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Everything posted by RochesterRob

  1. Part of staying with the Pats was Brady sacrificing money so the Pats could sign other players. Then there is the matter if you believe the conspiracy theories about Kraft paying Brady under the table. I want to say that Manning has given up money when he was with the Colts.
  2. Even the 5th overall pick will be expensive. It will still involve a few 1st rounders but less 2nd's and in their place a 3rd or two. Further, Elway can still take the pick off the market if he does not think he is getting good value in a trade. At this point I would say the door is not even cracked open but rather Elway is looking out through the peep hole. Also, nothing has been said as to "We are doing business exclusively with the Bills." If Arizona wants to bid or even if somebody such as Pittsburgh feels their QB is near the end of his career then they will bid. People might scoff at Pittsburgh but they seem to have fewer holes so they can throw more picks into a package to move up.
  3. Kid yourself all you want but underneath all the pleasant "lets build a team" talk a lot of posters will be foaming at the mouth if their team does not make the playoffs within a couple years after their "franchise" QB is drafted.
  4. The article's reader's comments would suggest that the fans of the four teams mentioned are less than thrilled to be in a position where their team might write a monster contract for Cousins.
  5. I am glad somebody is using the word "if" when talking about Mahomes. There has been too much talk about us bypassing Mahomes as though he already accomplished something in the NFL.
  6. Stats like that will be thrown around when the "savior" busts 2-3 years down the road. Some say it is worth the risk to roll the dice but will they be as understanding when things do not work out. The same people banging their fists today will be the first to post threads about how it was a big mistake, how crippled the team will be, and how the FO was incompetent when the new QB fails. I could tolerate the risk better if we were higher in the draft order and the cost AT THE MOST would be two 1st's and a second. Myself and others have noted that the compensation to move up into the top 4 will potentially be double that or even more.
  7. The God's honest truth on that. Quebec would be worse if they were not outnumbered so bad by the English first crowd.
  8. We may need a feature back sooner versus later. How the Bills go about finding that guy is anybody's guess.
  9. It's just an opinion versus a statement from the Giants' FO on the matter. People need to cool off on media personalities spouting opinions.
  10. It's obviously early at this point but the indicators are the 2019 class lacks the quality that the 2018 draft class is projected to have. Solidify the team with picks in other positions. We need depth at RB and McCoy has a lot of mileage on him now.
  11. i agree with most of what you are saying. However, why would Arizona flat out not consider going up to swap with Oakland in your scenario?
  12. Stuff happens and it is never the winter rat vehicle that gets totaled but something you prize and paid dearly for. At least with a vehicle you can be insured but there is not insurance to replace the draft picks used to get a QB.
  13. Dramatic type injury you could point to Joe Theismann. It would be more a matter the a QB gets through a season then fails his physical going into next season.
  14. Too much to give up in a sport where career ending injuries are not unheard of.
  15. Too many over value the 21st and 22nd picks overall that the Bills possess. But in general you are correct in that people refuse to put a price on their proposition or are way under valuing the cost.
  16. Just to be clear is this what you think Cleveland's price will be? 4000 points give or take? It would not surprise me. If the pro's tout the QB's the way many on this board and presumably several other teams' boards then I can see it with little difficulty.
  17. I am only a pain in the rear to those who see it differently than myself. I don't know what to tell you if you can't handle differing opinions than yours in your own thread. The essence of the statement is he will do what is best for the Browns but he is not giving away the store to any other team. Can we at least agree that it is going to take a lot for any top 4 team to part with their pick and not give it away for two picks in the bottom third of round one, a bottom third of the second pick, Glenn, Bruce Smith's sneakers, Thurman Thomas' warming coat, or any other things that amount to trinkets. I don't need a mod as I don't think you deliberately are twisting the statement but just looking at it through Rosen, Darnold, whatever colored glasses. Your last statement is just smart-alecky as though once again you can't handle somebody who looks at it differently than you do.
  18. I still think that the Browns take Barkley number 1 overall and maybe maneuver around in the top 5 for their second selection.
  19. Your title is not congruent with Dorsey's statement. What Dorsey is saying is if somebody wants to pay "stupid money" then ,yes, we will fleece them. Unless somebody wants to offer four number 1's and a couple of 2's and maybe a 7th so we can say we screwed somebody out of a year's worth of picks by volume then we will take our guy. The first sentence in that statement implies Barkley to me.
  20. It does not matter the quantity but the cumulative quality. The Bills' two first round picks are only worth the equivalent of pick 11 or 12 overall. The Giants will be apprehensive in terms of penciling in Glenn as an 8-10 year starter given his foot issues and price him accordingly. Your proposition will not get it done with other teams having an interest in the players the Bills might interested in. If we were the only one moving up and somebody took your deal I would be worried that we graded whoever we got too high or are taking a classic riverboat gambler mentality.
  21. Was not what I was thinking but is a good description of our situation at present.
  22. Or we could build a defense that could realistically get 45 sacks per season and limit opponents to under 100 yards rushing per game. And give us a chance to win games. It won't do any good to switch divisions as the Steelers have held our number for a quarter century and the Browns will come out of their 30 year slumber to sweep us year after year. Heck our long dominance over the Bengals is waning.
  23. If the Dolphins trade up and I have already allowed for that they might then building a stout defense becomes imperative. Just our luck that Brady will play at a high level for a few more years, Dolphins get Rosen, and the Jets sign Cousins. We can look forward to going 1-5 or 0-6 in the division if those unholy stars align and we neglect the defense. I'm trying to remember Batman's line from the 1966 movie about the team up of Joker, Riddler, Penguin, and Catwoman because that is what it will be like.
  24. I doubt any of this year's 1st round QB's will sit still for a "multi-year tear down" where we are sub-.500 all that time. I especially worry about Rosen and wonder how soon he will tire of WNY and the "simple folk" who live here. A few well chosen or poorly chosen words (depends on point of view) by Rosen would force a trade for peanuts after we gave up a king's ransom for him. As to getting into the top 5 without giving up at least 3 first round picks among other capital.... Not going to happen. If the Dolphins or Cardinals want to go up they can do it cheaper in terms of fewer picks. The Dolphin's first round pick alone is probably worth near to equal the Bills' 21 and 22 overall. If Rosen has a high ceiling lots of teams will be kicking the tires on him.
  25. Agree with your post in general. Blair Thomas and Ki-Jana Carter are in the past but my memory is telling me that they did not have great supporting casts where they wound up in the NFL. I still think of the field that you listed Barkley has a lower chance of busting than the others.
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