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Everything posted by noacls

  1. I dont like that either Not at all. Did not get what was being said. I do not like when people bring that up.
  2. Joe B! That's so cute and hilarious. Guy is a hack that does not know his ass from a hole in the ground.
  3. Careful, you are about to be attacked by the rose colored glasses fans. You are not allowed to say anything bad about Hughes. However I agree, probably most overrated player on Bills besides Edmunds.
  4. The "extremely good defense" is 28 in redzone defense. Their rankings are inflated because the horrible teams they played.
  5. Anyone know why Marlowe has been playing as much as he has?
  6. All of the lb positions are worrisome. Also there is no depth whatsoever. Sanders big td run milano and edmunds got creamed
  7. Both milano and edmunds got buried on the sanders td run.
  8. Patterson has another big year again next year bet he declares for draft. Which is great for him and UB.
  9. Not as bad as I thought it would be. Still pricey though. Have a great time man!
  10. How pricey are those compared to the Ralph?
  11. Will be out of the league in 2 years. Horrible pick. Could of had JuJu
  12. Very good it is in south buffalo. Also bocce club is really good
  13. Beside Croom someone else must be going to IR/PUP. They have to be signing another CB
  14. Lawrence can not come out for another year. He is only a true sophomore.
  15. Who will be starter now? Do they go with Singletary? Need your opinions my draft is Tuesday.
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