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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. interesting revision. Ukraine had a revolution in (Euromaidan) 2013/14. Remember Cynthia Nolan giving out food in Kiev Square. Then the Crimea/Dumbas region revolted against government that replaced the one that was removed in the revolution. Whats the goal of the war? for ukraine to take that territory back?
  2. I just wish the adults would be seeking peace vs war for the MIC and some BS geopolitical game. I cant even get any war supporter to actually state what the goal of the war is? pre 2014 borders?
  3. https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=RUB&to=USD https://tradingeconomics.com/russia/foreign-exchange-reserves https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD?locations=RU Really cool use of all those terms. but only took a second to fact check. The best path would be the war mongers sit down and statemen find a peace deal..a way out of this mess. Shoot, whats the end goal. to go back to pre 2014 border?
  4. LOL pulled a trump whataboutism. LMAO. binary solutions are a sign of a slow mind. come on.
  5. NEOCONS and DEMS (NEO Libs) are the same thing. its a big reason the left turned from Hillary to an outsider in OBAMA back in 2008. Same reason the right went with the orange dude over the establishment in 2016.
  6. Welp Tibs, that would make me in the huge majority on that. https://ballotpedia.org/Ballotpedia's_Polling_Index:_Direction_of_country_rating most don't like the fact our government is openly funded by corps and the elites using PACS and charities... Not many are impressed with this Omni bill or shut down the government BS. The list could go on all day. ITs ok. Every country has its loyal statist. you have your role to play.
  7. thats a silly strawman. WE have two corporate and elite funded private corporations we call parties. of course, its functioning. And My bad. I guess Ukraine is the model for a functioning democracy. All democracies are formed by Euromaidan with outside influence and only have one party. or the 2014/2015 "Revolution of Honour". The student protests organized to force President Viktor Yanukovych and Prime Minister Mykola Azarov to sign an association agreement with the EU, that developed into a revolution that overthrew the government and sparked a counter-revolution in Ukraine's eastern Donbas region. I changed civil to stinking. the horror. and the interesting part is that actually what is happening in ukraine.
  8. its all they do anymore. it was racist or nazi but that lost any meaning, so they have moved on to fascist. while they parrot the state and corporation funded pacs.
  9. And more ad hominem Yes. The Lincoln project is a PAC. funded by billionaires. with some very shady people running it. and you're championing it. while trying to call others insults EPIC.
  10. Where is the functioning democracy. articulate if possible. insults are you giving up.
  11. yes. in 2014 Didn't those states/regions already have an election. or was that a scam election? But yes. the people in that region and in Ukraine are the ones suffering. Because of PUTIN and now Ukraine/USA. the same Ukrainian government that has been attacking them since 2014? you think they gonna vote for the Ukrainian government in this democracy thing you speak of? What's the end goal. where is the border going to be? Got a feeling most of the actual people just want the bombs and guns to stop.. but hey. its about democracy, amirite And every time you use ad hominem its you waving the white flag.
  12. Did he declare martial law? Did he remove the opposition party? Banned churches? How many civilians have died? how many more will die with escalation? What is the actual goal of the war? this cheerleading for the MIC is at levels that would make the old bush/Cheney war monger supporters take notes Look at your young men fighting Look at your women crying Look at your young men dying The way they've always done before Так же, как и прежде Look at the hate we're breeding Look at the fear we're feeding Look at the lives we're leading The way we've always done before I don't need your stinking war It feeds the rich while it buries the poor Your power hungry sellin' soldiers In a human grocery store Ain't that fresh That old Guns and roses song seems to hit the spot anymore.
  13. LMAO. an entire site to the shady and shady funded PAC called Lincoln project. Though the Lincoln Project has an unusually high rate of small donors, many of its large funders are wealthy donors to Democratic candidates and PACs, including billionaire hedge fund manager Stephen Mandel, Silicon Valley billionaire Ron Conway, and Walmart heir Christy Walton. did they ever get rid of the pedo guy running it? what next. Midas touch? ACT blue? Fair Fight, call to activism, priorities USA? Between getting news from pacs and MSNBC, explains a lot of the blue anon stuff.
  14. Martial law. no more opposition party. MIC ensuring civilians are fodder for this boondogle who will be voting for what and when in this thing you call democracy in ukraine?
  15. Like I said, when I see it I will believe it. the Rubble is back in the 14-16 cent to the dollar range. its been there since feb/march when it was at 7 cents... just like an embargo. one must cut off all flow to asphyxiate China, india, Pakistan, and a host of smaller asian and middle east countries are buying Russian OIL Non stop. Thats some epic doublespeak. So your trying to justify to yourself, why you now support the MIC? So congress can declare WAR. that reply sounds very similar to the old righty war hawk argument.
  16. do you realize ad hominem is propaganda. really lazy propaganda to boot.
  17. its funny how the three profiles that read exactly the same all go Ad hominem when they run out of script.
  18. seeing would be believing cause the rubble and Russian economy are not struggling yet.
  19. yeck yeah. I have alse been watching the new 24 season three on prime. you pretty much just perfectly explained the script.
  20. like I said. spoken like a keyboard warrior sitting on his couch in in a first world that has never seen an actual warzone. BTW. you think this is what o was caught on that hot mike moment telling the Russian leader he would have more time after the election, but then the orange dude won? American and Russian Military industrial complexes love pro proxi war cheerleaders.
  21. what's not shocking is the statist calling anyone that doesn't agree with their corporate/statist narrative, insults. its actually so 2016.
  22. spoken by someone not in a war zone. simple fact. More weapons in that theatre results in more pain, suffering and death for the people in those areas. Did I miss where congress declared war? or is biden using them post 9/11 war powers the left claimed the right would abuse to start proxi wars for the MIC? lol. corporate welfare encompasses most of bidens spending bills. If anything, this war has strengthened China/Russia alliances. 6 percent of our budget is the GDP of ukraine. just saying
  23. start. this crap is at least 2 decades and counting. its just getting more and more brazen.
  24. little known fact. these BS omni bills were not even attempted till 2019. They are supposed to do at least 12 separate appropriations bills every year. with debate and compromise. Not this BS.
  25. interesting Idea. but most mass murders are squarely in inner cities.. and not by legally owned weapons. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting Notice every one on this list has local reporting, but almost no national reporting.
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