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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. Win a ball game. That's how to get the respect back.
  2. It never feels so good to beat Miami or feel so bad to lose to them. I hate everything about that team.
  3. I remember a shot of him on the sidelines late in the game when Miami was moving downfield. He sure wasn't smiling then. In fact he looked pretty pizzed.
  4. Maybe you're right but giving up 21 in the fourth may mean the problem lies not solely on the defense but in the offenses inabilty to sustain ball and clock control.
  5. I'm sure Donahoe will be gainfully employed during the next draft and asking those tough and hard hitting questions like: Do you want to Super Size?
  6. The guy said we should never pass from the 5 yard line in. I was just checking to see if he thought the 4 yard pass was the wrong call.
  7. Okay, just checkin'. The INT took points away from us for sure but Miami did not score any after the turnover. To me the play of the game was the 57 yard completion on the Fins last possession. When they hit that pass I was singing Good Night Irene. This coaching staff should be drawn and quartered.
  8. So you're saying the 4 yard pass to Evans to make it 21-0 was a bad call then?
  9. Speak softly but carry a big stick?
  10. Well you have to admit that it would be a refreshing change from what we have now. Knowing X's and O's, I mean.
  11. Of course you know Johnny Cash shortened his name for show biz his birth name is Johnny Cassius Clay.
  12. And I'm guessing the guy was thinking, " Yeah right, like the Bills are gonna throw a long touchdown pass twice in the same game. I aint turning arou........OOF."
  13. Well if you had to stare at a bunch of knuckleheads every Sunday instaed of watching the game you'd look 60 too.
  14. Maybe Mike Williams, with a solid week of practice, could fill in for the guy?
  15. When betting games you should use my time tested and proven strategy, who has the cooler uniform?
  16. Sadly, you may be right. But that's only because the other guys suck so much.
  17. And that's the real problem. JP will lose valuable game experience because we played halfway decent against a poor team.
  18. What are you guys talkin' about? Did Bruschi play last night? I watched the whole game and don't remember him even being mentioned?
  19. I hated how the refs made Holcomb fumble and then to top it off the refs made Holcomb throw a two yard pass on fourth and seven. Those rat bastards.
  20. I saw that article from Boston too and it's a slap in the face. Sure my sister may be ugly but only I can say she is.
  21. Who cares about LA? I say let's bring some pro football to Buffalo.
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