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Everything posted by Fires

  1. I always looked forward to Dwight Adams' player analysis on our Rookies when they interviewed him after the draft and during training camp on Fan TV. He was very enthusiastic about draft picks and undrafted pickups, pointing out their strenghts, and he really made you feel good about us having them on our team. Plus he had an eye for small school talent, which we were famous for back then. I was always a big supporter of his and hated to see him go. Please tell me he's coming back.
  2. Jack, Thats it... I saw it advertised again today. One shot was Ralph with WM.
  3. Ralph Wilson will be on a Fox News show at 10 pm Sat on Fox News. Some show about Older Americans..... All I caught was a pic of him and a Bills Helmet in the background.
  4. I can picture you out there playing Traffic Cop Hammer... Of course they all want to come to Florida for the Tropical breezes and it's not really much better than early Fall weather for us Former WNY's Sorry I can't help you edit the post... LOL
  5. I was listening to "Lex and Terry" this AM on the way to work (they're a talk show based out of Jacksonville). They were talking about this, and the 2nd team mentioned after NO, was the Bills. One of them asked why the Bills? The answer given was "because they've been trying to get a new Stadium, and the City won't build them one" I was shocked to hear them say us, but even though they might be partially correct about the Stadium issue, I can't forsee the Bills leaving due to the fanbase and the fact that we sellout almost every game. I would think NYS would build a new stadium if that ever became an issue to keeping the Bills. Several other teams are better candidates at moving: NO, San Diego, Indy, Minn., Jax. to name a few. Considering the radio show was based in Jax, I can understand why we were mentioned..
  6. Jokeman, I'm sorry for your loss. My wife and I inherited a cat when we got married, it lived to be about 19 (we couldn't tell exactly how old she was). She was so mean she'd swipe you as she walked by, but in the later years she became alot friendlier and I could carry her around without fear of becoming a bloody mess. Same thing as you, the day came and she couldn't walk so we had to put her down. It was a very sad time for us. Within a week we visited a shelter and found 2 male littermates which were about 1 yr old. They're about 8 yrs old now, and it's been an entertaining 7 yrs watching them become members of the family. I know you'll never be able to replace Smokey, but do youself a favor and get 2 who are littermates or get along, to replace him. You won't regret it. I still miss my Scottish Terrier I had as a kid, so I guess you never really get over pets. They're part of the family. Hang in there Jokeman...
  7. Or after the beer runs out at the Tailgate party.
  8. Crap Throwing Monkey, You are RIGHT ON..... I live and work as a Fire Lt. in Fla where Jeanne and Frances hit last year. 1st of all, our County has a Special Needs list. When Hurricane warnings go out, off duty non essential personnel, Vol FF's, and Lifeguards man School buses and pick these people up and take them to shelters. Them and the general public are advised to bring: Food, Water and medications with them to the shelters. Granted there is some food and water available for them there also. We also provide EMS and Sheriffs Deputies at these shelters. I'm sure NO had a similar plan, but they probably didn't plan on as many people as they ended up with. These people had fair warning last Sat well before the storm was a Cat 5, that the storm was heading there way. As we all know, those who didn't evacuate then faced the flooding afterwards. I was a Task Force Leader for S&R in some of the hardest hit areas in Frances and Jeanne last year. Damage was so widespread and we were the eye, the non damaged areas were 45 mi in either direction from us. The closest backup Fire Rescue units from non damaged areas would be an 1:30 drive on a normal day. Since there were some impassable roads, it took them 10-12 hrs to get here. But when they arrived, they sent 5 Engines, and Rescues from Broward Co., By then, there were also FHP and a strong Police presence from all over Florida, the National Guard was on the way. It was probably 2 days after Frances when FEMA arrived with Ice and water, and co-ordinated setting up portable Hospitals and getting power restored to the infrastructure. Like I said, NO and LA might have had a plan. But It appears like they were overtaxed by the immensity and scope of this disaster. There biggest problem was no one evacuated and then when it flooded, they became trapped victims. It looks like the NG and Army are now in NO with a large convoy of Food, water, supplies and eqpt.. I know everyone sees the images on TV and thinks help can get there overnight. It takes a couple days to organize and figure out the Logisitics. Have faith, the US has the best Logistics in the world.
  9. Good luck to you guys... I'm up in Martin County, so I know how it's probably going to be like down there tomorrow. About the only thing I did was fill up my truck today and a couple of gas cans, and brought in my outdoor stuff. Black Panther, I had my draft lat year the night before Jeanne hit. Maybe you can pre-rank some of the guys you really want.... Hopefully you won't lose power, but then again it is FPL we're talking about Good luck.
  10. I lost a good friend and co-worker on Sunday due to a boating accident, and attended his funeral today. (he was 37 yrs old with a 4 yr old daughter and 5 mo old son) Life is short, and in Hunter's case it was very short. My thoughts and Prayers are with the Kelly family.
