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Fr. Jerk

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Everything posted by Fr. Jerk

  1. I heard he's kind of a dirty player and that's why Gronk took that cheap shot on him. But like, whatever, he's OUR snake. So I'm fine with it.
  2. I imagine the strip clubs in Wisconsin comparable to the ones outside Ft Knox, KY. The type of places where the dancers walk out naked and you throw them bills to put their clothes back on.
  3. Older than I want to mention, but under 40.
  4. Pay 10 dollars a month for a gym and that's what you get.
  5. I remember my friend got into it. He had me try his brew once. The convo went like this: Friend: So, man, how's it taste? Me: Well, it kinda tastes like @$$. It tastes like I'll be sticking to Budweiser. The end.
  6. Rarely. I was always hoping Ned Flanders would get a spin-off show.
  7. Yes. I stayed home alone and got drunk by myself. They still were my friends for awhile but not anymore.
  8. Unfortunately Eminem ruined this song.
  9. I rarely go. Not because of people but because 99% of movies today are garbo.
  10. Ma dukes still owns her crib. I don't know if I'll be able to deal with anyone else living in it.
  11. Where's the "I'm offended that you're offended" option?
  12. I'd sign up for it in a second. Or at least a New York minute.
  13. I'm hoping against the Ravens, because I don't see a W for the next 3 weeks.
  14. Great coach. He made is mark. 56, yo.. rip.
  15. I misread the title as "I Went to Kanye West last night." Glad it didn't come to that.
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