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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. I don't think that Cleveland will mess it up. I think that the Browns take Barkely at 1 then either take a QB at 4 or trade up to 2 if there is a guy they don't want to miss out on. Not that I am a Kizer fan but they do have him to reduce any temptation to take a QB at 1. Attitude, especially in a young QB worries me a lot. If he does not bond with the small market team and city that takes him then I think he would not be staying past his rookie contract. It's been a while since we have seen a Jeff George or Ryan Leaf but it is possible that a toxic relationship develops in sort order forcing such a QB out early. I know Cleveland has been put on notice but I wonder if these QB prospects have put word out to other teams as far as not taking them. Something that I wonder if many on this board have taken into consideration. At this point leading up to the draft there is more churning below the surface than joe fan is aware off.
  2. Barkley would be far more sure than anything else out there but all I can think of is career ending injury when some team mortgages the farm to go get him such as it would be with the Bills.
  3. Most of the "got to grab him" posters are going with nothing but emotionalism in banging their fists on the table for a QB. Emotionalism sometimes works out for selecting a mate but seldom works out for anything else.
  4. I think that most of the "get your guy" or "get any of the most talked about QB's" advocates are living in a fantasy world. They expect a given QB prospect that has a ceiling of 4,000-4,500 yards, 30 TD's, 10 INT's and down the line will be ignored by virtually every other team in terms of picking when their slot comes up such as with Cleveland, NYG, Jets, or Broncos or that somebody will orchestrate their own trade up such as with Miami, Cincy, or Arizona. If Rosen, Darnold, etc. are truly high end prospects I think the chances of them slipping away from the top slotted teams or falling out of the top ten are minimal.
  5. I empathize OP and realize that things may well fall as other teams either taking a QB in the top 6 or not wanting to trade out of their slot to get Chubb, Barkley, etc if not QB. And that the free agent QB's may wind up elsewhere. Also, that the grades on these QB's as done by professional evaluators may not warrant taking them ahead of other players. I don't have players specifically in mind as I watch not a whole lot of college football but I would like to see DL. LB, RB, and OL addressed early on this draft. We do have more questions going into 2018 than we did last year. We did not have Kyle Williams as a question mark and Wood retiring going into last fall. By the way the guys shrieking for QB today will be the same ones carrying torches and pitchforks to OBD when that "sure thing" QB craps out 3 years down the road. Just like anything else in life it is easy to proclaim yourself an expert when you are not held responsible for bad decisions.
  6. Arizona does not lack many pieces to be in the playoffs and could move up to pick 4 with a couple of their firsts, a second along with a lower round pick. A trade up would not inhibit team building so that is a logical course for them versus taking Tyrod off the Bills' hands. I don't see any of the listed teams as viable destinations as teams can find a backup QB cheaper than coming up with a presumed fourth round pick.
  7. Getting somebody as good as Cutler, Dalton, etc. is probably the most reasonable expectation here.
  8. No. From what it is said it just is not worth it for a young woman unless somebody wants to start paying some serious cash like maybe 15,000 dollars above annual expenses. I think that there will always be women who want to be admired for their beauty so once the money is figured out there will be takers.
  9. For a team like Miami or Cincy their single first round pick is near equal to our two first round picks. The same with their single second is close to what our two seconds are worth. Either the Bengals or the Dolphins can match us and only give up two picks while we would have to give up a minimum of four. For a 4,000-4,500 yard passer I would think our competition would give up more picks like next year's first and third. For us to match that then we would have to give up 5 picks minimum. I would not take 3/4 of the league to see the bidding go wild. I could see it with just 4 or 5 very serious teams. Further, I would bet that most of the top 5 teams are not interested in trading down or least going much past number 6 or 7. I still think the Giants take their guy to groom as Eli's replacement. Maybe they work something out with Cleveland but they are not going to drop below the Jets or Broncos.
  10. The point is if everybody knows that they are bidding on a Corvette then they will be offering more than Chevette type money. The Bills are not getting Rosen, Darnold, etc. with 3 first round picks if 3/4 of the league thinks the ceiling on these guys is 4,500 yards, 30 TD's, etc.. The Bills can't throw throw a half dozen high picks at getting such a prospect and not have it effect building the team in general. Even with big cap room next year I don't see a sure thing FA that will come here without breaking the bank. I really don't see much in the way in sure FA period. At least not like in the days when we got guys like Chris Spielman and Bryce Paup to come here.
  11. Sky high expectations? Maybe you don't but I would bet that most of the trade up crowd does. Also, there is no logic in having expectations that a top QB prospect will be a stud and yet the same prospect won't get a sniff from other teams. I'd really like to know what the expectations are with the trade up guys. Tell me that they expect a guy to have a ceiling of 3,000 yards and I would say that there are cheaper options than giving up 3 number 1 picks. Heck, if it were that simple I would say we already have that guy in Tyrod. If they say they expect 4,000-4,500 yards then why would 3/4 of the league not be interested in grabbing that prospect. Especially if he had a 3:1 TD:INT ratio. If the experts are expecting 4,000 -4,500 yard seasons out of those guys then you will have more than a couple of teams looking with only tepid interest. Miami and Cincy could use that kind of guy among other teams . Yes, for the Bills it will cost 3 number 1 picks easily coupled with a couple of 2nd's and more.