  11. I'll be getting it.. For those of you with the PC Version, this site has a cool editor for Madden 2005, and will probably have one for Madden 2006.. Madden Downloads The editor lets you edit player, coach and team ratings and their salaries.
  12. They should be good seats. Check them out here.. Click on your section.. Seating Chart
  13. Found a cool Ticket Broker search site. Flatlens.com It compares what tickets are available along with prices.. I posted this in case anyone has to go the route of finding tix to sold out games.
  14. I recently was at a small Commuter airport, and as soon as I checked my bag in, this one TSA employee was checking it on a table behind the check in counter. I look over and she's rifling through some photographs I had in there. They werent anything exciting or embarassing. Just from a previous trip I had taken. I know she was just being nosey. Thats okay. Hope she enjoyed going through my dirty underwears and socks...
  15. #89, that wouldn't have done me any good. I had to work Fri night and didn't get home till 9:00, so I still would've missed the bus.. Stussy109, PM sent...
  16. I've been trying since 0900 Sat AM to get 4-5 tix to the Bills/Miami game on Oct 9th, but no luck.... If Ticketmaster knows theres not 5 seats available for the game, they should just say so, instead of making you go through the word between the lines stuff At least the way the Bills used to do it, they'd let you know right away. I'll keep trying. Someone said after the 1st pre-season game is a good time. If not, I found a broker with decent prices. One way or another, I'll be at the game cheering on the Bills
  17. Jeff, I wanted to do the Dryer plug thing, but my wifes father was saying how unsafe it was (Even though some guys from FPL told me it was safe as long as the outside power was switched off) I've got a collection of Heavy duty electrical cords so, I guess that will work this season, until I can wire it up. Last Summer was an experience.... Sept was a blur. No Electric, No water, Lines at Gas Stations ,minimal services. Frances, and 3 weeks later Jeanne. I had power back for 4 days before Jeanne hit. I remember going to Publix (grocery store) 2 weeks after Frances and seeing Milk for the 1st time. You definetely learn to live eating canned food. My cable was out for Sept and Oct., but as soon as my power came on, I was able to watch the Bills on Directv. (my dish survived the storm) One lesson learned: The year before last I replaced my roof with a Metal Roof. Most the older roofs in my neighborhood didn't hold up. Up until a couple months ago there were still alot of Blue roofs around. If your roof is questionable, spend the $$$ and replace it. I PM'd Bufan00 with my phone # and told him if theres anything I can help him with to call.... I've been there before, and I'm sure he has been too.. Dave aka Fires
  18. Buffan00, Check your PM's if you get a chance....
  19. Steve, I live in Jensen, Ground Zero for Frances and Jeanne... We have a well and lost water until I could find a Generator after Jeanne... One thing we used was I bought a couple large trash cans and filled them with water for flushing. For those peoples sake I hope Home Depot and Lowes does a better job at getting Generators after the storm than they did last year. That or the Power guys can get right in and hook em back up... Living without electric in 90 deg heat isn't fun. Supposed to be a Cat 4 now.. My prayers are with all of you up there.
  20. I own 3 Dell Desktops, and a Laptop. Happy with all of them. I would stay away from the lower end Dell like the Dimension 3000, not because of quality, but because you're limited to future upgrade options. Go with the 4700, or 8400. If you plan on doing gaming make sure you get a good video card, at least 128 mb, and a sound card instead of onboard sound. At least 512mb of Ram helps too. If you plan on doing graphics, the 512 Ram will help with that too. One thing I go by when I get a new machine is Speed. Like a 3.2 vs a 2.8, go withe the 3.2. Almost everything else can be upgraded by you in the future, but the Motherboard/CPU will always be the same, so get as big as you can afford. Heres a good site with some decent Dell deals. Techbargains.com Dell Deals
  21. I have San Andreas. I'm still in Los Santos. Can't get past the dance on the beach mission, guess I better learn the controller better, otherwise doing well with the other parts of the game. The map is HUGE compared to the other GTA games. There's plenty of things to do. I love the ITB, made plenty of money there betting on the 12-1 horses, seems like they hit every 3-4 races I love it too, but definetely harder. But map is bigger and more side jobs to do in case you get bored with the missions. There's a good guide out if you need help.
  22. If I remember, Ralph Wilson was staying in a Hotel close to the Pentagon at the time and saw it shortly after it happened.
  23. Steve, I have an Adelphia HD/DVR box. It works great, still have yet to try it in HD. I bought a Combo Tivo/DVD player at Best Buy right before Frances but haven't had time to hook it up. Actually did try once but the phones were to bad up here to handle it. I'm going to try and use it with the DTV for the Bills games. From what everyone on here says Tivo is pretty cool. It sucked last weekend, I had DTV and no cable, but the game was blocked out and only on cable. Since I didn't have it I had to go to my brother in laws 2 blocks away to watch the game.
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