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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. Lol! Why not build it at the Apple Tree mall and throw in $1 movies!
  2. Yeah, I confused the total amount of the loan the stadium authority took out with something else I was reading... The main reason the 9ers wanted the stadium authority to own Levi Stadium was so that it would have no property taxes assessed. Just reading a little more in their recent financial records, the city has lost 8 mil over the last 3 years. They blame the 9ers for booking large scale non-NFL events that lost considerable monies for the lost revenue...
  3. Santa Clara paid like 150M of the cost for Levi Stadium. They own it, and charge the 49ers 25M per year on a 30 year lease... That's called profit.
  4. It looks like the only other QB is Jeff Driskel who they signed a week ago. Watson will not be active.
  5. Do the Texans even have a backup QB behind Mills?
  6. Not a bad idea and it also gets Johnson and Hamlin some more game experience.
  7. I'm concerned that it took him 3 games to be the best player in the league this season. And if you aren't concerned, well:
  8. That's where I'm at. His performance doesn't warrant the resources to be made the 2nd highest paid player on the defence. Is he even top half? above who: 1. Tre 2. Milano 3. Hyde 4. Poyer 5. Oliver 6. Jerry
  9. His footwork in the pocket seemed incredible yesterday. Whereas it seemed sloppy at times in the first two games.
  10. E. Super Bowl winning Qb's like Tom Brady have never played like crap in early Sept / Oct. And if they had, that would prove they were unable to ever win the Super Bowl.
  11. I was at the game but didn't have great seats. Kind of hard to see everything. What happened? Did we finally cut Allen?
  12. Right now there's no wait at Gate 2 on the Big Tree side of the stadium. It's says Club and Suites entrance. But that's only a small part.... A mile long line at the other gates.
  13. That's the nature of a fractional reserve system where the major banking institutions who comprise the Federal Reserve are granted the authority to lend money that doesn't exist at interest. Not only is there always more debt than money, but the amount of debt in the system increases exponentially. If the debt stops increasing exponentially, lending ends. If lending ends, the banks that comprise the Federal Reserve stop making profit... The only tenable solution that would allow for this system to remain solvent is a massive debt abolishment. Won't happen. So either debt continues to increase exponentially, or lending grinds to a halt and no one can buy a home or run a business. The hard money, increase interest rates guy's missed the Nixon administration dismantling of FDR's Breton Woods regulations and the consequences of unleasing a digital fiat currency. How do you put that genie back in a bottle?
  14. The right play there is pump fake to McKenzie and cash in the TD to Sanders. Here's what I don't get, the need to look at a bad play or a bad game and define Allen's future by it. I don't want the Bills to lose many more games this year, but regression to start the season is neither determinative of the future nor necessarily a bad thing. Regression can be the motivating factor to grow beyond where a player was before. This whole "you are what you are" fallacy is some crap that Dennis Green screamed about after blowing a game badly. You are what you do, and what you do in the future is not defined by the past.
  15. I liked Matt Milan's take during the Dolphins game where he said the last part of Allen's game that he needs to develop is the Manning level ability to read the field pre and post snap. I think its still early enough in his career where he has to go through rules in his head to know where to go with the ball. And Pittsburgh started throwing new schemes at him to throw him off of his rules. And when he needs to take more time to process, his proper throwing mechanics are off. Which explains a lot of the inaccurate throws. With time and experience he'll get better at seeing the field intuitively, and as a result will be able to make faster decisions and utilize his proper throwing mechanics more consistently.
  16. It seems like they try to establish their game no matter what the D is doing. And only if it doesn't work do then then adjust to take what's being given.
  17. McAfee would be a great host / play by play guy redirecting them to what's happening in the game while also providing hilarious commentary when the game's dull.
  18. Are you not at all concerned that certain posters are concerned and demand that everyone be concerned about the concerns they are concerned everyone be concerned about? Here's what I picture the concerned looking like as they stew in their concerns.
  19. No bro, Josh is doomed and will be selling used cars for Fuccillo by this time next year! As a result the Bills will head to Austin because of Allen's guaranteed money. But before they go, Terry's plane will crash into a power station and cause a permanent electrical outage on the Eastern seaboard that will usher in a new dark age and the end of western civilization.
  20. There is a world of difference between constructive criticism and the pervasive negativism that many Bills fans emotive during games that aren't flawless. Most of us love talking football, and have no problem taking about how Allen, the run game, the D can play better. Strategy, mechanics, the mental side of the game. Let's talk about it! It's the emoting of self-hatred and prognosis of doom that's is annoying as *****. Please talk football. It will distract from the people demanding that the franchise is doomed and failure is certain.
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