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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. it's interesting seeing/reading the same voices that became complete mask holes ( and were found to be dead wrong about the vaccine and transmission) during the insane lockdowns again call for masking, shots and lockdowns. IF one is wearing mask, without following basic Blood Born Pathogen disposal practices. they are just spreading disease.
  2. Welp. seems some profiles moved on from orange man bad, to space man bad. in perfect unison. while they chant the others are a cult.
  3. Like madden when somebody jumps out on you running the same plays, then you adapt and they are shot cause they cannot adapt and only have like 4 plays they know how to run.
  4. Its not just him. Have heard a lot of folks like Cover 1 stating our offense is predictable and has gotten much simpler than what debal ran.
  5. I have heard folks from cover 1 to national reporters make off the cuff comments that we run a very simple O. are teams figuring it out?
  6. you and your crush. But like almost everyone. A break in tax liability. Why did Pelosi give up the child tax credit for salt deductions to be back. and why are they actively fighting to remove the cap on it? since we are tossing out strawmen.
  7. hmm. for how long? till the breaks and welfare ends? Its funny cause your parroting that old GOP trickle down story about giving corps welfare and tax breaks. What you wanna bet none of them even use a union. And like the empire zones of the 90's. will be cheap industrial space when said breaks and welfare ends. I dont know why you are obsessed with that dude. its kinda creepy and cultish.
  8. LMAO how the handful of profiles in here, that always parrot the state/MSM headlines, are calling others cultist. like a chant or something. Waiting for reporting on who made that Wix site. shows no one paid to read whatever was in there.
  9. So russia is using the Wagner group. Anyone hear from Eric Prince lately? Its almost like we have to keep the money flowing, to fund a merc army or something.
  10. the funny part about that comment is most of Bidens bills have been spending full of corporate welfare. His chips bill is nothing but corporate welfare and TAX breaks for those donor corporations.
  11. They have no intentions of doing anything for inflation. as long as its not hurting the investor class and above
  12. the one provided by a known FBI paid operative, to a known foreign State asset, for a known pollical campaign. Many still wonder how china got the list of US intelligence agents back in 2010. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-china-espionage/chinese-paper-applauds-anti-spy-efforts-after-ny-times-report-cia-sources-killed-idUSKBN18I059
  13. LMAO. someone is still referencing the fake Dossier created by an FBI informant that provided it to a campaign so they could use it to get a warrant to spy on the opposition party candidate? ? The same one Sussman stated in his trial, that he told Mueller was false? Seems like a silly thing to even bring up now.
  14. Interesting opinion piece. Pretty much states exactly what the goal of the theatre was. Political theatre for the next election/midterms
  15. And he created a task force to look at moving it down the scheduled drug list. Not off it. or actually did it. Running for candidacy on the left is easy. just promise free crap that you have no intention of following through with. then blame it on the right for when said policies fail. Create grand conspiracies on the right, then blame the right for why said conspiracies never come to fruition. and when all is said and done. just call anyone outside the DNC group think script some negative sounding talking point. Shoot. twitter is full of grifters that just say crazy crap about the right, so people will donate to their go fraud me or buy the cheep trump bad merch. its amazing how much that grift makes off simps and land chads.
  16. LOL. its good PR. its unlikely any person is in federal prison for simple possession of pot.
  17. Dang this is an old thread. Seems like we could have done something since 08 to remove us from having to beg them for oil.
  18. Interesting tweet by him. As the 2004 Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States "found no evidence that the Saudi government as an institution or senior Saudi officials individually funded [Al Qaeda]" to conspire in the attacks, or that it funded the attackers, that he has many times stated he supported. Seems its now the Saudi's telling Biden to get bent. So, a typical deflection to wild conspiracies for the back of the class.
  19. LOL. I just replied the truth about the profile. The tweet was just ad hominem and logical fallacies. Or trolling for people to buy her grift. the funny part is how you called it truth and you said the Redubs are my party. but at this point its understandable. you think Joe is real.
  20. those folks being you and the for profit media you call news? seems like a strawman or something.
  21. Wonder what dirty money paid for that commercial. WHY. Wasn't talking about him. that's a strange reply. I was talking about her being a grifter making bank by saying crazy things for her moron base. So they donate to her go fraud me and cheap crap. Those tweets are bait to hook l%Y$ that will just hand over cash.
  22. Oh snap. This is real. Someone quoted Jo? please tell me you dont fall for her grift. From her go fraud me account about her being a single mom to hocking cheap made Trump bad crap She saw trumps grift and doubled down. She makes bank off morons.
  23. FACT. one has to demonize the other to keep the base scared enough to support horrible policies. Welp. come on. its been what. 6 years of Grand conspiracies that have all fell completely apart. probably dealing with severe cognitive dissonance like slowly finding out your entire being and everything you have been told, is a lie.
  24. A scary sounding talking point for the talking heads at the moment. pretty sure every government fits the definition of nationalist to a degree.
  25. almost like a horse collar after he released it. I hate the pats. but damn, thats ugly ball.
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