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Everything posted by VW82

  1. What I like most about this loss: we dominated a pretty good team missing basically half our regulars due to injury/fatigue. It took a confluence of events - a comedy of errors - for us to give the game away and seize defeat from the jaws of victory. We can whine about bad injury luck and our penchent for losing close games, but the truth is we're so ***** good it takes miracles for the other (good) teams to win.
  2. I will say that it's entirely possible and even likely he was legitimately cleared last week, and it was really more about his back as disclosed, but this is a terrible look for the Dolphins and NFL. It reeks of second impact syndrome. Whether it's deserved or not, someone will likely get fired/sued.
  3. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory would be a very Bills thing to do, but this team is built different. Let's see if we hold.
  4. Did we just give refs a chance to go back and make sure Moss didn't step out earlier??
  5. It was a strip but he got both feet down first. It was a TD.
  6. Let's keep in mind just how tough it is for our OL to play in Miami in September. The defense at least gets to rotate. The OL does not.
  7. I'm a sucker for home dog picks and dogs in general early in the season. I also have Indy and Detroit +6.5 and NE and Tenn + 3.5. Wash and Jets were a mistake.
  8. That throw was low but Cook has to catch that and make a play.
  9. I couldn't tell but have we moved Rousseau or Boogie inside yet?
  10. Anyone else freak out over the injury report on Wed and decide to take the points in their picks pool? Yeah, I'm a traitor and an idiot. God help me for doubting Josh Allen.
  11. We're ***** awesome but Suberbowls aren't won in September.
  12. Have we talked much yet about Epenesa vs. Rams? He hit Stafford a bunch beyond just his sack. Lots of physicality. I was impressed. The entire Dline was great.
  13. It’s ok to gush over Phillips’s performance without resorting to hyperbole.
  14. I get incorporating it in big games but Josh was still pulling it down and taking hits in the 4th when we were up by two scores. It feels a little reckless in a week one blow out.
  15. I’m sure this has been said plenty of times already itt but the fact we can make so many mistakes and still blow out one of the best teams in football on the road is really encouraging.
  16. One good preseason game going against 2nd and 3rd stringers plus a couple of mentions about him having a decent camp for once and somehow we get a pick back. Unreal. I'd say Beane deserves a medal for this if he wasn't the buffoon who took Cody in the first place.
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