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Everything posted by VW82

  1. I can't remember seeing a QB turn his back to a hit then proceed to carry three guys to a first down. The Josh Allen Experience.
  2. Remember when Singletary supposedly sucked and we needed to trade for a RB because anyone could make his runs? Yeah, no. He broke down like four different guys on that one. Edit: and rewarded with the TD.
  3. I vote we double that guy the rest of the game. Difficult ask of Jackson.
  4. I vote we double that guy the rest of the game. Difficult ask of Benford.
  5. I can't get over how many balls Josh has had picked or almost picked the last few games. I'm going to assume it's just a weird midseason phase where he's not seeing coverages for some reason but it's definitely noteworthy.
  6. There's going to be a lot of talk about our record in close games this week
  7. This is a little strong. Two pretty good Olines. Plus, we're missing some important guys on D.
  8. I'm just going to throw this out there because Josh is a big tough guy who takes a lot of hits. Is it possible he's been playing through a concussion?
  9. OK that one he has his feet set and a clean pocket. WILD MISS. Something is wrong.
  10. Josh has made some truly horrible throws the last two games. We could lose this game and it'd be annoying. i'm more concerned that he hasn't fully outgrown the inaccuracy and poor decision making tendencies that plagued his first two years in the league. That's the kind of thing that could really bite us in the playoffs.
  11. I've always been of two minds on this issue: 1. it's super ***** annoying when your QB consistently gets balls batted and risks INTs; 2. it's a pretty a good sign that our QB isn't feeling the rush enough to worry about anything but placing the ball in a spot that the receiver will catch it. It'd be nice to have 2. without 1. but if this is all we have left to pick on Josh, we're pretty damn spoiled.
  12. If they score on their first possession then we bring Josh back out. If not, then no.
  13. "He kind of looks like Antonio Gates out there with the 85" "Yeah Tony, that's a great comparison" Lol
  14. Steelers are incredible at drafting receivers. Again and again and again they find these guys.
  15. Wow what a play by Milano. Is there any argument left that he isn't our best defensive player?
  16. Singletary is good. That was a legit run.
  17. Out of curiosity, let's say Gabe and that DB share possession all the way through the endzone, is it still ruled a TD?
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