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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Biden definitely and foolishly tipped off the enemy. This is why you don’t.
  2. Obsessing over me, taking away time from your new friends you opened your home to. Or is it because you don’t want them to see you raging like a lunatic? Well, whatever the case, here’s wishing you well.
  3. There’s medicines to treat your OCD, neurosis, paranoia, delusions and confusion. You need help.
  4. Joe ain’t talking about Republicans: A must listen, it’s unreal.
  5. So, tell me again how Democrats are the party of compassion?
  6. Yes, I feel shame. 😔 The msm “all world problems are on Trump” narrative started before he was elected, will easily last another decade. They’re disappointed he didn’t “push the button”. 🎯
  7. Last night 11:30, neither FOX nor CNN were reporting on the strike, which surprised me. Switched to MSNBC, they were covering it. They had on a Military analyst who gave fair, non biased, aspects. Drove the host nuts he wasn’t insisting Trump and Putin were the problem regarding the strike. She was absolutely unable to maintain her TDS, she kept interrupting him to assert this pertains to Putin and Trump more than anything. She was rude to him, felt sort of bad for the guy. Another example of how the Left will eat their own if they don’t conform to the script.
  8. Look who’s stealing the U.S. Coming soon to your town (they’re likely there already)
  9. Hillary wanted Vince: …..it’s an upgrade from Bill.
  10. Of course, the LW mantra is it’s the cops fault.
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