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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. remember when the left said citizens united would be the end of democracy? And then it ended up creating mega funded PACS and charities that actually harvest, transport and deliver ballots. Now the same voices say thats now kosher and true democracy.
  2. LOL. Referencing the "Erica Marsh and Ron fricken flipkowski" as sources... wasnt this a question on the thread about what sources can be trusted...
  3. Its not like everyone thats not a loyalist knew this entire expensive theatre had one goal. propaganda to keep trump out of office or look bad to the Populus. And in an Ironic twist, some righty now want the house to do more theatre/investigations. How about we hold them accountable for their job performance. They have the power of the purse. welp, they did prior to this omnibill by a lame duck crew that took that power away from them, for the first year.
  4. judging by the tweets they share, its mostly PACS and Corporate funded sites.
  5. LOL. Sorry. I follow the site. its purely mirroring of others self promoting videos on tick tock. Just like the many people that make tick tock fail pages or and countless others quick video shares from tick tock. I get that MSNBC and CNN ran with that narrative though.
  6. So if So if her site is just a mirror of the people making self-promoting videos. then you are implying the people promoting their individual ideology on those videos are "hate"
  7. Imagine if we recalled or had special elections for every politician that said or wrote something while running for office, and was found to be Full of crap after elected. We would be voting every day.
  8. is suffrage universal? or has the internet helped promote the current narrative where victimhood/suffrage is a commodity? If one is not a victim, they must be the predator.
  9. So you understand those stores are where many get all their things from. and now those same companies gonna double think about investing in the neighborhoods that need investment.
  10. Was taken back to read ACO was the only DEM house member to vote NO on that horrific omnibill BS..
  11. like an SNL skit, but real. So much cringe.
  12. Wagner is mercs that will hire anyone that can fight. same with the western Mercs fighting on the Ukraine front lines
  13. Maybe less investing in green electricity sources and carbon credits. more to actual infrastructure/equipment that's been failing and why so many are without power right now. less pandering and funding social programs and a little more on things like police, fire, roads and energy infrastructure. After Katrina the Cajun Navy was formed. its helped in the storms since. its not a government program.
  14. the looting will result in less capital being invested in those areas. And NY and Buffalo have been ran by DEMs for decades. they have tried all that and then some. Thats why they were called the projects... and those programs for education and jobs existed for decades (NPO's), for people that take advantage of them. Something about teaching a person to fish vs providing them fish.
  15. hopefully its getting better for you folks in buff/Rochester. Did they finally get all the power back on?
  16. Ah. that sweet spot where one only sees. "You have chosen to ignore content by the "propagandist"
  17. They said that orange dude could brand. its like he built condo's in lefties heads.
  18. yeah. little projection in that last one, eh. your name is Donald? Now I realized why I had the three profiles banned. Nothing in good faith. all division all the time. all trump all the time. always with the strawmen, Dirty PACS as a source and just calling people names with some.
  19. LOL, and now its Raw story. if its not some shady PAC, it's a site that's never even attempted journalism. but explains a lot.
  20. And what was that exactly? But this is why people post strawmen, so people reply to strawmen and the topic is changed.
  21. LMAO. and another PAC meme being the source. The funniest part is where that PAC was started by psychologist with severe TDS. That shot is already being called the clot shot all over.
  22. But yet putin never stepped foot past the disputed regions till trump was out of office.
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