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Everything posted by RiotAct

  1. in all seriousness — come on dude. Not cool
  2. Yes, I believe they would.
  3. let’s analyze it even harder than the Zapruder film! I don’t like what I’m seeing in frame #216, guys…
  4. likely just one — Sneed is going to play
  5. Davis? Did we sign someone off the street?
  6. praying Taron can go as well. Even just having Douglas and Dodson back would be a boost.
  7. the aftermarket ticket prices for this game seem to be easing a bit. I’m surprised… Divisional Round, the hated Chiefs at home finally, seems like it’s going to be good weather relatively, and the Taylor Swift effect.
  8. lol, that is basically the perfect response to that news.
  9. if we hold KC (with Pacheco this time, and what I believe is a fully healthy offense) to 10 points they should begin erecting a statue of McDermott outside Gate 3 the next day.
  10. a ton of people likely either streamed the Miami-KC game illegally or just said “F it” and didn’t watch at all.
  11. All about those defensive injuries. If we find a way to win this game I’ll be thrilled. Not just because we finally slayed the Chiefs in the postseason, but also because it’ll be yet another game where we overcame the odds on that side of the ball. (Seriously, what is going on with the injuries to our D?!?)
  12. you know, I’ve always liked DeShon Elliott.
  13. Not sure if it’s been mentioned yet, but this might just be a “schtick” by him. An act, so to speak.
  14. He sounds so thrilled while reading it! Poor guy
  15. This de-leveraging maneuver by Audacy Corporation brought to you by Naturally Nude Pajamas! Naturally Nude, the gift she is sure to love.
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