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Aussie Joe

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  1. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
  2. Do you have the article handy ? I don’t recall him mentioning the words of encouragement from the rest of the team ..but my memory is being stretched now 9 months later .. Regardless … even if it’s only the words exchanged between Diggs and JA … this would not be uncommon across the league after as bad a loss as that one was ..
  3. I’m not saying anything one thing or another about their overall relationship … but that Jets games locker room incident would happen regularly in the league …it was an extremely frustrating loss and one of the worst games JA has played …. Diggs mightn’t have been the only one mouthing off afterwards
  4. The games are kicking off at 1- 4am on a Monday morning … I would say that the bars that are open at this time in Bangkok and Manila are pushing other activities rather than sports watching … I guess it’s possible that there are certain places that might show the games ..but I can’t say I ever came across them when I was living and working in SE Asia a decade ago.,,having said that.. the game is many more times popular now than it used to be in this part of the world … It sucks for the OP … but Asia is literally the worst place to watch NFL games in bars with the time difference .. Australia is not much better … the evening 9pm prime time game in the US is shown with kick off 10-12am East Coast Aust …. The other time slots are too early to be shown in 99per cent of bars which are closed …
  5. One man show on and off the field ..
  6. i think a major advantage the Chiefs took into their Playoff game against the Bills was that they were able to rest players in the meaningless season finale and then had a much easier wildcard game against the Dolphins … whilst the Bills had been in must win games for over a month …and had to slug it out against the physical Steelers … I actually like things a bit more low key to end the regular season…rather than must win games against the big boys … Im not going to take those Jets for granted either .. they always save their best for the Bills …on the D anyway ..,
  7. Positives Like the bye placement … The patriots sandwich around the Jets would be a nice way to go into the playoffs …
  8. Glad the Bills avoided this slot….two good games to watch though .,,
  9. I wouldn’t be surprised if they both play to their contract value….unimpressive
  10. MVS isn’t learning to catch between here and September
  11. That’s a tough schedule …probably not a bad time to play them away the week after their London trip….
  12. Or a fort to keep his money
  13. They only have $2m left to spend at the moment …so it won’t be much even pushing some out with dummy years ..
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