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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Joe has his Ukraine costume on: Same guy that cried Reagan, Bush’s and Trump foreign affairs will lead to a war with Russia.
  2. Joe talkin’ the talk…. …..and walkin’ the walk? The Left trashed Reagan for his age when he ran for re-election. He was 73. Ironically, Reagan warned us about Biden. He said he was a demagogue. He was right.
  3. "He has a right to due process and a fair trial," Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said. A Republican getting a “fair trial” Chuck? 🤣
  4. Dems have been very patient on this matter, but, today they celebrated:
  5. Agreed. Hypocrisy is another symptom, but, clearly that is conveniently intentional. Joe stands with Poland. Just lent them money. Poland built a wall to keep immigrants out. Belarus, like countries in Central America are doing to the U.S., is flooding Poland with immigrants.
  6. Does seem to be the case, but, Biden wants to tax Crypto now and the U.S. presently holds $5 billion worth of it. Given that, Crypto is a bit of a conundrum.
  7. And how soon will they back on the street? Venezuela hunh? Released prisoners from there?
  8. Biden is not happy with El Salvador for their crackdown on crime and their use of bitcoin to get into the Global market. Ironically, Biden lauds the Dominican for their crackdowns and completely ignores their much harsher forms of “preventative detention”, particularly of political foes. So, yeah, there’s is a lot to your point.
  9. Nobody was in bed more with China than the Clintons. Trump takes out a terrorist backed and armed by Putin. But, yeah, they twist it to suit their Trump derangement.
  10. So much so. But they have convinced their lemmings on the Trump Russia nonsense.
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