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Kwai San

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Everything posted by Kwai San

  1. Roll Peterpick out there for the 1st half this week - switch up to the wildcat for the rest of the game, next game start the wildcat for the 1st 1/2 then roll Peterpick out there to mop up.....lather rinse repeat......end of season 2-14.....picking in top 3 for sure......
  2. Oh yes - BY ALL FRICKING MEANS lets throw him out there to get massacred. Yes I know I know - we have a "decent" O-Line.....ya right. We have "OK" receivers! Ya right. For the love of all things holy leave this kid on the bench and let him live. Oh sure ship him out there and TOTALLY destroy him ala David Carr - we all know how well that worked out no? I understand in theory why fans want his butt out there - but bottom line they aren't the ones who are standing there in the pocket facing - uh oh, missed my guy - look out Josh! This kid is gonna get killed.....look at what happened to a season vet! He is now in the crapper......oh sure lets do it again - why not huh? Hose the kid.....eff him.... SMFH at some of you supposed fans here......
  3. Peterpick! Peterpick!! Peterpick!!! ***** it's not just him.......ya he only has 4 picks but he leads the overall over the last 2 years in picks - he influences the others into throwing picks! It is HIM! Him and CLAPPY McCLAPPER! Oi !! - what an effing mess this Bills are right now!!!
  4. I would give up a 6th round pick......Chucky would take it too.....
  5. All yours as I stole it from someone on here too!?
  6. Hmmmm totally forgot about that......still then. The Bills "braintrust" must have KNOWN the O-Line was gonna blow huge chunks then.....well they were spot on for that prediction... Two QB's have gone down to this O-Line.....not one but 2. A rook - kinda understandable and a vet who frankly should know better. Bottom line - How many does it take to realize this O-Line BLOWS HUGE CHUNKS!!!
  7. Not for nothing but what in the heck happened to AJ? I thought he was going to be able to do more than get traded off. BEFORE the season started. I still can not figger that one out. What the HECK happened?????
  8. This - RIGHT here.....Weo nails this down. Peterpick would in NO WAY in anyones alternative universe have 3 TD's right now.....just not happening.....
  9. Careful now - I was admonished by 2 VERY SUPERIOR posters here that the O-Line was just well and fine......WELL AND FINE......let that sink in!!
  10. RIP Z.....man Peter King just lost his best friend. Back when Simmons was in his prime and he cared about the NFL he could crank out some good stuff...not Z stuff but good stuff.....like another has already said - before the internet he was the man. RIP....
  11. I dunno dude - I don't wanna rain on your parade but Peterpick IS starting and there is NO forfeiting in the NFL......just saying...
  12. Is that you Nate???? Get off the computer and study your playbook dammit!!!!
  13. Dude - you are a better man than me. If I never ever saw Peterpick play another game again - it would be a good thing. IMHO there is no redemption, cuz there are no receivers, no O-Line to give time to throw to the non existent receivers, the running game blows chunks. College plays are being tried to make this offense gain yards. Imagine for a moment. Just imagine. You are a professional football player, for a number of years, you have laid your body on the line constantly and YOU are standing on the sidelines watching the wildcat being run again and again and again.......would you not throw up in your mouth and say WTF!!!!! Sadly - here are your 2018 Buffalo Bills!
  14. Not that I want you to be wrong but please enlighten me as to your logic.......Bart Starr is starting? Jim Kelly perhaps? Maybe Chad......WTF is going to start dude?!??!?!
  15. Wow....all blue uni's. We are supposed to be impressed with this no? Color me not impressed. Peterpick is playing, not only playing but STARTING - for the life of me I would rather start whoever it is they just signed....my gawd, this is embarrassing, just pitiful. I knew it was going to be bad but to trot Peterpick out there yet again?!?!?!?!? Hopefully there will be an admission after the game that Peterpick is indeed Clappy McClapper's lovechild and he will be cut......doubt it but hey! Peterpick is starting again.....ANYTHING can happen!! Normally I am not this negative - I read the above and thot to myself what a sad sorry man you are Kwai, yes why yes I am right now......this season can not be over soon enough. Another L so the Bills inch closer to an even better DRAFT pick not PETERPICK next year......oi !!!!
  16. So you watched like 2 games so far this year is what you are saying........ All or nothing.....gotta love it.
  17. DUDE - you still didn't describe sheet Tierod couldn't muster 20 points many games......you had many others carrying your water for you. DUDE. GTFU
  18. Nah something led to the RI thing....we agree to disagree. No way in HELL are you going to sell me Glass Goodwin......NO WAY. He was NOT all in on Football...at all. Sammy maybe and Woods all day everyday I would want him.......sad to watch this go into the toilet and become Carolina north.....but the Bills O was far from freaking competent - FAR from that. Yeah they had some flash in the pan moments and what not but no way even with Woods and Watkins would they be deemed competent.
  19. Ya but SOMETHING lead the FO to initiate that pay cut.....and then? Well nuff said about RI.....a time bomb that was waiting.... I will give the Woods situation the benefit of the doubt......Glass Goodwin and Sammy I want The Ball Watkins on his second team no less I say good riddance - besides NEITHER of those three saw a snap last season.......so again I await with bated breath what this competent offense was..... @dbilz2500?????? Or anyone else for that matter?
  20. Wait a sec! A competent offense.....describe said competent offense once Wood left due to injury and Richie left to join the CIA? Which the Bills had NO control over......enlighten us dude - we await your wisdom of said competent offense. And PLEASE spare us the TT ramblings.....dude couldn't even hold his job for 2 games in Cleveland. We await you...
  21. I am partial to those Spicy Tostadas.....had 2 yesterday.......well actually at 2am today....AND a Frito Burrito...
  22. And he did - BUT he kept his SHEET together and managed to get kicked off his HS team, his College team and his NFL team.....sheesh dude. NO WAY you are that dense.
  23. Don't you think Uncle Jim has more pressing problems in life rather than being a full time babysitter to some disaffected millennial???
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