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Everything posted by Fires

  1. Bills stories I've seen on http://www.football.com/ S John Wendling, Wyoming is rising up many boards and being projected at playing either safety position or possibly cornerback. He is getting a good deal of interest from San Diego, Buffalo, New England and Seattle. He has already visited the Chargers. RB Kolby Smith, Louisville has visits with the Buffalo Bills and Tennessee Titans. He had a workout with New England. DL Quinn Pitcock, Ohio State is scheduled to visit the Bills, Colts and Bengals. LB Clint Session, Pitt has visits with Buffalo, Detroit,Chicago, Indianapolis and Green Bay. DL Derek Landri, Notre Dame has visits with Buffalo and St. Louis. DL Brent Curvey, Iowa State has a visit with Buffalo.
  2. In that same link posted, I found this: As J.P. Losman walked into the locker room at M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore following the conclusion of Buffalo's regular season finale against the Ravens, he spotted his quarterbacks coach Turk Schonert. As he walked past him he uttered five words. "See you in three weeks." Exactly three weeks to the day Losman was back to work at One Bills Drive on Jan. 22nd. "I was ready to roll when I got back from vacation," said Losman who traveled to Mexico and a couple of other countries. "Even on my trips I packed up a bunch of DVDs from the season so I could take them with me and watch them on the airplane. I definitely got my football work in." Though his body was worn down physically having played in all 16 games, which at the quarterback position is anything but the norm, unless your name is Brett Favre, Losman's mind was eager to dig more deeply into the plays that were unsuccessful last season. "When you watch the thing as a whole and you come back and you look at it that way and can break things up and look at it without the pressure of having another game that week there was more time to digest things," he said. "It cleared a lot of things up for me." Losman also came away from his film review of 2006 with two very different reactions. "First, I was upset that I couldn't be in this offense since I started my NFL career," said Losman. "But it also made me extremely excited because I will be able to do all the same things I did last year again this year with a lot of the same guys, same coaches and the same offense. It's the first time in my NFL career I get to have a second straight season with all the same variables. That's exciting to me." Time and again last year Losman talked about how close things were to being executed consistently on offense, and the unit certainly made strides in the second half of the season. And while Losman put the pressure on himself to perform last season, earn the starting job and keep it, he feels this year will probably be more pressure-packed. "Maybe I've proven that I was able to attain this job and hold onto it for however long," said Losman. "Now that I've got it people now want to see what I do with it. So it seems like there's even more riding on this year than ever before." Losman doesn't seem to mind the pressure. He's too consumed with how the offense might expand and progress in 2007. Buffalo's quarterback is hopeful he and the offensive unit can convince offensive coordinator Steve Fairchild that he can broaden the options contained within his scheme. "I think he might give me a little bit more leeway as far as calling plays at the line of scrimmage a little bit more, probably in the run game more than anything," said Losman. "It's a trust issue for him. He's putting himself out there and it's his product that he wants to put out there and he's going to call the plays that he feels are going to be successful. So we as an offense have to show him that those plays can be successful. It starts with me of course, but it's everybody. It's the receivers, the line, the tight ends and running backs. We all have to prove that collectively we can get these plays accomplished." For now though Losman, who looked fit reporting this week with the majority of his other teammates for the team's offseason conditioning program, is focused on building his body back up to full game readiness. "I'm taking it a little slow in letting the final pains and injuries go away from last year which they are," he said. Losman suffered a ruptured bursa sac in his throwing elbow in week two against Miami after an awkward landing on the ground. Obviously he didn't miss any playing time because of it. "I had to have it drained a couple of times initially," Losman said of the elbow. "It was more of a nuisance thing where if I hit it in a game it would blow up. But what I did was if it blew up I would pressure wrap it and it would go down. I did have to drain it a couple of times when the season was over, but for the most part it was a superficial injury. There wasn't anything structurally wrong." Around midseason he also ruptured the bursa sac in his right knee after a rough fall. It happened less than a season after suffering the same injury in his left knee. But Losman is back to full strength now and doesn't anticipate any lingering problems. As far as the offensive line additions are concerned Buffalo's signal caller labels them "a plus," but he doesn't want to view the additions as an automatic cure for the offense. "It definitely looks great," he said. "Everything looks good on paper. Plus just plugging a guy in here or there we think will be an easier transition than last year when everyone was in a new system together. We've just got to get to work. There's a lot we have to accomplish."
  3. Wife and I thought about moving back up north to either WNY or PA, and doing the snowbird thing. We also looked in Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico, but decided NC was closer to family. Plus once we saw the Western NC area we fell in love with it. Just saw in the local paper down her in Fl. today that several boat building companies are moving from Florida to NC. Mostly due to lower Taxes and Insurance.
