips at the worst possible times. Im not sure how to coach that out of him. I honestly feel like he needs to be confident in the guys around him to make plays too. Hopefully the focus on the offseason is to provide him with reliable skill players who catch the ball with their hands, and have keen situational awareness.
  20. Debo Samuel, DK Metcalf, N’Keal Harry. Anyone of those guys would have been an improvement over anyone not named John Brown.
  21. Then you are a lucky fan. There have been WAY worse losses than this.
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