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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Honestly, if they use the picks for players versus trade ammo and don't reach on a QB but takes one where a given slot warrants a given player then we should do that or slightly better such as the outcome was this past season. Then if need be with few questions on our roster and a much weaker draft forecast for 2019 then mortgage the farm for the chosen one.
  2. In my mind scouting players is a business of prediction just like being a weather forecaster or commodity broker. There is still a random element to it after all the data has been looked at. Also, in my mind predicting a winner in terms of a NFL prospect is like predicting how many winners are left on the next 100 tickets off a larger spool of tickets. I could buy after others buy the next 20 or 30 because the last winners I saw were 20 or 30 picks apart. I could also using that strategy buy nothing but duds for the next ten until I give up. There is only so much science or data that is meaningful in predicting the future price of oil or corn or the weather two weeks from today but in the end there is the chance for random occurrences to muck it up. The same is true for finding NFL players.
  3. Don't know if NFL player personnel people use them but post game shows and Monday morning NFL columnists used them quite a bit back then. Whether former insiders such as Bobby Beathard (Redskins, Chargers) who transitioned to the sports media tipped them off or just let them guess is anybody's guess.
  4. 300 yard games have been a benchmark to judge QB's just as 100 yard games have been a benchmark for RB's. One could argue that now those standards are obsolete but during the time period being discussed I think that they are good measures. Most of what you have stated is in hindsight. NFL offices do not have that luxury in evaluating players when they make trades or draft selections. OK, so Johnson may have had one regular season start but he was still very productive and NFL FO's across the league got to evaluate him by NFL standards for that game. Again, I would point out that if some of the other Bills' moves had panned out such as with Mike Williams we might have seen a different outcome with Bledsoe. What is the standard for placing a premium? Obviously using first round picks in your mind and to be fair most other fans' minds. But I think the juggling act to find quality players in quantity in a FO setting is anything but that linear in function.
  5. I would estimate the odds as being very likely that this happens especially if the QB's grade out extremely high.
  6. Acquire a QB using a single pick or at the most a very high first coupled with a third or less to maneuver into the top 5. Also, while this was going on Rosen, Darnold, etc had yet to play their senior seasons so they could not be 100 percent sure as to how they would slot out.
  7. Not completely true. Rob Johnson was a low mileage demonstrator (a couple of 300 yard NFL games as a body of work) and Bledsoe for the majority of his career had 300 yard games. Losman and down the line were showroom models that did not have one NFL game on them. Going back to Bledsoe if OL Mike Williams had panned out among other functions to maintain the OL then Bledsoe might have had better protection increasing his performance and lasting in Buffalo a couple seasons longer than he did.
  8. While they no doubt were targeting a QB last year the plan to do it on the cheap which was expecting to finish around 4-12 or 5-11 never happened. Instead of finishing in the top 7 or 8 picks where the cost to go up to 3 would have been less than a number 1 pick most years all of a sudden got way more expensive than originally anticipated.
  9. If the intent was to indicate malaise that is one thing but to say the Bills simply overlooked the position by not using 1st round picks is another. Further, it kind of cherry picks by stopping at 18 years versus going back to 1997 which was the end of the Kelly era. Todd Collins even though not a first was a very highly regarded prospect whose failing was he could not put the team on his shoulders when the occasion called for it. Then we gave up a first I believe when we acquired Rob Johnson from the Jags who in theory should have been entrenched during the first third or more of this 18 year period the author talks about. Then we used another first to acquire Bledsoe from the Patriots with the idea he would have been around and productive for at least half a decade. Then we had Losman where we used a first. Watson does not have his SB ring and Hall of Fame bust just yet.
  10. Well, Elway has had his burdens to carry such as having the teeth from Mr Ed (horse).
  11. DW is responding to a quote by KDiggZ which mentions nothing about the situation of Denver being on the clock when the Jets or Bills call about number 5. Which in turn would preclude the Jets from leaping to 4. When somebody is not carrying a thought down from above it can be taken that the poster is giving an independent thought to the progression. Is a person not allowed to deviate from an OP or previous post? In any event the responses go from KDiggz onward to include my statement. Even if something got missed and it does happen with a wide segment of the posters here it's not like this is a murder case and a missed point means the defendant now goes to the electric chair.
  12. No reason why the Jets could not approach Denver at that point. It's not like the Jets' pick at 6 is spent. They have far more cap room NOW to address a half dozen other positions so they could throw in their second and another high pick from 2019 if the bidding became intense.
  13. If Rosen is the real deal then I think Cleveland after getting Barkley at one offers a package at the Giants to move up to pick two unless the Giants see Rosen as the heir apparent to Manning.
  14. This would not surprise me and would have lessened the volume of draft capital to move up.
  15. Yes, if there was a QB prospect there that the Bills strongly felt good about then they could take one of their seconds and maybe combine it with 2019 second round pick to move up to get him at 32. The risk/reward factor would be in balance here.
  16. Exactly. Any actual NFL scout is not divulging real information to any media person even if that media person was the scout's room mate from college.
  17. The opinions vary but to go to 10 in my mind would require more than our two 2018 first round picks. Going to 15 would require one first and one second. I'm not in favor of a trade up that far but I could live with it. As far as JJ's draft guide and so forth it does not matter as it is all about supply and demand this year.
  18. Yes, a guy needs to be careful where he sticks his sniffer. Maybe this is best continued over on Off the Wall.
  19. Well, BO could be a potential locker room issue. But just in case you were not exposed to the same slang I was exposed to back in the day it simply means that Terry paid no attention whatsoever to Jackson and down the line.
  20. The torch and pitchfork types already have this down as a done deal in regards to taking a QB in the top 5. I guess in their minds Terry did not even sniff Jackson, White, etc..
  21. It would have to be a situation where number of picks trumps quality.
  22. Another "report" on Yahoo has Arizona as a "finalist." Since no other team was listed as a finalist does this mean that Arizona is getting Cousins?
  23. Maybe he was in the neighborhood and had to find a restroom...................................
  24. I don't think that there is a hard Gotham rivalry where the Giants would not listen to a Jets offer. I think that the Jets could minimally outbid any competition to get the Giants' pick. Assuming that the Jets have identified one of the QB's as can't miss.
  25. True enough as we don't have specific quotes assigned to those who would be involved in obtaining Cousins. Really, there is not much in the way of hard information.
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