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Everything posted by JoshAllenHasBigHands

  1. Really, you’re just going to ignore their favorable QB situations and our lack thereof? This is a beligerent take.
  2. I guess I forgot about the year those coaches took us to the playoffs in their first season.
  3. 9/10 of those teams have franchise QBs for the entire period. Once the QB is gone it’s full rebuild. What’s wild to me is that we wildly overachieved this year. I thought we would be so much worse. But the other poster was right-it is about perspective. I always knew this year was about the rookie qb and clearing the cap space. So I always thought this would be a terrible year. Honestly, you’d have been a fool to think otherwise. Importantly, there is a clear plan and intention with the way this has unfolded. They got their QB, they got their cap space, and they have a ton of young players. I honestly could not be more excited.
  4. Draft value is as much about the contract as the player. This whole premise doesn’t make sense.
  5. There is maybe one or two backups in the league that could do this.... This is a dumb bright-line.
  6. If you think about the salary cap in terms of just one year, you are doing it wrong. That cap space isn't just for next year. Its also for the year after and the year after, and its there to help resign guys coming up through the system. The bills wont, and shouldn't, just sign a bunch of free agents next year because they have some extra money for the first time.
  7. One is running almost exclusively because of designed runs; hence the characterization as a "wildcat" offense. The other is running on scrambles. Jackson is a much worse passer, and it isn't even close. Jackson is playing in a gadget offense that will be figured out in short order.
  8. Lol. He got an average, middle of the road contract. What’d you expect? A pro bowl caliber D end? The coaches like a constant rotation on the DL. You need competent guys to pull that off. He is playing well for what he is and is being asked to do.
  9. Its a quick way of figuring out if the conversation is one I want to be a part of. I'm a strong Katy Perry advocate. I'm all in on whatever is happening here.
  10. Whenever I open a thread that is several pages long I go straight to the end to see where the conversation is at. I am left speechless...
  11. Yeah, but he's doing it running an advanced version of the wildcat. That does not make him the better QB.
  12. Josh Allen has turned me into an "eye test" guy, and I hate "eye test" guys. This is the worst.
  13. This is so circular. You want the team to treat it like a preseason game so guys can get game experience, but then you get mad that they treated it like a game they were trying to win? Close games are important too. The pressure that comes with playing a tight game cannot be recreated in practice. In fact, its the only situation that can't be recreated.
  14. Moving a guy from LT to RT is not nearly as much of a given as people act like it is. These guys go there whole careers learning a certain type of footwork and are then asked to do the exact opposite. It is awkward, and it is unsurprising so many struggle with it.
  15. I’m concerned that you think you’ve said something smart here. We should talk, we all make mistakes, and you too can come back from this.
  16. You just had to make me go and look.... The quote is: "I've been watching these quarterbacks all year, but in writing this, I rewatched each of their past two starts closely to get a sense of how they're progressing." From that, I think my criticism is fair. Your characterization is not unreasonable. All the same, if the point is to analyze how they are "progressing" I don't think it is fair to do that based on the last two games with only a cursory analysis of the first several games.
  17. I thought he said he looked at the previous games and then "went back and looked at the last two again" If he didn't, how can he say Allen hasn't progressed? I'd go back and read the article again, but I hate giving articles like this more clicks than it deserves.
  18. Too bad this couldn't have been one of them. Again, if you can't agree that Allen has at least gotten better, then you are wrong. I was out on the article when he didn't appreciate that the difference in attempted air yards of 11.4 and 9.0 isn't a significant amount.
  19. I sort of took the article as click bait and moved on. I don't think anyone can reasonably argue that he hasn't at least gotten better since his first few starts.
  20. The "value" draft analysts are the worst analysts. They really offer nothing of value (I mean that unironically). The only way this approach makes sense is if the draft is pre-determined thing, where the players drafted end up being the exact amount of good their draft position dictates. Since that is impossible, and because drafting is a crap shoot, "value" draft analysis becomes the worst sort of insight. Especially since it doesn't consider positional need, other team's needs, and philosophical approach.
  21. This is the type of post that is just so right it should end the thread.
  22. I don't know how you can watch him play and not think he is making significant progress.
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