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Victory Formation

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Everything posted by Victory Formation

  1. Kind of goes to show you that Buffalo isn't necessarily the place where people's career's go to die, Buffalo is what you make it to be.
  2. Great decision. Could potentially change my opinion of him.
  3. Could be. My opinion could be completely wrong and I own that. I'm just a draft junkie. CBS has Rudolph rated as their 13th best player ahead of Darnold and Rosen. https://mweb.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/prospect-rankings
  4. Most colleges are not running a pro offense, it makes evaluation difficult but that's just the way it is. It doesn't mean we should disregard every QB that ran a spread offense.
  5. But if Allen went to a big school, would you be talking about how the talent around him inflated his numbers? It's not fair to say Rudolph dominated because he played for a big program and then pin Allen's lack of success solely on the fact that he played for a small program. Don't you see the irony there?
  6. Rudolph played much bigger schools and put up much better numbers. Once again, even if Allen wasn't surrounded with the best talent, he wasn't exactly playing big schools. I find it ironic how you criticize Rudolph because he put up big numbers with a talented roster around him yet you give Allen a pass because he had no talent around him. So what we know is, Allen couldn't dominate with a less talented roster but he could possibly be more productive with a more talented roster. So how does that make him any better than Rudolph? Truth is, we don't even know if Allen would be better with a talented roster around him.
  7. But we're talking about a guy who threw 13 TDs and 12 INTs last year. Sure, I guess he can become the next Big Ben and btw, I play guitar, there is a chance I can become the next Jimmy Page. That's right. If we wait for a generational talent, we may never find our QB. I could raise my standards bang only supermodels, problem is, I'd never get laid.
  8. Trent Dilfer won a SB, Joe Flacco, Eli Manning, Brad freaking Johnson. Tons of slightly above average QBs have won. Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Ben Roethlisberger type QBs don't grow on trees. I think if those are your standards, you're never going to be happy. I'd kill to have Andy Dalton or the Kansas City version of Alex Smith type QB here. You can win a ring with a slightly above average, solid type QB.
  9. Rudolph reminds me of an Andy Dalton or Alex Smith type QB for sure but he could be better or worse. Allen I think has a really good chance of flaming out. Should have taken Mahomes last year, that was my guy but here we are now. With Rudolph, I think we could be in the playoffs. I'm not saying Allen will bust but I think the riskiest prospect, too risky for me. I do. I think Rudolph is safer than Mayfield, Jackson and Allen.
  10. Thing with Allen, you see this massive QB with a big arm that is physically imposing and you're getting caught up in his potential, potential that he may never reach nor shown and I think any time you draft based off of potential, you're much more likely to get burned. Rudolph doesn't have the arm Allen has, he can't run and gun like Allen does but he is a more cerebral QB than Allen is. Sure there are missed throws, sure he may never be a top 10 QB, he may likely be an Andy Dalton type QB but I'll take it because although his ceiling isn't as high, his floor is much much higher than Allen's. I was initially high on Allen but the more I learn about him, the more I want to run away. It's still so early, I don't know where I'd rank everyone right now.
  11. They do mean something. Andy Dalton, Carson Wentz and Big Ben dominated while playing for smaller schools, Josh Allen hasn't done that, sorry but that's a huge red flag to me. Josh Allen is the riskiest QB prospect in the draft.
  12. Fair enough but I can't see how you can justify Allen over Rudolph. Big arm isn't everything, good QBs make everyone around them better and carry their team on their back, Allen did not do that. I will admit, he has Big Ben moments but his production scares the living daylights out of me.
  13. Rudolph makes routine plays that Allen doesn't, that's my fear with Allen. Sure, he has a cannon and can bomb it down field but Rudolph can thread the needle in the endzone and milk the short and intermediate routes with ease. I just think Rudolph is the smarter player. I meant as a passer.
  14. We're not going to get a bulletproof prospect unless we package both 1sts and go after Rosen or Darnold. Your boy Allen threw 13 TDs and 12 INTs last year, where's your concern there? Baker is too short, Lamar is more of a runner and on and on we go. I can pick holes in any prospect, Brady was benched for Drew Henson! Every single prospect in this draft can be torn apart, even Rosen and Darnold. Rudolph has a pretty good arm and he can read defenses, I think he translates to the NFL, reminds me of Alex Smith.
  15. If we steamroll the Pats all the way to the playoffs it would be a storybook ending, Steven Spielberg couldn't write a better script. I know our odds aren't the greatest but no true fan should ever root for a loss. Hope Tredavious intercepts Brady again.
  16. The NFL needs to focus on player safety, the fine was not big enough IMO. 100k? That's it? The future of the game depends on protecting the players as much as possible, not to mention protecting the players is the right thing to do. Nobody wants to see players struggling with dementia and remembering their own names when they're 50. It's a violent game but the NFL clearly doesn't give a **** about player safety. You look at what happened with Gronk, a 1 game suspension? Not to mention the lengthy list of players that we're only suspended for 1 game after deliberate cheap shots. The NFL doesn't give a rats ass about it's employees.
  17. Some of those throws are retarded. You don't see too many successful 6'6+ QBs though. Seems like the ideal range is 6'2-6'5. Why that is? I don't know. Could be the next Flacco or the next Mike Glennon.
  18. It's between Rudolph and Allen for me personally, I think Rudolph has the lower floor but Allen has the higher ceiling.
  19. Pocket QB, takes care of the football, has had a pretty respectable career in Kansas City. Worked with Andy Reid who I admire as a coach. Why not?
  20. I knew Kirk Cousins was going to be good coming out of college but I don't think he is worth what he'll get. My concern is paying top 5 money to a guy that can't carry a franchise on his back. Alex Smith to a 2-3 year deal and Rudolph or Allen on the bench would make our QB situation better than it's ever been since Kelly/Reich.
  21. I like him. I'd prefer Rudolph but Allen shows flashes of Big Ben, a comparison I made a week before this article was posted. I think between Rudolph and Allen, if given the opportunity would solve our QB issue for the next 10 years. This is a great year to take a QB, I'd be thoroughly disappointed if we passed on Rudolph or Allen.
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