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Everything posted by JoshAllenHasBigHands

  1. I don't know a ton about special teams coaching. The performance hasn't been there, but is that the players or the coach? Sure, coaches are supposed to work with the players, but what can Crossman, or any other coach, do differently? I genuinely don't know the answer, but I would be really curious to hear the answer. I was in the stadium too. I was blown away by how bad his kicks were. Seeing it on TV is different. I had no idea he was that bad.
  2. You got me, I was wrong. I did google it, but for some reason the Colts game popped up. All the same, you are citing to a few poor outings as a reason for what...exactly? None of what you are saying disproves my point. Tyrod will get you less than 200 passing and a few scrambles, just like Allen gave us yesterday. Do you not see how lost in the minutia you are? You are just speaking gibberish and still not making a point!
  3. One of those games is not the bills. The other is the snow game that TT didn't play in. Is the point that Allen had bad games? My point was only that Tyrod consistently would give you less than 200 yards and a bunch of rushing yards. None of what you are posting disproves that.
  4. The defense has been really good, and they do have the same players, but for as well as they have done, they have not been as dominant as they were last year. But that wasn't really my point. He did play really well. But the things that will turn him into a franchise QB are not the things he excelled at yesterday-multiple reads, throwing guys open, etc.
  5. I literally have no idea what your point is. Thats what makes this so incoherent. You haven't made a coherent argument. I can't event construct one from what you have said.
  6. Its troubling to me that you don't see how incoherent this response is.
  7. One Jags team went to the AFC championship game and the other is 3-8. They are entirely different teams. But that is wildly beside the point. The point is Tyrod can get you one read throws, approx 200 yards a game, and a bunch of clutch scrambles. Sure, he didn't do it in one game last year, but that was overwhelming his M.O while he was a starting QB.
  8. This is pretty much how I feel about Allen. Its fun when he does what he did yesterday, but Tyrod could do that. That being said, most rookies can barely get past their first read. Even when they did it in college, the game is so much faster at the NFL level they barely get to the second read. So I'm not really concerned he can't do it now. What really makes the difference is the ability to learn how to do it after a year or two. It is yet to be seen if Allen can learn how to do it.
  9. Yeah, but those were the "NFL ready" guys. Allen is not one of those guys. He is in the mold of Mahomes, "raw but talented"
  10. That's sort of like the "best player available" draft mantra. Sure, that's what everyone says, but that's not really what any team is doing. There are other considerations that need to be made.
  11. Very true. But at the end of the day the most important question is "how do we get the most out of Allen moving forward." Just like Mahomes, you get the most out of Allen by sitting him his rookie year.
  12. You would think that what Mahomes is doing would push this debate in favor of sitting rookie QBs for a year.
  13. This philosophy would have caused the Rams to move on from Goff.
  14. I 100% agree with all of this. It was the SMART move. They did, I would do it, and then I would do it again. We still would have made the playoffs with him. We just would have lost in the first round.
  15. Interceptions. The one that matters in this context. Interceptions. Its the only reasons teams can put up any points on us. Its the one thing TT was as good as it gets at. Not once have you addressed that.
  16. We would be in the playoffs but for the TT trade. Long term we got the better deal, sure. Its a smart move in that respect. But we obviously would be a playoff team right now.
  17. Wait, that isn't responsive to what I said. I don't know what you are getting at here.
  18. We have the number 1 defense in the league. We are getting crushed because of interceptions. Tyrod maybe didnt lead a prolific passing offense, but he didn't turn the ball over, which is literally all we need to be a 500% team right now (headed into the easiest second half schedule in the league)
  19. We would OBVIOUSLY be a playoff team with Tyrod. I cannot even fathom how anyone would think otherwise. We have the number 1 defense in the league. We are losing because of turnovers, the one thing TT consistently did not do.
  20. The fact that the O-line has gotten so much better through the course of the season after all the reshuffling that happened in the off season goes to show that continuity matters. Even Teller, who is doing well for a rookie, probably would not have been that good if inserted at the start of the season. He needed to learn and grow with the O-line during practice through the season. An upgrade at center would be great, but I don't think we need the massive overhaul so many have called for. Development seems to have gone out the window in the NFL. I understand why, but you can't just pretend that players don't need to develop just because its a win-now league.
  21. I recall you being a very reputable poster. This falls short of that. Frustration happens, but don't go down that route. He did have the one bad pass, but it wasn't more than one. He was the best QB on the field in the preseason. And that is OK. We don't need to hate the McBeane or Peterman for that to be true and for it also to be true that he wildly underperformed when the regular season started.
  22. Thats true, but it’s a little beside the point. They had traded taylor (right?). They knew going it was QB or bust. I’m guessing every FA and their agent knew this too. I’m a nobody fan and I knew it.
  23. It’s pretty clear they knew this year was a wash. Absent a trade, how do you get starter quality to come when they know they are just a place holder for Allen?
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