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Everything posted by RiotAct

  1. You science denier!!!! In other news.....
  2. too many obstructionist Republicans in Congress back then.
  3. there’s no way the NYT would run a balanced headline free of coy digs at Trump like that. It has to be fake, right???
  4. why isn’t DeBlahsio on the phone with Trump asking for federal troops in NYC right now???
  5. according to the WKBW article, yea
  6. yikes. Also, given that Yousef guy’s little comment, the post should be flagged by Twitter as “inciting violence” pretty quickly, no?
  7. someone on facebook said that a police officer got run over on Bailey? Can anyone confirm?
  8. are the protesters social distancing today?
  9. Trump should be out there with a baton and some pepper spray!!!!!!
  10. Several of my fb friends are trying to normalize this behavior... makes me sick, quite frankly.
  11. Germ-ridden subways and apartment buildings, plus race riots on top of that. What’s not to love?
  12. that cop should have checked his privilege at the door
  13. just let them trash every building in the major U.S. cities, they deserve it, *****!!!!
  14. just saw this on facebook... might be one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read: ”Anyone who is putting energy into crying “the riots aren’t the right response!” is frankly less important than those who are pouring all of their energy into fighting racism in this country. I don’t really care how you feel about the appropriateness of rioting. Black men like George Floyd are being murdered in the streets every day. That’s all that matters and nothing else. So please just shut the ***** up and let the tired, beaten down, and oppressed people have their voices be heard right now”
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