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Cheektowaga Chad

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Everything posted by Cheektowaga Chad

  1. I saw this as well and wondered what was going on it was especially noticable late fourth and OT
  2. In the beginning of the season I always wondered why Josh Allen looks so defeated while on the sidelines I think it's because he knows this staff will never get the job done
  3. Anyone with a big enough brain to realize the team should be about Josh Allen and complimenting his play vs having him compliment the defense
  4. You ever know someone at your own job/work that is on the outs with management/co workers? It's the same thing in the NFL just at a more public level
  5. It can't get much worse than missing the playoffs with this roster Coaching is holding this team back and it's never been more apparent
  6. The info Albright is getting could be from players or agents I'm sure other coaches/agents have an idea of what jobs could open
  7. If firing him next season during the season is even a thought, do it this off season You can't waste another season on this guy that has no idea how to win games
  8. The defense is garbage and has been for some time The bills having a good defense has been a myth for a long time Not one decent QB is worried about it, in fact many prefer it
  9. Only a ten pt lead is dangerous, Philly is gonna punch one in the end zone soon
  10. The bills best opportunity will be to win the division, need the dolphins to lose 1 of the next 4 then they run into the cowboys ravens and bills With the amount of wins other wild card teams already have coupled with the ease of their schedules and kind of chaos with with QB injuries the bills are too far behind for a wild card unless they win 2 of the next 3 then win out
  11. Bills will have to score to win this one, hopefully we don't see fgs from inside the ten and punts from inside the 40 this game
  12. The best way the bills make the playoffs is through the division hopefully Boyle sparks something for the jets If the phins lose one of the next four(jets x2, Washington, Tennessee) the bills should be in play for the division come week 18 Phins finish with cowboys/ravens/bills
  13. Von miller isn't playing well but he is still getting the attention of the offense He was a key reason the bills got at least one of the sacks yesterday The play I remember is they doubled and sent the rb towards von allowing others one on ones
  14. I don't think it's a coincidence that the game that Allen looked into the game rather than motionless on the bench in between series was also the first game all year he was looking to scramble and pick up yards with his feet Not sure if that was a Dorsey thing or a McDermott thing or both but it's the biggest thing in opening up other plays in this offense
  15. They will eventually elevate him the max times before having to sign him to the active roster to get some reps with the offense but the signing was always about the playoffs where roster limits expand not regular season See how they handled john brown and Cole Beasley last season
  16. Helps with focus more than anything in my experience Also helps "getting up to speed" rather than taking a a minute to figure out the pace of play you're already there
  17. This is a bigger deal if she was actually reporting real news (by real news I mean not sports/interesting side/back stories from players like what there favorite sandwich is) It's not like her sideline gig was what sal capaccio does reporting on injuries and players getting benched and what not Her job was filler content, it's a big ole nothing burger
  18. Stadium lots should open 12/1230 Private lots probably as early as 8am Traffic will start to be bad around the same time stadium lots open
  19. When burrow was initially hurt people joked that they would end up in the top ten in the draft, use tee Higgins and their pick to move up and grab Marvin Harrison jr Be able to run him and chase as wrs
  20. Diggs has played this incredibly professionally in public since the whole "McDermott is very concerned" So if actually wants off the team, they should make moves to do so but I don't think he wants off the team, I think he just wants to win
  21. With an injury report like this at least the offensive players care enough to put forth effort to learn/get familiar with how Joe Brady will do things Usually see an assortment of vets with rest or limited even on walk throughs
  22. If going the college route , gotta at least have experience coaching in the NFL as an assistant Seems like the guys who spent all or near all their time in college fail as head coaches in the NFL
  23. I would like experience as well but want winning experience and that's something likely not available Making the playoffs with trubisky and foles is interesting but Nagy often is seen as the guy that ruined trubisky with how he handled him To me he comes across as another Adam gase - guy who has had success with the best QB in the league then struggles elsewhere What other coaches at the head coach level have failed elsewhere then succeed on the second try? I can only think of belicheck Guy has also coached on the defensive side of the ball early in his coaching career if I remember correctly
  24. His contract isn't near the issue that it's made out to be, as he can and will be a very valuable piece on offense (his contract isn't bad at all, it's not good by any circumstance but bad it's not) I think the Knox hate/dislike all stems from fans seeing Kincaid is better and the coaching staff/Allen not moving towards Kincaid sooner
  25. Likely as most are but the guy has the ravens actually dangerous on offense Big change from the only Lamar scrambles offense they were running
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