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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. To me there is no moral standard in question here. The game was shown live in Cinci so why should I not be allowed to see it simply because of where I live.
  2. Could I just uninstall firefox and then reinstall it new?
  3. So what's the deal with this V-share and bing thing? I had downloaded the thing to watch the live feed, shut it down at half time but now my firefox automatically goes to bing as my homepage and a little v-share icon at the top left.
  4. What surprised me the most was that Trent actually threw the long ball. As much as I hate to say it, Trent played pretty well. Brohm didn't hurt himself tonight but I don't think he unseats Trent.
  5. What if someone last year had said. " We should draft the most talented offensive player available in the draft "? Being that we had little explosiveness on offense and trouble getting in the end zone would that be a wise choice?
  6. Does Garcia make anyone else think of the banjo playing kid from Deliverance when you see him?
  7. If Brohm sucks we'll still be singing the same tune, that our QBs suck. Right now Brohm is unknown so let's see how bad he sucks.
  8. I'm sure that no matter who plays QB this season we will draft a QB next year. Bottom line is this, everyone knows TE is a horrible QB who is afraid to throw down field and Brohm is such an unknown that it is impossible to evaluate him as a QB.
  9. Who claimed he was a franchise QB? All that is being said is he is an unknown entity that MAY turn out to be better than what we have.
  10. And, let me guess, Hitler is really upset at this?
  11. I'm sorry to hear that Lori has left the site, I enjoyed reading her previews on gamedays every Sunday as part of my pregame ritual.
  12. Oh, it was a forward pass alright. When it happened I had no doubt the play would be called correctly. Should have known better.
  13. Well the bottom line is, if the Bills do move there won't be a single thing we can do about it. I just don't believe ESPN has a dog in the fight.
  14. I rarely watch ESPN anymore but remember watching NFL PrimeTime back a few years ago and remember the Bills being thought very highly of. And that was before their SuperBowl runs. That ESPN cares if there is a team in LA or Buffalo or Cleveland makes no sense to me. And doesn't the NFL have their own media outlet in the NFL Channel?
  15. So you're saying that there is an agenda at ESPN to make the Bills look so horrible to their fans that when they move to LA there will be very little uproar from them? My question is, what's in it for ESPN?
  16. Glad to hear he BB is doing better, thoughts and prayers continue.
  17. Well I like him cuz his name is easy to say in pig-latin: Uddybay Ixnay.
  18. I'd take this kid before any of the other QBs from the major conferences. This kid can play.
  19. Yeah I went and checked it again. Tragic thing, that was.
  20. I see your problem with Cowher is on his coaching abilities. Have you taken a look at his record at Pittsburgh? In 15 seasons he had 3 with a losing record, made the playoffs 10 times, lost in the first playoff game played just twice. Won the AFC twice and the Superbowl once. I'd take my chances with this guy.
  21. Getting rid of Flutie was the BEST move they ever made. I hated him at QB. His run first and throw when he felt like it was a joke and every decent defense that he played figured him out and shut him down,
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