  12. The Bills trading up into the top 5 will eat at least 3 first round picks for our "savior" QB. We are not a player away from the conference championship never mind the SB. Looking at DL, LB, TE, RB (McCoy is in the twilight of his career), WR we are at least 5 players away. Then the retirements and aging will come forcing replacements for other positions. If it were easy to build a top 10 defense then everybody would be doing it. Just like finding a QB that has a 4,000 yard, 30 TD, 10 INT season. If such a QB was sitting in the top 5 and everybody knew it 3 first round picks would be less than half of the cost to get him as 3/4 of the league could use a QB with those stats. Cincy would chuck Dalton and Miami would set Tannenhill by the road with the recycling if they thought such a QB could be had and their cost because they sit higher in the draft order would be less than the Bills' cost.
  13. I think the OP is making fun of the "let's trade the farm" crowd who seem to think anybody not named Tyrod is going to have those accomplishments. The same crowd that will roast Bills management 5-7 years down the road when we have one playoff appearance that we promptly lose because we have no defense among other things.
  14. Apples and oranges if you look at it other than in broad strokes as you should.
  15. A lot of the years the draft is not deep to matter that far down. This year is an exception to that. A good GM can project out a year to know if a FA is a better choice versus a comp pick down at the 100 slot.
  16. Very serious. You can use the draft to fix either QB or the middle of the defense with FA to presumably fix the other. The guys wanting to use several picks to trade up to grab a QB are way over estimating what is out there for FA defensive talent. McDermott and Frazier might coach up one guy but the odds are against reclaiming 3 or 4 players into top 10's at their positions.
  17. It does not matter but points out the problem of going all in on QB for the Bills. The Bills need to seriously invest in defense to have a chance in this conference. If Luck comes back then we have him, Brady, the Jets new QB, Big Ben, Cleveland's top guy, Dalton on his good days, Carr, Rivers, and down the line to contend with. It will not matter that we have a guy that can have 300 yard games if we get beat in 35-24 type games every week.
  18. If you look at it from Ralph's point of view then you can understand what his motive was. The guy was used to living in high society and as the other businesses became insignificant compared to the Bills he needed to tap the Bills to maintain what he was accustomed to. The Bengals were a similar situation as they were 100 percent of the Brown family's income. Art Modell was pretty much in the same boat when his Browns were still in Cleveland. Most of the other old line owners succumbed to financial erosion before the modern NFL era of Jerry Jones and Bob Kraft. Some such as the Rooney's brought in minor partners so they could cash out small portions of the team. If you had a strong non NFL business such as oil as it was with Bud Adams you could have the best of everything but you still needed to have good people working for you which Adams never got figured out.
  19. My observation based on those old enough to support families back then (early 1960's) the average annual salary was more along the lines of 2,500-3,500 dollars. 10,000 dollars would have bought a very nice 3,500 plus square foot home. The wacky inflation in homes started during the 1970's in a generally inflationary period. I remember my FIL telling about looking at a sizable home during the early 1960's in Greece that needed a few things for 5,000 dollars. It would have cost another couple of thousand dollars to put it in good shape. I agree with your observation about the Bills in general.
  20. It would be a ballsy move but I don't think they risk letting Barkley slip through their net. Barkley will come in handy for those AFC North games in Nov and Dec.
  21. Agree with those who say that there is not a consensus number one pick out there in terms of QB to get a big ransom for a given QB. Also, that Eli benefitted from the family pedigree without necessarily carrying the burden of proof just about any other QB is subjected to.
  22. We need an interior DL that can stop the run and an OL that will give a pocket QB time to find a target. Maybe somebody like Mills can adapt to whatever scheme we employ next year or Henderson will start to look long lasting but we still lack quality depth at this point. The defense flat out needs a talent infusion.
  23. The Bills were not as good as their record says they were and they need to address several positions. QB's can move on just like the others you cite. We need a team that can stop the run plus give the QB time to find a receiver. A QB less mobile than Taylor would have gotten dumped a lot more this season and we would certainly be in the top 10 in an ugly statistic. Namely QB sacks. Since most here are only concerned with winning the SB it should be noted that Philly did not get Wentz first thing in the jigsaw puzzle that was their SB team. They got most of their other pieces prior to Wentz. The thinking of grabbing a QB before the rest of the team is in place is like buying a horse a week ahead of a blizzard but planning on building the barn to keep the horse in next spring. For a lot of reasons the horse will not be there next spring aka a few seasons into the future.
  24. The only way you sit a top 4 QB is when you have a high quality starter already on your roster such as the Giants with Eli Manning. Not only can most teams not afford to get immediate production out of a top 4 prospect but there is the ego aspect that a QB will not be content most of the time to hold a clipboard 2 or 3 years. Maybe a generation or two ago when that was more the practice to bring a player along slowly but the expectations have been raised in recent times. Today anybody with an ego has an attitude of play me or trade me.
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