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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. I think you're probably right, as far as McD's thinking goes. But I would counter with a question, isn't it a problem that Addison was the leader in sacks last year with just 5? And isn't the lack of production from the top DE's the reason you went out and got Groot, Boogie, Obada and have focused on developing AJ? It's a luxury issue in a sense. But only because we don't have 6 solid cb's to keep. I really wish Levi was cb 4. But we don't have someone better than him at cb 2. I think lack of cb depth is going to hurt more than lack of pass rush this year.
  2. I could see going 5 LB's and keeping Obada. Trying to get Dodson to the practice squad. If I'm being honest though, I really don't see the upside in keeping Addison over Obada. Does Addison really have much left in the tank?
  3. I am really liking Boogie. I kind of hope they don't make him try to lose 25 lbs. I feel like the d-line is a lot stouter with him setting at edge at 285 or whatever he's at now. He's like a Cam Jordan power rusher. And as you noted he has that 4.6 speed for a big man.
  4. Oh yeah, for sure. But it was like for years and years before Rex too. McD had to work his butt off to change a bunch of bad habits.
  5. I don't blame McD at all. I'd have to search to dig it up, but there were some in depth articles about how the Pats have a long standing practice of mining AFC East media for intel to gain comptative advantages. And how the Bills had been one of the worst teams in the league at giving away key information during media sessions.
  6. I love the fact that the NFL has added small full frame cameras to their broadcasts. They have much shallower depth of field than the dinosaur broadcast cams used in regular live tv. That allows the background to be thrown out of focus, instead of having the entire image in focus. From what I've seen, they are not actually 8k cameras. I've seen people say on here that the NFL is doing the "Madden Effect". It's the opposite actually, Madden has been emulating the large sensor "cinematic" look with shallow depth of field in there animations... They both looks really cool.
  7. Fromm has more upside than Webb. If he gets a chance to develop, he could be a top tier backup. Webb's a career clip board guy. That might be more valuable to the Bills in the shirt term.
  8. On the cusp, I said you gave up when they where on the cusp of drafting Allen. In the grand scheme of life long Bills fandom, a few seasons is merely a blink of an eye.
  9. You lived and died with the Bills for all those years, thought the entire draught, and then you gave up on the team just on the cusp of greatness after they draft one of the most electric players in all of sports? Remind me why I should ask you for advice investing again?
  10. https://www.instagram.com/p/CS9jW4LtonT/?utm_medium=copy_link
  11. Yeah, I all of a sudden can't make a freaking tackle. My defensive play sucks this year. My guys just fly past the ball carriers and fall on their face when I would have stuffed them last year.
  12. I watched the first half of the Bears game thinking they have to start Justin Fields at qb for the sake of the team. After watching the second half, I realized they have to start Andy Dalton for the sake of Justin Fields... He needs time to develop or else he's going to get killed.
  13. Groot didn't see the field. And he has a crappy rating... We shall see what the real season brings.
  14. How many Americans have been evacuated and how many are still trying to get out? How many of our Afghan partners are still trying to get out? This is crucial information. The public may or may not have a need to know at this point, but we must certainly need to know soon after the evacuation period is over.
  15. Sims has some game experience, and play maker ability. If we can get him to the the PS he probably has the talent to be the first wr to get called up.
  16. I'd be surprised if it kept him out of the opener...
  17. He's got some big time plays under his belt. But also has had some muffed kickoffs and fumbled punts. Seems like a similar gadget, slot wr as Lil Dirty. But I hope McKenzie is ok.
  18. Can Poyer and Hyde just take it out on the other team for the rest of camp? Jesus.
  19. It's only existed since 2007, 14 years.
  20. I actually clicked on this thread to say that if Biden doesn't extend the deadline past 8/31, and pulls out all US troops without all Americans evacuated, he need to be impeached... But I got sucked into the student loan Convo.
  21. There are Income Based Repayment plans. The borrower pays 10% of their monthly income after subtracting the poverty line. These plans usually bring the monthly payment way under the standard repayment amount, and they have forgiveness built into them. All principal and interest is forgiven after 20 years of payments working in the private sector. Or after 10 years in a not-for-profit / government / education job. But the payments need to be certified yearly or they don't count. Hundreds of thousands of borrowers recently discovered that the last 10 years of payments towards their forgiveness plan don't count bc they didn't get the right paper work in each year.
  22. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this team is forging its own identity, one in which all Bills teams past and present may end up being compared to.
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