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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. "orange man supporters bad" So bold, so brave
  2. Dc was burned for days. Front lawn occupied. Rocks thrown at cops. No cops shot anyone. You all and the msm said it was "mostly peaceful".
  3. They are just msm parrots. Not an organic thought amongst them.
  4. That quick you lefties hate protest and occupation. And love cops killing unarmed protesters. The left is incapable of independent thought.
  5. But it was a semi peaceful protest. Statues, buildings mean nothing, right. Cops shoot and kill unarmed protester. Lefties parrot msm.. smh
  6. Reading lefties all melt down over this site actually being popular by non leftist is telling. Group thought and echo chambers we currently call social media is getting old.
  7. Michigan dumps 201,035 mail in votes and not ONE is for Trump. Just not buying that at all. Canvassing board needs to be on top of that.
  8. lol a jets fan and a dem supporter.. good god. that's sad
  9. I don't know about the severity of Trumps Covid. But this thread is showing the level of TDS some have been infected with.
  10. So he is getting signed to the active roster and knox is going to IR for concussion ?
  11. meh. people watch football to see the teams violently fight like gladiators. not lock arms
  12. 6%. The CDC Comorbidities table is damning to the fear mongering media and politicians that pushed to shut down the economy while forcing people inside/wear mask. the more one digs into the ICD - 10 codes on Table 3, the more one realizes the amount of effery that's been pushed as fact. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm
  13. They are reporting he is back to practice today. Same with Moss
  14. I also really liked hearing Collin Powell explain how Biden would be the war hawk we desperately need and want.. On day 1
  15. Jill Biden had a good one. the rest just raged with TDS Was so Ironic hearing bill go at trump the day the pics come out of him getting a back rub by a sex slave...
  16. Dems always accusing the right if doing exactly what they are doing. Like pathological...
  17. Another example of NY showing how they have their ***** together and are addressing the big issues affecting NY'rs. bravo
  18. just another example of why they keep him hidden in the basement... he is a disaster...
  19. Lol. Same voices with the same script. Over and over again. This must be it. They got him this time ...
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