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Fr. Jerk

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Everything posted by Fr. Jerk

  1. It's be cool to live in there for a week and sit back with some drinks while watching re-runs but that's about it.
  2. I would be dead within an hour if I was on one of those shows.
  3. I'm going through Kiara's resume and I gotta say I'm not impressed
  4. And I totally dug out that Positive K album this morning.
  5. Exactly. Even with groups like Boyz II Men there's still the nostalgia factor. This still goes hard in the whip, ya dig?
  6. Kick the computer and swear at it. Its science.
  7. Jimmy is dating a porn star? Hell, I just may start him on my fantasy team for that alone.
  8. There's no crying in Baseball! A League Of Their Own.
  9. I see planning for life after Football is a serious issue for some players.
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