  4. I bought some property in the NC Mountains last year with plans on being a "halfback" a few years from now. You're right, S. Fla sucks. I bought out in the middle of nowhere NC. Surrounded by National Forest. Bills games will only be a good days drive away. Can't wait.
  5. I wondered how long it would be before someone made a website with all of them on it. http://www.hottforteacher.com/ (NSFW)
  6. Saline does the opposite and keeps it cleaned out. Steroid sprays like Afrin will mess you up to the point where you get dependant on them. Ask your Dr. about Astelin or one of the non steroid sprays.
  7. No. I still have to use Saline or other nose spray a couple times a week. But it's no where close to what the congestion was before the surgery.
  8. I've had the surgery to enlarge the nasal passage done twice. Both times in the Dr's Office. You're conscious through the whole thing. The only wierd part is when they numb your face with lots of Novocaine. They pack your nose full of cotton for 2 days which sucks, but other than that it was worth it. I had to have it done twice because many times it grows back within 2 years. 2nd Operation was 4 years ago, and it's still doing good.
  9. Had to laugh yesterday when I saw Banners for the "Ray Lewis Foundation" on the walls of the Ravens Stadium. http://archive.sportingnews.com/nfl/articl...503/234216.html
  10. I remember some of the Draftniks saying when we drafted JP, that he had the mechanic's to do the job, but lacked the training. I think he's getting the Training. Much improved this year. That hit he put on his 2nd Int. reminded me of Jimbo. (And Jimbo threw some INT's too) He's not Jimbo, but he's definetly improving. It would be interesting to see what he can do with a Very good OL in front of him.
  11. LOL Looking at the time posted, it was Happy New Years somewhere.
  12. My brother who lives in Pittsburgh was down over the Holiday, and said rumor around there is Cowher has bought a house in Charlotte, and will move there after the season, waiting for the Panthers HC job.
  13. mcjeff, I've been playing it since it came out, although not so much lately. You might want to hook up with the squad I play with. LAF The game has a steep learning curve, the guys I play with will be able to help you out. It's alot of fun. I'll load up the game tonight, maybe I'll see you on there.
  14. Bob Lamb sighting in pic 16... Thanks for sharing the pics.
  15. Jax is beat up. If I had to pick today it would be for a W. Otherwise mostly agree with you. Miami and Tenn. games could go either way. Jets, Chargers, Ravens and Texans are on a roll, and would suprise me if we won. It's not our year to make the Playoffs (again), but hopefully we'll get some good FA's and low enough pick to help us next year. The Steelers have the same record as us, and they won the SB last year....
  16. Funniest thing I've seen all day was a guy taking down signs near where the poll is...
  17. Wow, this is wierd, and they're in Bills Uni shirts... http://youtube.com/watch?v=Gn-iUOuMHLs
  18. You did the right thing Hammer. Although the club would be nice for a Dec. game. Glad to hear that they settled up with you fair.
  19. Could it be Cole Ford? After all, he's from Arizona and makes a reference to Rackens. Ford was on the Bills Roster for a game or two in 98.
  20. Hopefully it was more than a ticket stub with a "Buy one get one free Whopper" on the back...
  21. On a related note to the original subject, I happened to find this on the Yahoo discussion board discussing the bomb scare. Yahoo discussion page Former Bills Kicker? AS A FORMER NFL KICKER AND PhD HOLDER.. by: dementedneotard 10/19/06 12:59 pm Msg: 571 of 822 I would have to say that the chances of a terrorist blowing up an NFL stadium are about as realistic as Neil Rackers kicking a last second game winning field goal. SO relax and enjoy the games, fans!!!! Former Bills Kicker 98-02
  22. What do you consider 'significant'? We couldn't track guys with boxcutters. 809956[/snapback] Gamma Nuclear sources, (not guys with boxcutters). Aircraft and sattelite can detect/track them...
  23. You're right on VABills, I just had a refresher Rad class the other day for my work, (due to working near a Nuke plant). Dirty bombs was one of the topics.. More of a threat from the explosion which would cause it to detonate, than the radiation. Like you said, they'd have a hard time working around an unshielded "source" for any amount of time without having after effects. We have the abilities to detect and track significant "sources"..
  24. Hey Joe, Friggin generator thieves. Quite a common thing, we saw it alot down here in Florida after Frances, Jeanne, and Wilma. Long story short, but, after Hurricane Frances hit, some "Darwins" tried to steal the Gens they were using to power the traffic lights at a major intersection, which was being watched by Natl Guard troops armed with M16's and Humvees w/50 cals... Needless to say, they didn't get too far. Good luck, and hang in there.
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