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Everything posted by cgg716

  1. It would be another move that signaled they think we are in 1993
  2. I’m saying they focused on offense so they didn’t have to pay 2 guys 20 mil in a super bowl window. We didn’t, so now, if we want a super bowl we have to pay that
  3. Chase and Higgins. Kelce and Hill. They have to be 20m guys NOW, because we didn't focus on offense while the teams we are chasing did. We thought a DL rotation would bring a ring. Now we should pay for that error
  4. The other problem is that these coaches would likely bench that draft pick to start
  5. Since we’ve drafted Allen. We’ve used a 1st round pick on an LB, 2 on the DL. And one on a CB. 4 out of 5. As well as two more DLs with 2nd rounders. And an absurd amount for Miller. KC and Cinci don’t need to add to the Defense. And I’ll take Dhop over some rotation DL
  6. A 2nd and 3rd would just be the price we have to pay for the absurd resources we spent on D. Gotta do it
  7. I just wanna say that this sounds hyperbolic but you're still more right than not. We've criminally under invested in an all time QB talent, because our coaching and front office philosophy is stuck in 1993. You have to lose assets now to atone for that error. This is the championship window. Even 2 years from now, no Diggs or Davis probably. Go win now
  8. The team missed Daboll. Even in the most generous renfrow assesement, he’d be meaningless now
  9. He's not that, we're trying to catch teams like KC and Cinci, they wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole. Need to get faster a and more dynamic. This doesn't even remotely accomplish that
  10. He had one good year, team doesn't need another Beasley, and even that's generous. Needs a difference maker
  11. Hopkins had 64 catches in 9 games with a garbage QB and Coach. Ande he's only 30, great 2-3 year move. People saying he's washed up are nuts. Renfrow, stop
  12. Easy decision. Defense doesn’t win, and we’ve already spent far too much cap on it. Cya
  13. It's just odd to me, because it seems so obvious, and people are still defending Fraiser. He plays a style of defense, popularized 20 years ago, before 3 WR sets were even common, without even talking about quick passing and jet motion. Game passed him.by, just like many before him.... Wish him well and enjoy that we've taken step one towards trying to win it all
  14. Performed poorly more than 2/7 and fell flat on its face multiple times in the regular season as well
  15. No, it's not designed for HIM, but it is very much designed for fans of the sport, just not HIM
  16. If that's the complaint he's like 30 years late. It's not gatekeeping to simply mention that a type of entertainment may not be designed for him, or myself for that matter. That's preposterous
  17. You couldn't possibly sound any older in this post. Not everything is made for us and that's ok
  18. People will always complain though on either side of the result, so the perception you make reinforces itself. If that's not called, and PHI puts together a drive, it's the same song
  19. People complaining about politics have never watched sports it seems, but I’ll leave that there because officiating complainers are worse. Philly got several key calls, gave away 7 free points and the defense and ST was trash after half time, but it’s the refs, just stop
  20. He's been throughly outclassed as a coach by more than just Cin and KC though... or worse been bafflingly unprepared multiple times a season, cost us games and seeding
  21. Just watch the league, it's about offense, this Tampa 2, out of touch, but nice guy ain't cutting it. And it's not unprecedented. See Dungy/Gruden Fox/Kubiak.
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