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Cheektowaga Chad

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Everything posted by Cheektowaga Chad

  1. So third straight slow start, when does it become that this isnt a slow start and it's just who they are?
  2. I've seen this bills team before, it's usually against Jacksonville though
  3. Now that I can check the Allen Will force his way out of buffalo because of daboll off my bingo card, I'll patiently wait until an early retirement thread is started
  4. If they are gonna keep rolling with Allen in shotgun they need to start having him run because that's what makes the shot gun formation dangerous with Allen If not put him under center A LOT more
  5. I'm glad daboll isn't the bills head coach because I don't think he is a very good one judging by the way he coached Sunday night In game coaching cost the giants a win Sunday
  6. This is probably the most likely aspect of any ill will on McDermott's side It's often not a good idea to try and raid the staff of the job you're leaving to fill your own staff at a new job It's one thing to take one or even two guys with you but wouldn't shock me with the gm being from buffalo if they went hard after all the guys still staffed in buffalo
  7. The video you don't see the head on angle and can't gauge McDermott's face or how long he also held his hand out
  8. Great point Super bowl contenders don't have 3 "wake up call" kind of games through 6 games
  9. The daboll pass on 3rd and 1 near the ten yards line then proceed to kick a FG to go up 9-7 was the ball game instead of going for it on fourth Worst case you don't pick the first down up and force the bills to go 90 yards for a TD and if they do you're still down one score best case you end up forcing a punt and only need a FG to win
  10. I think Elam is kind of a read for opposing teams at the moment. Taylor seemed to look see who Elam was covering and then identify potential blitzers, if the blitzers came he'd go to the guy Elam was covering knowing he is for sure man to man coverage where usually the bills mix coverage between corners who does man and who has help when tre had been healthy in that same situation
  11. Good point it very well could have been but feel Knox would have been closer to the first down marker to be a potential blocker
  12. Gotta get Allen to start reading defenses and play calls correctly again because he is struggling Example that 3rd down at the end of the game, the read needs to be after the play fake check if Knox is open and if he is let it rip in rhythm and on time. If he is covered run, try to get the first but stay in bounds is the top priority How Josh Allen read it, run first see he can't get the first then he came back to a wide open Knox. Problem was by the time got to Knox the ball is now late and off schedule, resulting in a poor throw and a tougher than needed catch to be made by a guy who doesn't have the greatest hands to begin with
  13. He also seemed to get picked on whenever the bills sent a blitz with six or seven rushers that didn't get home
  14. I feel you can tell how Josh is about to play in a game based on how he looks/eyes on the sidelines
  15. Didn't hate the screen call....... It was a piss poor throw
  16. The bills should trade Josh Allen, and go with Matt Barkley or even Kyle Allen With what they could get from trading Allen they could really build up the offensive line and get another wr to upgrade from Davis and even a actual rb. The offense would be impeccable
  17. It's depressing to think about The defense is night and day
  18. Also tackling is usually a huge thing on special teams, especially the position Elam would likely play needs to be a very sure tackler I'll stand by my previous thoughts that Elam is just a numbers game and lack of position flexibility puts him down on the game day active list
  19. Wonder if the bills will go to 3 safeties and use Hyde rapp and neal Then actually blitz for the first time this season
  20. Against Miami, it seems like the bills get week one Josh Allen. Seems like he doesn't take them as serious or just wants big plays and gets bored Miami scoring 70 last week might have been a reason for allen to lock in this coming week
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