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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. I’m sure it’s a generational thing with the OJ vs. Bruce. I grew up watching Bruce and although he was amazing it’s got to be OJ. The Bills were running, everyone knew they were running, and OJ still got 2,000 yards in 14 games. If anything close to that happened now it would be all anyone could talk about. And I wonder if Talley didn’t get Bruce into shape and take the game seriously if Bruce would have fizzled out. Woulda, coulda. Doesn’t change OJ’s significance. Also, Bruce was on an all-star team at the time. If you watched the pro-bowl back then every other helmet was Bills. OJ benefitted from talent around him, so did Bruce.
  2. Want a fan of Wright, that’s silly. Dude was huge for us when Gaines was out. Im still bummed about letting him go.
  3. I get what op is trying to do but no trades is supremely unrealistic these days. Its a new nfl.
  4. Since the Broncos will most likely go qb the Colts will most definitely take Bradley Chubb. I know what you’re going to say, the Giants already took him. Nope, look at the first page again... “2 - Giants - Bradley Chubbs” *edit* thanks for ruining my joke Virgil!
  5. Guess we’ll find out with a real qb throwing to him. I bet I’m right.
  6. Injured, and had Tyrod not throwing him the ball. Hard to fault him.
  7. I’m actually bummed about this. I think he could have been a real weapon with an actual qb passion to him. He’ll be a third down convertin’ machine. Guess we’ll find out for sure now.
  8. Musta quoted the wrong dude, sorry broseph. They had 1 and 4. What did you think was going to happen? Dont really agree with Mayfield over Darnold but you really didn’t get how Mayfield could still be there at 4?
  9. Just the fact that anyone is bummed proved you probably made the right choice.
  10. I’ll always have a small place in my heart for this cat. Without him him we wouldn’t have gone to the playoffs, no way were we carrying three true qbs and we needed him for the snow game.
  11. Holy smokes! You made this thread without a warning?! Next time give us a little heads up! *Hot take ALERT!!!*
  12. No trades, guy. To even suggest that you know what the Browns will do is the silliest thing I ever heard. This is the team that every scout told NOT to pick Manziel and the owner stepped in and said to pick him anyway. Upset its not falling the way you expected? Welcome to being a GM in the NFL draft.
  13. Was this carefully crafted to make me hate you to pieces or was that just a happy coincidence?
  14. You’ve never given my football knowledge the respect it deserved. No, btw, my buddy is a 9ers fan and he’s bummed that’s who they think they’ll take. I dont agree with him, i think it would be an excellent nab for them.
  15. That doesn’t seem like the kind of guy you go up and get in a fist fight with.
  16. Yeah, I’d agree with that. I guess I was commenting more on football in general but I looked back and see how my last add to the post kind of made it a world issue.
  17. It’s new in regards to football. Back in the 90’s no one knew or cared what these guys were doing outside of playing on sundays. It was entertainment, they were players. It wasn’t life, we didn’t have 24/7 access to them and we didn’t want it. People are so outraged when a dude tweets or texts “why?” unbelievable. If people knew what the 90’s super bowl Bills were up to they might pass out.
  18. Man, I can’t believe how many people have problems with literally everything these days. You really want the qb of your football team to be a quite little dink that doesn’t stand up for himself or god forbid show a little angst ala Mayfield? It’s total grossville what’s happening to the world.
  19. Detroit? Man, if you’re going to do this it’s gotta be believable at least. Not a good prank, bro.
  20. Don’t you dare. That was funny! Do you you know who I am? Have you seen my PPP?
  21. I mean, he doesn’t even want his football team to take a chance in the draft, do you really think he’s taken any shots in life? If there’s one thing I can tell about op it’s that he’s right, he’ll never have the million or the beach house.
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